Ya know I'm not sure if the OP really equates gay marriage with "all morals are dead" or not. But folks - anyone who thinks that is seriously screwed up in their thinking. It's actually a continuation of the JW & Evangelical SCAPEGOATING (Leviticus 16) of homosexuality as being not merely a sin, but the absolute WORST of all possible sins. For centuries, legal and religious authorities used to define it as "the sin too horrible to be named among Christians": http://www.duhaime.org/LegalDictionary/P/PeccatumilludhorribileinterChristianosnonnominandum.aspx
(An example of non-JW thought control: if an idea is "too horrible" to even say the word, you can never even discuss the idea, can never question it, can you?)
Which is really, really, really stupid. Because 1) it makes no logical sense, and 2) it is obviously a psychological projection of straight men, like so many other things in the Bible (ladies, take note) - making gays out to be the scapegoat, the boogeyman, the worst of all possible sinners, gets the straight boys off the hook for "the worst" crimes of all, in a way.
The Bible is full of straight boys committing rape, murder, adultery, polygamy, and even genocide with gleeful abandon, and quite often with the full APPROVAL of Almighty God, who is a mighty good sport about all of that if you belong to his club. But two gay guys or gay gals doing anything with each other - even a simple kiss and no more - OMG THE UNIVERSE IS RUINED!!!!! WE MUST STAMP THAT OUT!! HANG 'EM!!
Which was an attitude embedded in the culture for a couple thousand years, only just now being seen for what it is: stupidity and scapegoating. Just like all those WT doctrines we were so sure were the complete and ultimate divine TRUTH - but came to realize were just the deeply flawed inventions of deeply flawed (straight, white) men.
The judge who was quoted above has no business being a judge if he can't reason any better than what was quoted. Same-sex marriage and incest are two entirely different things - apples and oranges. And pedophilia is something else again. He's just perpetuating the unspoken assumption that gayness is THE WORST THING IN THE WHOLE WORLD - you allow that, you have to allow everything. How stupid, crazy, illogical is that? What.A.Jerk.
He's also implying that gay men and lesbians are not capable of real, abiding love and commitment, nor capable of being "moral" in any sense, and are certainly not fully as human as he is, in his shiny, clean heterosexuality - because whatever he does can't be sin, can it? He's straight! And if he screws up now or then, hey God will forgive him! No biggie! But those homos, oh they are a completely different case - the "end of all morality." Right.
Pride, arrogance, and refusal of welcome and protection were the real sins of Sodom. They still are.