Why are there no Jehovah's witnesses in heaven?
Because God and Saint Peter are behind the gates saying, "Sssshhhhhh! pretend we are not in!!"
why are there no jehovah's witnesses in heaven?.
because god and saint peter are behind the gates saying, "sssshhhhhh!
pretend we are not in!!
Why are there no Jehovah's witnesses in heaven?
Because God and Saint Peter are behind the gates saying, "Sssshhhhhh! pretend we are not in!!"
... and it bumped into a concrete wall.
you know what he said?.
... and it bumped into a concrete wall.
you know what he said?.
Why was the blonde standing in the kitchen staring at the orange juice for over two hours?
Because it said "CONCENTRATE" on the label.
today as i had the old timey music playing and the song love potion no.
9 came on, i remembered being reproved by a brother at a get together when i sang along to that same song.
oh that song is spiritistic, blah blah.
Anybody ever wonder what would happen if you were to go back to the meetings and start singing "Rockin' At The Kingdom Hall" by Van Morrison?
Would a JW be reprimanded for doing that?
... and it bumped into a concrete wall.
you know what he said?.
That is sick!!! You know any other good'uns??
when the rnwt was released, we were invited to go to the local assembly hall.. there was a sister right next to me and she started bragging that it was her 8th year in an annual meeting.
(typical thing, all spiritual).
when was time to sing, i listened to her beautiful voice.
Something similar, many, many years ago. Back in the '70's when I was in my 20's. I was at at an assembly in Ft. Worth, TX. My friend was with me, he was kind of a "goof". Well, so was I actually.
Anyway, my friend came into the auditorium late, everyone was already singing the opening song. I think it was song number 65 or something like that. My friend says, "What song are we singing?"
My friend did not have a good singing voice. In fact, it was terrible, and he sang LOUD!
So, I started to tell him we were singing song number 65 when, all of a sudden, a voice in my head told me to tell him we were singing song number 66. It's on the very next page! Open the song book and you could see both songs.
So he begins singing, very loudly, the words to the wrong song! He was doing his darndest to make the words fit! It took every bit of effort that was within me to keep from laughing out loud! I was trying to keep the tears in my eyes!
By the time he realized what I had done the singing was over. He laughed, though. Then he threatened to kill me. Oh, if only I had a video of that moment in time!!!
i recently finish obtaining a personal fitness trainer certification.
in that study i learned how the body will move blood to the core in a hypothermia situation, sacrificing the limbs/extremities in order to protect the vital organs.. why would such a survival mechanism need to be built into a body that was designed to live forever in paradise on earth?.
Interesting! I made a similar comment just yesterday on a post here. The human body is designed to heal itself whenever we scrape our arms, legs, etc.
I asked why Good would have made humans that way if they were designed "perfect", so as to not accidentally fall down or hurt themselves.
ok. let me first start by saying i am not a flat earther.
i like most on here will have the same view most will have here about our planet.
in saying that however, i am incredibly gob smacked by the book written by eric dubay called 'the flat earth conspiracy'.
Laugh all you want, hell, I'm laughing, but the OP is right, The Flat Earth Society really does exist. It's been around for decades. Thomas Dolby ("She Blinded Me With Science") is a charter member! His second album was titled "The Flat Earth".
Not saying I believe them, just saying that they do, indeed, exist.
Also, there are people who believe that "We never went to the moon"!
I'm sure that somewhere out there, there's a group of people that believe that the Earth is held in position by resting on the back of a giant turtle!
i am currently having a study with a pioneer couple to try to reactivate me and get me back into the congregation.
they have asked me to really think about the provision of the ransom sacrifice.
in doing so i have gone back to basics and have already hit a few questions i am thinking of raising.
I know that this may be getting off of the subject somewhat, but, hey, it's all speculation and imagination, right?
I am sure that most JW's including myself, were taught that in the New World when we will be "perfect", we will have a perfect sense of balance, therefore we would never fall down and break our arm, right?
If you think about it, even from a JW perspective, being perfect does not mean that mistakes, such as falling down, will not happen. After all, the body has the ability to heal itself. Scratch your finger and it will heal itself.
And who created the human body with that ability to heal itself? (Again, from a JW point of view) Jehovah, right?
And, when did Jehovah create the human body with this ability? Before sin came into play.
Now, why would Jehovah create perfect man and woman with the ability to heal themselves if they weren't designed to break in the first place?
Just another of those many unanswerable questions for JW's.
i realize many people on here are very angry at the watchtower society and/or governing body for various reasons, many of which are likely justified, at least to some extent.
i also can totally understand the cynicism and pessimism i see from certain ones regarding the leaders of the society.. i think one thing that's often forgotten or overlooked, however, is the fact that members of the governing body who've been "in the truth" for 30, 40, 50, 60 years, probably truly believe in this organization.
in my opinion, it's more likely that they believe what they teach instead of being liars who are intentionally deceiving everyone.
They say a leopard can not change his spots. The WTS can make all the changes they want, I am still not going back.
They can apologize 'til the cows come home, I still wouldn't go back. I wouldn't go back if THEY PAID ME!
They could try to entice me with the promise of seven virgins and I still would not go back! Knowing the WTS the way I do, the seven virgins would likely be seven dudes!!