Just to throw in my 2 cents: as a gay man, when I became interested in religion again, ten years after leaving the borg, I researched for myself what the Bible had to say about "men who lie with men," etc., using worldly scholarship, Greek-English lexicons, the writings of the early Church Fathers, and so on.
I know lots of people gay and straight who are believing Christians like to argue that the Bible says nothing about homosexuality as we know it today, and have come up with all sorts of ingenious arguments about "temple prositutes" and so forth that can't be objectively proven. But I disagree. I think some folks just don't want to admit that the Bible - and therefore, God - condemns gay people point-blank, but all my research pointed the other way. I think it does, and most emphatically.
I don't want to get into the details of history and scripture, and anyone can do the same research I did. But if the patriarchal Jews and early Christians were really oh-so-accepting of adult, committed, loving, monogamous same-sex partners (and these did exist and were known in ancient Greek culture, at least) . . . where exactly is the evidence that any such persons flourished in either society? Hint: there is none, zero, zip, nada. "For such is what some of you were."
It's much simpler and more rational to simply conclude, as I did, that Moses (as putative author of the Torah) and Paul (as putative author of much of the New Testament) were simply wrong to condemn, as from the mouth of God, all homosexual acts and relationships. Just as they or whoever actually wrote in their names were wrong to subject women to men, and to condone slavery, rape of virgins captured in war, and genocide - not to mention eating shellfish and pork (yum).
If that disturbs anyone's conception of a loving God - well, consider that God if there is one is much, much bigger than the Bible, and let your thinking proceed from there.