Appreciate all the comments, folks. But I'm just afraid those of you who say that nobody's making a personal profit, all the money goes to support those expensive overseas branches and bethels, and the fact that most individual JW's drive shabby little cars and dwell in shabby little houses is some kind of proof that BILLIONS of tax-free dollars aren't going into somebody's pocket - well, if you think that way, you're either still drinking the kool-aid or are just terminally naive.
Look at what the original FDS and Chief Liar/Scammer/Jellyfish was pulling a hundred years ago - and this btw was just ONE of his many, many scams:
Nowadays, the possibilities for incredibly complex, deeply hidden frauds is bigger by several orders of magnitude - do you all recall the revelations about high finance and all the convoluted schemes that came to light just five or so years ago with Lehman Bros./Fannie Mae/Freddy Mac, and so many other big banks and corporations? You really think the holy, humble brothers in Brooklyn are above all that?
Please. I'll bet there's massive corruption somewere at the top of the Borg - money laundering, kickbacks, something, I dunno what the myriad of possibilities might be - but it's way way too much money for greedy human nature to ignore - all of it HIDDEN and UNACCOUNTABLE to anyone beyond the GB. That's all the reason needed to suspect something very dark and very ugly is going on.
Somebody above in this thread said the WTBTS probably has no more money that other religions of similar size - problem with that thought - most all those other religions publish their financial statements, which are regularly audited by outside firms - they are transparent and accountable to their devotees.
But since the WT is considered a "religion" not a business - hahaha - I'm afraid most governments are just not going to get involved investigating their fraud unless and until somebody gets caught red-handed breaking the laws - and the GB has plenty of high-powered JW and non-JW lawyers, accountants, and financial advisors to ensure that their doings fly under the radar.
But everybody makes a mistake sooner or later - in the case of this wicked, lying, bloodsucking cult, I sure hope it's sooner.