Atlantis, thanks so much. I guess this is it, and all I can say is Wow. So much revealing stuff here.
Mrs. Russel, p. 7:
You demand perfect confidence in all you do and say. That would be almost clothing you with infallibility.
Mr. Russell, p. 7:
You have declared yourself a doubter, and that without a cause - merely some evil surmise or suspicion. . . . To the queries of the faithful I am ever attentive, but he that doubts without cause is the waverer who is unstable and unreasonable and who is undeserving of confidence or friendship.
Mrs. Russell, p. 8:
I have confidence in the integrity of your heart and purpose.
Mr. Russell, p. 8:
I must wait for some evidence of a true repentance in a full and hearty recantation, or else I must hold you at a distance and doubt your object and meaning and look for some solution . . . as I would with any other attacker and traducer.
Mrs. Russell, p. 8:
These letters were followed by withdrawal of support, . . . and . . . he refused her even her clothing, claiming it belonged to him . . . .
Well, we see where the cold-hearted arrogance, victim-blaming, and utter ruthlessness of Jehovah's Loving People (TM) comes from, don't we?
Mrs. Russell, p. 13:
If "Tower" readers are sincere and honest, . . . let them take measures to learn the truth and act accordingly . . . you have . . . no arrangements for calling anyone to account. Consequently, you are dominated by one, and that one may be blind to the operations of the principles of righteousness, and following such leading together you may fall into the ditch. If you would "watch and be sober" here is something to watch against.
Too bad the readers didn't all cancel their subscriptions instead of getting down in the ditch with CT and staying there - where they still are, more than a hundred years later!
Thanks again, Atlantis, this is great stuff.