Sorry Balaam, I had a few more questions I asked above, do you know if the house is still in the same condition with the bomb-sheter still there? Has some Biotech CEO in San Diego taken over Rutherford's Mansion?
JoinedPosts by BucketShopBill
not on JW.ORG: Why did "Holy Spirit" direct Jehovah's Witnesses Governing Body member JF Rutherford to build a private luxury compound ( Beth Sarim) during the great depression?
by Balaamsass2 inbeth sarimfrom wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
coordinates: 324616.36n 1170556.70w.
historybible student movementleadership disputesplinter groupsdoctrinal developmentunfulfilled predictionsdemographicsby countrybeliefspracticessalvationeschatologythe 144,000faithful and discreet slavehymnsgod's nameblooddisciplineliteraturethe watchtowerawake!new world translationlist of publicationsbibliographyteaching programskingdom hallgilead schoolpeoplewatch tower presidentsw.
not on JW.ORG: Why did "Holy Spirit" direct Jehovah's Witnesses Governing Body member JF Rutherford to build a private luxury compound ( Beth Sarim) during the great depression?
by Balaamsass2 inbeth sarimfrom wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
coordinates: 324616.36n 1170556.70w.
historybible student movementleadership disputesplinter groupsdoctrinal developmentunfulfilled predictionsdemographicsby countrybeliefspracticessalvationeschatologythe 144,000faithful and discreet slavehymnsgod's nameblooddisciplineliteraturethe watchtowerawake!new world translationlist of publicationsbibliographyteaching programskingdom hallgilead schoolpeoplewatch tower presidentsw.
1. Does the original house still exist?
2. Is there anyway to find out if Rutherford had a Bomb Shelter built in his second house?
3. Joseph Rutherford taught Jim and Tammy Baker how to scam the religious people.
4. L-Ron was friends with Joseph Rutherford and devised ways of fleecing the flock of their money, they both used their religions for money and power. I think Rutherford was far more wicked than Charles Russell, Rutherford craved the creature worship Pastor Russell enjoyed.
5. Was Rutherford really a Judge? Where did his name come from if he never was sworn in as a Judge?
Why Do Witnesses Promote A Unhealthy Lifestyle, My COBE weighs 340lbs (5ft 7in).
by BucketShopBill inplease don't take this the wrong way if your battling weight problems, that's not what this thread is meant to talk about.
i am asking this question because jehovah's witnesses claim they have "the best way of life", "god's blessing", "the truth" and are trying to change the habits of healthy people by turning them in to their own makings.
i watched people who were great athletes turn all their muscle in to fat because we would get a elder or circuit overseer make remarks they were spending too much time "working out" and "bodily training is beneficial for little".
We need to destroy the lie that "This is not the Real life", once I backed out of this place, I dropped three suitcases of weight. The empasis of eating all the rich foods, eating out instead of fixing my own food killed me. I hit close to 300lbs and now am around 223lb after becoming "irregular", it was the best choice I ever made.
How can a 340lb COBE make fun of a sister who weighs 260lbs? How can he make insults and call a brother who weighs 450lbs a "fat piece of shit"? Sorry for the language, this COBE has no idea he is so fat, he had gastric bypass surgery and lost the weight for four years and it came back with thirty percent interest rate! How can anyone make fun of another person suffering from the same ailment or emotional problems.
Our COBE has the weirdest gray hair (he's 53 years old), it's from the weight-loss drugs he took before the gastric-bypass, now the doctors are not willing to prescribe him those drugs because he is still eating like a Pig. I will post a photo of him with his face blotted out, you tell me if you think it's ok for a JW COBE to be so hateful to other JWs suffering?
Were There/Are There A Number Of Gays At Bethel?
by minimus ini remember the "boy's club" mentality from many of the bethelites in the 70's and 80's.
it seemed there were a number of males who were "effeminate" back in the day.. i knew of one guy that was told by the bethel brass that he would "go places" at headquarters if he could learn to deepen his voice and tone down his gestures a bit (and he was told it wouldn't hurt if he ever married a fellow bethelite sister).
this man was extensively used at conventions, became less "gay looking" and got married.. so my question is, did you see effeminate men in bethel?
The Elder in our Kingdom Hall got expelled from Bethel for beating up homosexuals in New York. He later claimed some of the Bethelites made sexual advances towards him, he beat them up too.
What James Wood said is true, that's about the time this Elder got in trouble for beating up several Bethel Elders because they said they needed to "Suck his "Rooster". Notice he did not get expelled with his first few fights, he told the brothers "gays needed to die!". I think it was 1971-1976 he was at Bethel, soon returned home with a glowing report even though he was kicked out!
Scare tactics and manipulation in the Nov 2014 Watchtower . Low down dirty rotten charlatans
by Watchtower-Free inscare tactics and manipulation in the nov 2014 watchtower .. low down dirty rotten charlatans.
Agreed! They need Fear to get their people to remain in the Kingdum Halls. I heard someone with cancer say "The brothers told me the New System is so close, with the Middle East happening, Jehovah might bring the End before you go through Chemo!" What do you think of false hope like that, instead of helping her deal with the fact she is going to die, they tell her "The End is soooo Near!"
Which Brother had the money to afford a Bunker with food and back-up generators? There's nobody around here with a basement and even if there was, there is no way the Elites of the Congregation would invite anyone who did not have anything to offer their little bunker-shelter!
Is this magazine speaking about the twenty JW Elites, leaving the other eighty to fend for themselves? The new program has made the Kingdom Hall as welcoming as one of Joel Olstein's Super Churches, nobody know's anyone attending their church, and with JWs you know Field Service groups are rigged, it's the same elders working with his buddy for thirty minutes and off to the donut shop. The Sheep don't even know whose group their in, how many publishers did you see walk out the door never to be seen or checked on?
Why Do Witnesses Promote A Unhealthy Lifestyle, My COBE weighs 340lbs (5ft 7in).
by BucketShopBill inplease don't take this the wrong way if your battling weight problems, that's not what this thread is meant to talk about.
i am asking this question because jehovah's witnesses claim they have "the best way of life", "god's blessing", "the truth" and are trying to change the habits of healthy people by turning them in to their own makings.
i watched people who were great athletes turn all their muscle in to fat because we would get a elder or circuit overseer make remarks they were spending too much time "working out" and "bodily training is beneficial for little".
Please don't take this the wrong way if your battling weight problems, that's not what this thread is meant to talk about. I am asking this question because Jehovah's Witnesses claim they have "the best way of life", "God's Blessing", "The Truth" and are trying to change the habits of healthy people by turning them in to their own makings. I watched people who were great athletes turn all their muscle in to fat because we would get a Elder or Circuit Overseer make remarks they were spending too much time "working out" and "bodily training is beneficial for little". Usually the brothers and sisters who worked-out got discouraged and soon tacked on weight. The Watchtower does not promote a healthly lifestyle, they guilt anyone who try's to make themselves look good by claiming "you must be sacrificing Theocratic Activities" if you have time to work out at the gym.
My COBE weighs 340lbs, he's super hateful towards sisters who are overweight and even make's fun of people fatter than him. There were nine brothers on the last BOE I was part of, almost every one of them was fifty-plus pounds overweight, why?
I know people who use to read four or five books a week before joining the Watchtower, soon due to the atrophied brains bossing them around, they too took the path of least resistance. Not all Witnesses allowed their bodies to fall apart, some did continue to work out and study even though people made nasty remarks about them. It's stylish to be unhealthy, complain about your health but don't you dare talk about your gym membership or rugby games you love playing!
Poll--How Many Believe In God, Do Not Believe or Are Not Sure Of His Existence?
by minimus ini believe in god but i'm not sure of anything....what about you?.
How can we be certain of anything, we proved we are not the smartest humans in this world, can we really trust anything our brain is telling us? I kinda understand how angry we can be once we learned we followed a Cult. To jump to the other side of the equation and claim with a 100% certainty that "God" or "gods do not exist" is doing exactly what we did as a JW. Richard Dawkins and many other well known scientist understand you commit the biggest logical error by claiming "I know with 100% certainity God, gods do not exist" because this implies you know everything there is to know about the Universe and other Realms that might exist outside Space and Time. This would make us a transcedent being, right?
We were throughly deceived by false teachers, how come our brains did not warn us early on? I am not talking about a kid, once we became young adults how did we miss all the red flags? Honestly, if you read the Bible alone without all the Freddy Franz Scripture twisting, your outlook would be no where near a follower of the Watchtower. I still can't believe I was tricked this long, so many warnings signs I ignored, can we trust anything our brains think of?
I do believe in God and for what ever reasons he is not removing bad things, his reasons must be good.
'I can't be sure God DOES NOT exist': World's most notorious atheist Richard Dawkins admits he is in fact agnostic
He told the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, that he preferred to call himself an agnostic rather than an atheist.
The two men were taking part in a public “dialogue” at Oxford University at the end of a week which has seen bitter debate about the role of religion in public life in Britain."
Jesus was a false prophet?
by opusdei1972 inand he said to them, "i tell you the truth, some who are standing here will not taste death before they see the kingdom of god come with power.
(mark 9:1).
when you are persecuted in one place, flee to another.
Dr. Daniel Wallace is still working on the "Mark Fragment", there are six that are suppose to date to the First Century. Sources close to the owner of these fragments are not letting any information out. Dr. Wallace is not allowed to speak about them, the rumor is the owner had no idea how valuable these fragments of the Gospel of Mark are and is holding out. Dr. Wallace has said he is totally convinced and he has had Paleography Experts also agree they are First Century writings.
After two years since their annoucement it's still silence, I think who ever owns them is holding out for a large cash donation and won't put them on display until he get's what he wants. It's hush! hush! according to a source, let's see what happens.
My latest blog: Fat People, Mickey Mouse and Birthdays
by daringhart13 in .
always open to some criticism ;).
A large number of Elders above the age of Fifty Years old are grossly overweight! How can they judge anyone, many could play the role of the king, the very Fat King who Judge Ehud killed with his sword? The Bible said he was so fat, yes, he was really fat! There's a site where some of the smartest people on earth congregate, I got a trial invitation to this site (I am not smart like these guys, Quants, Astro-Physics, phDs Oxford Math and Philosophy) because I made friends with worldy things.
One of the members asked this question "How come a large portion of Jehovah's Witnesses in the United States are overweight? "The United State's has a problem, why pick on the Jehovah's Witness members?" I asked? He worked for the Hadron Collider trying to uncover the Higgs Particle with his son (twenty-seven year old genius) in another University. I asked him "why pick on JWs?" He said, "They claim to have the truth, the answers to a happy life and I think by looking at their outer appearance they don't." "Your going to judge them by their outer appearance?" He said "yes, it's unhealthy to have fifty to one hundred pounds of body fat, how can I take them serious if they don't have their own life in order?"
How do you argue with him, he picked on the overweight Witnesses trying to preach a message of hope, to him it's irony, why are they not treating their body (temple) with respect, he worked sixty hours a week, worked out every day and suffered from MS, why can't they present themselves as godly looking people instead of fat slobs? I don't agree with his appraisal of JWs, the worst offenders of attacking Fat JWs are the Elders in the Kingdom Hall who are thirty to fifty pounds overweight who attack the brothers who are one hundred plus, one hundred plus pounds overweight being attacked by Elders who are fifty pounds overweight. We had a twisted religion, Witnesses turn on each other in a heart beat if they preceive you might have wronged them even if their wrong!
E-Watchman? Thoughts?
by thedepressedsoul ini stumbled upon the website e-watchman today and while i didn't have time to read over everything i found this thoughts so far quite interesting.
recently when reading matthew i can't help but feel that jesus warnings about the pharisees also applied to the gb and elders.
actually everytime jesus brought them up i realized how similar they are.
Why would God choose a WASP Religion? I don't understand how Robert King (I am speculating, if he believe's Russell and Rutherford-the-Materialism-Crook, Knorr, and Franz (All white men, no men of older lineage) were God's prophets?
Hubris and Arrogance, which Greek god had two faces, if he excoriates the Watchtower for false prophecy, how can he commemend them? It's a Zero-Sum game, either your winning with God or losing, no in-between with both Robert King and the Watchtower?
Watching all those Iraqis who refused to convert, hiding, sitting on that hill, hiding in sewers, caves and dying of thirst and hunger. They are facing a certain death if the West did not intervene (Gods help?) while Robert is not living a life of poverty like Jeremiah, Ezk, Isaih, Jonah,ect.... He is not poor, those expensive cameras,pricey audio equipment and air conditioning, how are these men suffering for the name of Jesus Christ?
Why would Jehovah allow himself to be explained by the Occult? You provided facts on JWN showing all End Times dates were based of Pagan Buildings and Dark Magic, Numerology and Lies.
Has Robert ever debated Greg Stafford, how would that debate go? Would Greg or Calvin kick his ass debating Philosophy and Theology versus man contrieved doctrines? Robert King sounds mixed up, if he is wishing members to remain at the Kingdom Hall, he think's the Watchtower is Wayward Isreal and is in need of the Prophet to patch their wine bags with new ideas. What makes people assume the Watchtower once had God's Blessing, there is no outward evidence he has picked any religion since Early Christianity began. To believe that Jesus lied when he said "I will be with you until the End of the World", they lie and contradict Jesus Christ's words, why?
The harsh truth is Robert King can't accept the fact he followed False Prophets, so he tells himself '"if they follow my ideas, repent and become normal, they will be in with God again!" A faulty assumption indeed, one must present proof God used them in the first place, from all the unbiased documents and history I've read, it's obvious we got duped! I hope Robert King figures this out, there is no justification of following a modern Buddha (Joseph Franklin Rutherford), Buddha when his first son was born, abandoned his wife and kid and left to find enlightenment.
The Buddha said "To acheive enlightenment, you must abandon your wife and kids", that's what Rutherford did, he left his wife and kid at the mercy of life so he could enjoy booze, women and money. Why can't Robert King see through these lies, why follow a modern Acan?