I believe in God but I'm not sure of anything....What about you?
Poll--How Many Believe In God, Do Not Believe or Are Not Sure Of His Existence?
by minimus 89 Replies latest jw friends
I am 100% certain the god of christianity and the god of the Jews and the god of Islam and of every other theistic faith does not exist.
I am certain beyond all reasonable doubt the god of deism also does not exist.
I am sure that this life is all we will ever have. We are very fortunate to experience life even for a short time. It is truly wonderful.
Absolutely no supernatural woo woo for me.
I belive in God, I can sense something. But not certain of anything else. I can prove nothing. I have hope.
I basically live around the 'love your brother as you love yourself' principal but am still learing the love yourself bit.
I don't know where God is or very much about him so I try not to make an enemy of him in the meantime.
This is my tigersuit
im agnostic. daughter is also. wife is deist.
404: god not found.
I am certain that God exists and that he influences our lives. I am illegally broad-minded. I believe that all of what is in the Bible and maybe other religious books has a concrete scientific explanation that we will eventually discover. I think that if everyone were to suddenly be given specific understanding of all of what we can't see, I believe that most people would immediately say "Oh, I get it!" I believe that God's nature is not what most religious people portray it to be. What God requires is not what many, especially super-conservative religious people, believe it is. I'm pretty sure God facepalms all the time as he sees and hears about activites performed in his name and I'm sure he says "That's not what I meant! Grrrr!!!" In fact, ultimately, I believe God will say to those who are just crazily ultra righteous that they can relax (which they won't believe for a while) and he will say to others who are completely without any standards at all that they need to adhere to some basic, reasonable standards to ensure that we all get along. And, of course, truly evil, wicked people (of which I believe that there are only a small number) will just be eliminated because they only want to hurt everyone else for their own benefit.
However, and this is the most important part of this post, I believe I could be entirely wrong about all of this. I think this is what would get me in the most trouble if I were to express it honestly within the organization. That I believe that just as the first century Christans and Israelites got it wrong a lot, we also have a lot of work to do to adjust what we're doing to God's thinking. Does God really require disfellowshipping and the complicated, legalistic judicial activity that happens now? Does he truly require all of the quickly increasing load of work to please him? Is it possible to please him by adhering to the golden rule, trying to appreciate him more, and gathering in small groups to just talk about it without an outline from the branch to control everything that is said? I don't know the answer to these questions. However, I think that when things shake out (which I'm pretty sure they will soon do) there will be a lot of people saying that we made this way too complicated to meet God's requirements.
Don't believe in god and I'm at peace with the fact I will die like every living thing before me.
under the radar
I am convinced that there is no "God" as described by any religion, past or present. Any "God" that acted as described in the Bible is not worthy of respect, much less worship. He exhibits all the worst characteristics of humanity. He is a petty, egotistical, vengeful, schizophrenic, genocidal, misogynistic, religious and racial bigot.
I fully realize that I do not have all the answers, or any answers at all, regarding the origin of the universe, life, conciousness, or really anything. But that doesn't mean the "answer" has to be some supernatural sky daddy.
I think we just have to do the best we can with the time we have. That rules out trying to force others to conform to our particular brand of superstition. The human race should have outgrown such foolishess long ago. Maybe someday...
I'm a Pescetarian. Occasionally I eat chicken. Also pizza, if it's been bled properly.