After almost 40 years of being shunned by close family members, it never gets easier. My own mother is under the spell of the "organization" and won't even write to me. For a long time I sent her things - cards, news articles of interest, jokes, etc - I finally gave up. I get an occasional note or WT clipping. I realized nothing is better than opening the wound with every opened letter containing another rejection. Would like to hear how others are dealing with it.
JoinedPosts by JOHNROSS93
by JOHNROSS93 inafter almost 40 years of being shunned by close family members, it never gets easier.
my own mother is under the spell of the "organization" and won't even write to me.
for a long time i sent her things - cards, news articles of interest, jokes, etc - i finally gave up.
The hardship of being a gay Jehovahs witness.
by truthwillsetyoufree inplease spare a moment to consider the difiiculties faced by gay jehovahs witnesses.
i was raised and baptised as a very serious jw.
every waking moment of my day was lived for jehovahs and his organization and for nothing else.
I relate to your story. Thanks for sharing it! I hope you are ok now.
How do you feel ethically about the Governing Body?
by runForever inif something terrible were to happen to the members of the current gb would you feel bad?.
I find the secrecy suspect.
Name Some Things That JWs Look Down Upon That Normal People Wouldn't Even Think About?
by minimus injws look down on others for saying, "bless you" if someone sneezes.
it has something to do with the demons.
another example is that it is considered satanic if a man took his hat off for a lady!
Buying jewelry at a thrift store... (demons)
Saying "Good Luck"...
Buying stamps with a flag on them...
Lottery tickets...
"Bless You"...
Mark Sanderson - Why Is the Newest GB Member Suddenly So Prominent?
by Oubliette ini've noticed something that is very odd even by wt/gb standards.
why is mark sanderson suddenly so prominent in all things wt/jw?.
others have commented on the obvious narcissism of the gb pushing themselves to the fore recently, in particular after their huge doctrinal change at proclaiming themselves and only themselves as the faithful and discreet slave.. this is clearly true as evidenced at the agm, not only throughout the agm, but also in the video that was featured as part of that meeting.
I may be the only one here who heard Mark Sanderson's First Talk. As I recall, he stood on a box to reach the mic. He was a truly nice, kind, compassionate boy. His father was one of only TWO people from my JW childhood who were kind and loving when I was DF'd. He always stopped to ask how I was if we ran into each other out in the world. He was genuinely interested, kind, and took the time & interest in me (albeit briefly) despite the admonishment to shun. He never preached or coerced me to "come back." He was happy to see me "as is." Mark, too, always asked after me to relatives. He has a good heart. I can't condone the same JW policies that he surely supports as a GB member, but I can say with confidence that he's a good man. I knew him as a dedicated Pioneer and not into it to "move up the ladder" but rather because he believes what he teaches. Since he is a devout JW (obviously) I'm happy for his "success" in being invited to the GB. My sincere hope is that he can bring some kindness and compassion to a otherwise dogmatic, self-serving, & "CYA" group. I am still a DF'd former JW, and I disagree VEHEMENTLY with the shunning policy, child abuse cover-ups, out of control regulations of personal lives, etc. However, I think there are JW's like Mark who genuinely believe they can help and save people before Armageddon arrives. The Org needs MORE KIND FOLK like him and less Power hungry, letter-of-the-law types that have been in power for so lonG.
Well the Mark Sanderson thing is official...
by Botzwana inhow does one post a pic here?
anyways a sister just forwarded me a picture of current governing body members and this guy was included.
Regulating LACK OF HAIR??? Amazing.
Mark Sanderson gets official intro in July 15th Watchtower
by cedars inin all the hysteria surrounding the "new light" in the forthcoming july 15th watchtower, i forgot to mention that the magazine carries information on the "new governing body member" - who i think we can all safely assume is mark sanderson.. sadly i didn't get scans of the pages in question - just the juicy doctrinal stuff.
still, i thought it was worth a mention!.
I knew him as a kid. VERY nice kid, very kind parents. I hope he can make a difference on the GB. Maybe bring KINDNESS and TRUE LOVE to the madness.