ELsewhere... for the last time, get your hands out of my back pockets...
JoinedPosts by Amandasunstableboyfriend
(((((Group Hug)))))
by LittleToe inthere's been too much volatile stuff going around, and a few folks appear tetchy.. can we drop any issues, and just enjoy a ((((group hug)))) for a moment.... ((((hugs to everyone)))).
love you guys.
coz regardless of the ups and downs, this place is a little like the family i lost.... sometimes i need to take a step back, have a break and some quiet time, but that's ok, too.. every blessing to everyone,.
Who Wants To Create A Poster For Me
by RAYZORBLADE inhey.....before i lock this thread, would anyone like to contribute, perhaps utilize their creative energies and help me create a poster/flyer for my upcoming dj gig?.
i dj at a funky bar here in downtown toronto, called "the cameron house": http://www.thecameron.com (located at 408 queen st. west).
my dj name is: rawkinray.
well.. I couldn't draw a circle without screwing it up, but if I show up at yoru club will you give me free booze?? :D
Your Online Persona
by Xena ini saw a thread recently that asked if you were different from your online persona, most people answered to varying degrees "no".
that made me wonder though how do you view yourself and how do other people view you?
what kind of a person do you feel you project?
I'm exactly the same as my online persona. The ones I know about anyways.
Oh, the inconsistency of it all!!
by ozziepost inover the years it has become clear that controlling bodies seeking to regulate their members are prone to inconsistencies, even contradictions.. .
the borg is not immune from that.. .
why is it that wedding rings are allowed, but confetti isn't?.
Why is it that my mom ignored my birthday for 20 years yet expects an anniversary present?
Why is it that we can have a local needs talk about the colour of someones boots but the Elder giving the talk can drink a bottle of vodka for dinner?
Why is it that Witness girls are virgins, yet they can suck chrome off a hubcap?
Why is it that the Watchtower can admit they "aren't perfect" but you get disfellowshipped for apostacy if you agree with them?
Why is this site all crazy looking like a crazy thing?
by Amandasunstableboyfriend inwhy do i get crazy symbols and stuff half the time i try to open a thread??
is it satan???
WHy do I get crazy symbols and stuff half the time I try to open a thread?? Is it Satan??? :(