Same with the University my child is attending, debates are ensued because why are JWs putting carts in High Educations locations, something they despise unless they can bleed it for everything for free.
JoinedPosts by BucketShopBill
Question for active trolley publishers. Are you told not to approach anyone unless they approach you as part of your trolley training?
by KateWild inif you actively do fs on a trolley i would love you to answer this question.
if you don't but know publishers that do can you ask them please.. are you told not to approach anyone unless they approach you as part of your trolley training?.
thanks kate xx.
Do you ever get frustrated and feel dirty after sharing experiences on JWN?
by BucketShopBill init's a giant boil on my butt, thinking how long we all were tricked by a cult.
reading so many of our fellows threads, it help's reinforce we made the correct choice in mentally or physically leaving the watchtower's path to truth, they never had it and nobody can prove they did!
ray franz jr. came to that conclusion, even he had to accept "this is not the best of all relgions, in fact, it's on the bad side!
It's a giant boil on my butt, thinking how long we all were tricked by a Cult. Reading so many of our fellows threads, it help's reinforce we made the correct choice in mentally or physically leaving the Watchtower's path to Truth, they never had it and nobody can prove they did! Ray Franz Jr. came to that conclusion, even he had to accept "This is not the best of all Relgions, in fact, it's on the bad side!" After posting or reading many threads, does it leave a bitter-sweet taste or do they make you depressed at times because you wasted your better years following the Watchtower?
Said from the platform: "You are not surviving Armaggedon if you are spiritually weak"
by Daniel1555 intoday i was at the meeting (i go there about once a month now).
in the service meeting they had a part where they interviewed the secretary of the congregation.. so one question was: "why are the service reports so important?".
our secretary explained that the reports are important, because the elders can see, who is spiritually weak.
"No wonder there is so much anxiety and mental illness in the borg." Crofty
If you only knew how many brothers and sisters suffer from G.A.D., Stomach and Intestinal disorders, Cluster Headaches, Somataform Disorders, I.B.S. ect. All these diseases begin with or start usually with the anxiety, burn-out, fear, guilt, stress and terror! The Watchtower should open up Pharmacies and buy the drugs from Big Pharma and sell to all their followers, it's a great way to make extra money off their manufactured Mental Health Busting tactics, Watchtower Want's You Insane!
What's Worse than a Pedophile? A Elder Who Tells Newspapers JWs Hide them?
by BucketShopBill inin jw "practices", is a active pedophile worse than a elder who called the police and exposed a watchtower cover-up?
i wrote how some pedophiles have bought lavish gifts, throw elder parties, and bring out their best worldy gifts to win the hearts of the congregations shepherds.
sadly to report, a large portion of the jw elders are not educated leaving them to rely on the watchtower's written materials to decide what is "right and wrong", instead of using the bible or mankind's laws.. .
In JW "Practices", is a active pedophile worse than a Elder who called the police and exposed a Watchtower cover-up? I wrote how some Pedophiles have bought lavish gifts, throw Elder Parties, and bring out their best worldy gifts to win the hearts of the Congregations Shepherds. Sadly to report, a large portion of the JW Elders are not educated leaving them to rely on the Watchtower's written materials to decide what is "right and wrong", instead of using the Bible or Mankind's laws.
Do you think a JW would treat a Pedophile Witness better than a Courageous Elder who exposed a Watchtower or Kingdom Hall Cover-up? I know there are Kingdom Halls where Rich Pedophiles roam free and the Congregation Elders can't wait till they throw their next Wine and Cheese party.
for those still "in" what's the mood
by lastchance inin my area the general sense is bleak.
many are in survival mode.
even at the convention the appearance of the majority was unhappy and tired.
Hi, I live in a area-region where more emphasis is placed on the pseudo growth, stories of angels in Field Service and Busy-Work to keep Witnesses minds of their true problems in life and how broke they will be when they retire! You want some from the Elders side of the equation and Elder's wives? I can share more but it's only going to depress you how sad they are!
Have you reconnected with ex-JW's after you have left the Borg?
by EdenOne inafter reading from another thread, i felt it was worth asking this question.. if you left the borg on your own, have you attempted to meet others whom you used to be connected with while you were "in", but who have also become ex-jw's before or after you have left the wts?
if that's the case, has it remained a friendship, or the connection grew cold?
just curious as to what keeps friendships "stick" [or not] once you no longer have the borg's doctrinal glue.. your experiences are welcome.. eden.
Eden it's hard to deal with JWs because of their self-righteous nature and constant nagging of Fader's, with that said I have talked with a few JWs who know it's a scam but continue to promote the lie. It's hard being a hypocrite and talking with fellow hipocrites, I lose myself because of the Greater Good. Most relationships with JWs cause a tug-of-war and end badly unless you have business ties to them. It's been ten years since i talked with relatives that stole from me and hold office in the JW World. Did you know there is a growing sum of people who attend Kingdom Hall Meetings and treat their fellows with greater contempt than Apostates?
My former best friend who does not believe anything the Watchtower teaches has shut off his contact with me because I agreed with his own words! We were at a ping-pong tournament when he secretly told me "I think the Watchtower is lying, they know what they teach is false because I've had Circuit Overseers tell me they don't believe in the Organization yet remain for financial reasons." When I said "Yes, I know there is a lot of crazy doctrine stuff we probably have wrong", he went off and said "Are you a Apostate?" This while we were in a Hotel in Orange County, Ca! I said "Hey, your the one who just said you don't believe in what the Org is teaching with regard to the Generation, "The End" and Preaching!" He said "Are you calling me a Apostate?" Thank God for Ken Blanchard, Dale Carnegige and Anthony Robbins Businesss relationship books, he calmed down and we broke off ties after this.
This is what happen's with JWs inside the Organization who treat each of the Dukes like shit, how are they going to treat you when you reconnect? Most end up preaching how we are going to "Die at the Big A", "you don't preach so your going to die!(Oh, how I love to eat that one alive because I preach more meaningful things than they do!) or they talk about stupid shit and depress us with their fatalistic outlook! I need to stop attending the Meetings and move on, one day I will!
State Department report: Religious persecution makes migrants out of millions
by KiddingMe in
religionstate department report: religious persecution makes migrants out of millions by brian pellot | religion news service july 28and then there were nine.
secretary of state john kerry announced on monday (july 28) that turkmenistan has joined the state departments list of worst religious freedom offenders.. the state departments countries of particular concern list had remained static since 2006, when eight countries burma, china, eritrea, iran, north korea, saudi arabia, sudan and uzbekistan were designated as cpcs.. justifying the addition of turkmenistan, kerry cited reports of people detained, beaten and tortured for their beliefs, prohibited from wearing religious attire and fined for distributing religious materials.. turkmenistan, a mostly sunni muslim country in central asia, once part of the soviet union, forbids private worship and greatly restricts foreign travel for pilgrimages and religious education.. all religious organizations in the country must register with the government, and shiite muslim groups, protestant groups and jehovahs witnesses have all had their registration applications denied in recent years.
I have ties to the Middle East and my relatives worked during the Shah of Iran Crisis and they are no Peaches! The Iranians who fled the harsh regime in Iran 1978-1980 came to the United States because many of them were professionals (in Hard Sciences) and could see the "writing on the Wall" they were about to plunge in to the "dark ages" again. Ask some of your Iranian friends (in 50s-70s age range) when they came to the Western World and why.
ISIS is now trying to kill all religions that refuse to convert to Radical Islam, France offered up space for Xians fleeing the grips of Sword Weilding Fools. I know not all Muslims are bad but when I look at the Middle East and talk with family and friends who worked for Standard Oil(Chevron), the things my Grand Dad saw in the 1940s-1970s were insane! He made a fortune, Western workers were trusted more than Citizens because they knew how to design, build and bring the Oil to the Refineries. The Crude they pumped was so pure, (Texas Sour is like Muddy Waters with Rocks) like Pierre Water, that's why there such a huge premium on Sweet Crude vs Sour Crude. Ok, got lost with the Oil Field days of life, back than, you only had to worry about robbers-and-bandit-thugs! Now, groups like ISIS, Al-Caida and Boko-Haran are nothing more than thugs trying to bring the Middle East back to it's glory days of Darkness!
Pray for Iran, they are not like these fools, they want the Western Culture in limits, their kids are not anti-West and the Leaders are jumping through hurdles to pass the Euro-American Nuke reductions! Iranians are fighting idiots!
Watchtower Tells Us "Employers Seek JWs Only" Yet Most JW Employers Avoid Hiring JWs, Why?
by BucketShopBill inhere's a thought: we're told over and over how employers sing the praises of their jw employees, sometimes with a vague quote about how 'if we could only hire jws, we would as they are so honest'.
however, while some jw employers themselves may hire jw employees (usually cheap entry level positions), most don't.
in fact, many jw's in general who have businesses have a rule not to do work with jws, even those in their congregation.
Long Hair Gal,
Brilliant post. Attitude towards the job is everything.
Looking For JW Cult Video With Shocking End! JW Cartoon for now.
by BucketShopBill in
can you post the link to the video that changed many witnesses mind about the organization?
i think it's british and he shows you the scripture "if anyone say's the appointed times are near, flee from them!
Can you post the link to the video that changed many Witnesses mind about the Organization? I think it's British and he shows you the Scripture "If anyone say's the Appointed Times are near, flee from them!" and than he shows the audience a book written by C.T. Russell doing what Jesus Christ warned his followers not to do! I can't find the link, it might help some new members see how there is no way Jesus Christ is behind this Organization, how many bloops have I heard over the years when the Watchtower or Book Study conductor ask's the kids a off-question "Who is the leader of Jehovah's Witnesses" and kids not paying attention raise their hand and say "Satan the Devil!" to the chagrin of the Conductor! :) The kids had it right, "out of the mouth of babes!" If you know the video, please post the link, thank you!
Pedophile on John Walsh's "The Hunt" Killed Today After Airing Last Night!
by BucketShopBill inhi, i posted that john walsh "the hunt" is going to be airing freddy cecil mclean soon, let's hope he is taken alive!.
i am sad the police officers and us marshalls were shot, and hope their wounds heal quickly!
moiser was a pedophile on the run, john walsh made sure to say this man is deadly, he will kill to survive!
Clarity, do you know if it was Fredrick C Mclean's "Secret Settlement" by the Watchtower that was leaked accidently to a investigative journalist in California? Another question that bothers me, why are JW Elders quick to ajoin themselves to rich pedophiles? The Elders got a brief description of the Pedophile's likes, his prior sex offenses with minors and these idiots were the first to accept his invitation to taste some Vintage-Reserve and tell all the other brothers "We got to taste a €500 wine, were special!
Some JWs are willing to put their child on Molech's statue in lieu for €50-€300 a bottle wine tasting or enjoy the savor of the flavor of Bat-Shit Coffee beans! How impressed the JW Elders were they got invited to a Coffee Party where the Pedophile served them coffee costing over €500 kg. JW Elders impressed by tasting coffee beans excreted from a bat's arse! Money not only pays off these idiots, it attracts them like flys to horse manure. Why do JWs covet money and prestige, just like the prophet Balaam who traded God for money and glory. One must wonder how stupid human beings really are if the story of Balaam is true! Are we willing to throw away direct contact with God for a few Euros or Dollars? That's what these JWs are doing, they are tossing their life aside because some of these sex-offenders throw big parties with modestly expensive goodies (Beluga Caviar, Spottswood Red Wines, Dom, White Truffle Sharp Cheddar, ect..) these were some of things I missed by not attending the "Meet and Greet the new Pedophile Family" in my Congregation. Some JWs have their brain shut down with flattery, gifts and parties thrown in their favor, I wonder if the Watchtower would have accepted the Gold from the Nazi Party if they were offered it. The gold they took from the Jews teeth, would the Watchtower have soiled their hands with Blood Money, after seeing it on the Local Level, I think so!