Nope, "Just as in the Day of Noah", we have JWs spending more time at Coffee Shops, Donut Palaces and MacDonalds than Ministering to the Needy, life is the same! No sense of urgency to pretend their decent people because they are not! I have seen their hatred and it's ugly!
JoinedPosts by BucketShopBill
World Events bring about A Renewed Zeal!!!
by jk-ton inhi guys!
is anyone sensing an increasingly sanctimonious arrogance in j-dubs recently?
im asking this as i am finding that with the two major news stories in the last few weeks (ie.
Not on Jehovah's Witness Elder arrested for raping FOUR children. Local Elders and Watchtower Bible and Tract Society under investigation for cover-up.
by Balaamsass2 injehovah's witness church elder ronald lawrence arrested over sex abuse claims dating back to 1980styler dunn 5:43 pm, nov 26, 2013 4:19 pm, nov 27, 2013 previous next .
10pm church arrest.
kjrh autoplay:.
If this is a Spiritual Paradise, how come we have Predators who are Elders who were appointed by the Jehovah(Governing Body is now Jehovah or equated with Jehovah according to the New Watchtower Information!).
What is spoken by the Dukes of New York is now considered "words spoken by the Universal Supreme Being", some might call that Blasphemy, other's say "They are Divine!".
"Before and After" JW Cult Education Pamplets I wish to Make!
by BucketShopBill ini have three stories i would like to tell through a quick message showing the effects of the watchtower, "before i became a jw" and "after i became a jw".
the first would be the real life story of a successful jw business woman who was on track to become ceo of a major s&p 500 company until two jw elderly witnesses weasled their way in to her life.
the second is the happy family everyone loves and all the lives they touch until the cult turns them in to drones.
I have three stories I would like to tell through a quick message showing the effects of the Watchtower, "Before I became a JW" and "After I became a JW". The first would be the real life story of a successful JW Business woman who was on track to become CEO of a Major S&P 500 Company until two JW Elderly Witnesses weasled their way in to her life. The second is the happy family everyone loves and all the lives they touch until the Cult turns them in to drones. Their neighbors wonder why they shut off all emotion towards everyone around them, the charities they once served are shocked by the sudden resignation of the Mother who served on it's board. The kids are tossed about because they loved After-School Sports and activites (Gymnastics, Tennis, Track and Field, Wrestling,ect...) All the kids friends are bummed when New JW Family pulls them out of school and begins Home Schooling after receiving the advise from three of their Church Elders who never graduated from High School and are proud as they point that "God uses the medicore to get his Will done!" AP Classes are gone, now we are going to graduate early by taking a State test so we can Pioneer or work at Starbucks (they offer education to employees who worked after one year, it's a bad JW influence) WaldoMart until The End Comes!
Not all JWs are bad, not all JWs end up in meaningless jobs filled with guilt and regrets. Not all JWs allow the Governing Body and their under-educated Elders to make their choices but a large amount do and the change is obscene. They use the argument that people are better off, we always hear of "rival gang leaders becoming Witnesses and hugging and kissing after the Truth as mended their broken hearts". Maybe the Watchtower does provide a service for these people, maybe not because I know there are people who were once involved in bad stuff who become JWs and they end up stealing from the Witnesses. The Watchtower loves to Demo what they wish to present, unfortunately it's not the facts. I know how Assembly parts are dressed off, a few half-truths and white-lies to make this Demo look better than reality!
Would a "Before and After" Pamplet work because the Watchtower had no problems yelling on Sunday that people were following "A Snare and A Racket"! It's time they get some of their own medicine, it's time people know how destructive this Cult is. They are not this gentle group of truth seeking people, filled with rigtheous anger off they march to tell everyone "Were Saved, Your Not!" I wish more Mainstream Media would pick up on the hate speech against Gays by Tony Morris and other Watchtower KingPinns.
sorry for the typos and errors, after listening to this JW wonder why she's torn up with anxiety, guilt and no satisfaction, I had to write and got to leave almost now!
Do you ever get frustrated and feel dirty after sharing experiences on JWN?
by BucketShopBill init's a giant boil on my butt, thinking how long we all were tricked by a cult.
reading so many of our fellows threads, it help's reinforce we made the correct choice in mentally or physically leaving the watchtower's path to truth, they never had it and nobody can prove they did!
ray franz jr. came to that conclusion, even he had to accept "this is not the best of all relgions, in fact, it's on the bad side!
I wish I dumped it in my early 20s, I was a study that dragged on forever because I wanted to live life to it's fullest. The guilt from trying to make a living and told "you are bad for leaving your family for business reasons", "your not putting in enough time", "you need to find modest employment, reduce your expectations and outlook of what this World offers!"
Now, the Generation that fell for their lies is dying off like MayFlies, few have money and most are living off $900 plus $178 State Poverty Fund who put their faith in the Watchtower! Section:8 Housing for JWs who hate this World, aint that swell!
Index of my Watchtower Doctrine Threads
by cofty ini just wanted to put links to my watchtower threads all in the same place for my own benefit and future reference.. i wrote these 4 articles almost 20 years ago just after i left the watchtower and before i had encountered any ex-jw books or websites.
they were all based on original research of old wt publications and the nwt bible.. my explanation of why they got it wrong about blood using only the nwt.... i still think this line of reasoning is devastating to the blood doctrine.
i have yet to hear a rational response.. the gospel contrasted with the watchtower doctrine of the ransom.... i wrote this when i was an uber-evangelical.
Crofty, did you detail a thread when you started to have your first doubt, if not, what was the first thing that gave you the cold feeling down your spine? Not a major issue, just a small weird feeling.
Is your wife still with you and did your FIL ever apologize or are they still stuck?
Witness My Fury, I Demand A Challenge for my Honor!
by BucketShopBill ini say we see who makes' the best cat!
I say we see who makes' the best Cat! It's On!
Do you ever get frustrated and feel dirty after sharing experiences on JWN?
by BucketShopBill init's a giant boil on my butt, thinking how long we all were tricked by a cult.
reading so many of our fellows threads, it help's reinforce we made the correct choice in mentally or physically leaving the watchtower's path to truth, they never had it and nobody can prove they did!
ray franz jr. came to that conclusion, even he had to accept "this is not the best of all relgions, in fact, it's on the bad side!
Thanks, I was having a "Bitch Fest" on how evil my family is, the only time I hear is when they need money or someone is dying.
Flipper, happy your able to swim free from their filth, maybe we can learn from you! I can see the pain in lots of Posts, Good People suffering from a Horrible Cult, if I could, I would spray "CULT-B-GONE" Spray with Chem-Trails over the World! :)
You are my family now, you relate to things nobody will ever have any idea. When I tell people, even professionals with many degrees, they don't get it! They ask, "how come you did not leave sooner!", Fail! They can't grasp we were tricked!
Do You Support Illegal Aliens Coming Into The USA As They Have This Past Year?
by minimus ini think it's hurting the country..
Mexico is a Zero Tolerance of Illegal Immigration even though they are the worst offenders in the United States ,Spain and France. People assume the United States is the only land where jobs once given to teenagers, unskilled labor and decent jobs are being absorbed by Latin America, there's a interesting number in Spain (+ 20% Unemployement Official, Unofficial is near 30%). Sorry, France is Unemployment rate for unskilled is +40%
In 1970s most construction jobs were done by High School graduates and skilled labor, same with Landscaping, Restraunts, and now they are moving to all parts of the unskilled labor force. This has been a blow to African Americans where the Unemployment Rate and Low Wages pushed down by Republican Forces because they are the reason Illegal Immigration is a big issue. They crave, No, there Junkies of cheap low-skilled labor, look at how greedy Meg Whitman HPQ's CEO and other Republi-con-men are with this Hot Topic Issue. There is no solution, we need to look at Canada's Model to get things under control!
Canada and illegal immigration, What's life like for them?
by BucketShopBill ini had friends from hong kong who were able to move to canada but moved back after people's republic was not as bad as they thought and they ended up making lots of money doing pipes.
to move to canada, you had to have over $5,000,000 in assets, more cash the better and you had to create jobs, immigration i can understand.
the same with the indian community, when simon was a child, he probably saw few indians, now there are thrieving giant indian communities highly skilled contributing to canada's success.. .
I had friends from Hong Kong who were able to move to Canada but moved back after People's Republic was not as bad as they thought and they ended up making lots of money doing PIPEs. To move to Canada, you had to have over $5,000,000 in assets, more cash the better and you had to create jobs, Immigration I can understand. The same with the Indian Community, when Simon was a child, he probably saw few Indians, now there are thrieving giant Indian communities highly skilled contributing to Canada's success.
Can you explain if Canada is welcoming the Latin American Community and has the money and funds to give them work and healthcare? Yahoo Answer had this, is this stuff correct?
- bw022 answered 1 year ago
It is almost impossible to survive in Canada illegally. Canada has an extremely well-integrated social and taxation systems which make it extremely difficult.
Without proof of legal residency you can not obtain a driver's license, social insurance number, enroll in school, apply for health insurance, open a bank account, etc. Canada Revenue Agency is extremely careful in checking that companies are remitting payroll taxes and verifies SIN numbers. Canadians do not hire illegals as in the United States. Finding any job is next to impossible. Even applying without a valid SIN risks someone calling Canadian Border Services on you. Lack of bank account, credit history, or Canadian ID makes renting difficult. All foreign banking transactions are forwarded to CRA, the RCMP, and Canadian Border Services.
There is no free health care in Canada for non-legal residents. In order to apply for provincial health care, you must submit proof of legal residency (citizenship, permanent residency, study permit, or work permit), your SIN (verified against CRA records for your income), and proof you live within the province (bills, driver's license, etc.) There is no better education in Canada for non-legal residents. In order to enroll into any public (or private) school you must have proof of citizenship or your parent's legal residency (with you listed), plus proof you live in the school district. You also need this to enroll in any university. Foreign students pay insane rates in universities/colleges and must apply for student permits.
There are only an estimated 40,000 to 60,000 illegals in Canada. Almost all are hiding in relative's basements. Canada doesn't have an illegal immigration problem simply because without a few weeks or months of being in Canada most people give up.
Also, crossing the border is not easy. Most areas have fences, patrols, motion sensors, and/or private property whose owners don't simply allow people through their property. Areas which aren't fenced or patrolled are so remote that you have issues of how you physically get there and that you are dozens of miles away from civilization on the other side. Locals typically ask the question what you are doing on a remote road 50km away from the nearest town? Where is your car?
If you are an American, I don't know why you need to sneak into Canada. Get a passport, enter legally, and then just don't leave. See what it is like visiting the country for six months and trying to find an apartment, job, health care, school, etc. Looking for work or school is just as illegal, but it saves you the hassle of trying to cross illegally. After a few months, I'm sure you'd give up. -
What's Worse than a Pedophile? A Elder Who Tells Newspapers JWs Hide them?
by BucketShopBill inin jw "practices", is a active pedophile worse than a elder who called the police and exposed a watchtower cover-up?
i wrote how some pedophiles have bought lavish gifts, throw elder parties, and bring out their best worldy gifts to win the hearts of the congregations shepherds.
sadly to report, a large portion of the jw elders are not educated leaving them to rely on the watchtower's written materials to decide what is "right and wrong", instead of using the bible or mankind's laws.. .
I do believe in Jesus, not the Jesus the Watchtower teaches, My Jesus taught love, protecting the children, forgiveness and was willing to die for mankind. JWs worry more about appeasing the Watchtower's Leadership and treat them like gods, I heard more praise towards the GB and their company men than I ever did about Jesus Christ.
JWs treat victims worse than the Child Molesters out of fear of getting a bad Press!