Bible prophecy FULFILLED!!!!!!!! Forehead and hand tatoos...of...... JW.ORG !!!!!!!! Mark of the beast
JoinedPosts by Balaamsass2
The JW.ORG craziness has begun....
by cultBgone ini guess it was bound to happen..... just saw a facebook post where the user updated their profile picture to be the blue square logo.. .
don't know whether to laugh or cry.
worship the borg, you people!!!
Today's "gay-bashing" and other embarrassing content public talk!
by stuckinarut2 inoh wow..... the public talk today is certainly embarrassing for witnesses!.
started (completely left field too...seemed to come out of nowhere) with condemning homosexuality, and anyone who even tolerates it.
if you like tv shows or movies with gay characters, you are "just as bad" (eg modern family tv show).
Having grown up in San Francisco, and having been around countless obviously gay people at Bethel in positions of power, I have always found the organizational Homophbia odd.
Weird crazy rules imposed by your local Elders.
by stuckinarut2 inwe all know the sort of thing..... in many congregations, specific "rules" creep in...introduced by the local elders that become set in stone.. years ago, i heard of a congregation that sat down during the first song of the evening but stood for all others (the co changed that very soon after).
then there were the older accounts of congs that had rules to make the public speakers wear only white shirts.... in one cong now, i heard that brothers can only be used for sound or microphones if they do a minimum of 5 hours per month in the ministry!.
another cong has ruled that all appointed men must pioneer for at least one month each year in order to remain qualified.. .
No colored shirts. Only suits on the platform. Shoes must be shined. No side burns. No sitting in the rear 3 rows. 6 hrs for ANY assignments. No picking up of magazines for absent or ill people. No "weak" ones at gatherings. All bookstudies are ASSIGNED to feed Sunday speaker. No socializing or food after bookstudies.
Bethel had LOTS of weird rules. No jeans at breakfast.
Watchtower Tells Us "Employers Seek JWs Only" Yet Most JW Employers Avoid Hiring JWs, Why?
by BucketShopBill inhere's a thought: we're told over and over how employers sing the praises of their jw employees, sometimes with a vague quote about how 'if we could only hire jws, we would as they are so honest'.
however, while some jw employers themselves may hire jw employees (usually cheap entry level positions), most don't.
in fact, many jw's in general who have businesses have a rule not to do work with jws, even those in their congregation.
I learned the hard way. If there is a contract involved or ANY potential for a lawsuit...NEVER hire a JW. ALL contracts are unenforcible because of the JW prohibition against lawsuits.
We have lost over 6 figures hiring JW contractors who never completed projects. Employees are another matter, they are always asking for time off, advances, or gossiping....all small potatoes compared to contractual business. Also would NEVER loan a JW or the Society moneyagain, same reason.
Now that we are "out" I would have no problem enforcing a contract or firing a JW, but I would prefer someone who would not gossip or expect a favor.
?? Question for those that have successfully faded/are out:
by Darth Fader The Sequel inquestion: can any of you that have successfully faded out of the jw world without being df'd or da'd relate to me/us how you were able to maintain at least one or a few of your "still in" friends or family?
(and even if you were df'd or da'd and still maintained some relationships, how did that go?).
obviously, the truly demented, sick and twisted (and highly effective) policies and structure of the wtbt$ to set up a system by which anyone that chooses to no longer believe or participate must be treated as "mentally diseased" and a pariah by their own friends and family is the hands down, numero uno reason why many hundreds of thousands and possibly millions of jw's do not leave.
Darth, I have known a few families who have pulled this off for over 20 years. If people REALLY LIKE you they will see what they want. One brother just laughs at elders and tells them "Ya I'm a flake" then follows up with a funny story. He is rarely bothered.
Another faded JW has let it be known he would NEVER sue a brother for slander...and it is a " good thing he is still considered a "brother"because it is a protection for some of the local gossip mongers". If he ever finds himself "out" he will have no problem suing. The Elders ignore the visiting C.O.s and leave him alone.
A few others have "Fibromylogia", "Epstein Barr", or "lyme Desease" or anything internal. Works because medical records with out of town doctors are secure...but really isn't worth the effort if you want to ski, party, kayak etc.
When You See A Witness What's Your Reaction?
by minimus inis it a feeling of---oh no!!?.
are you happy to see them?.
do you have a feeling of consternation?.
1. Curiosity. Which JW is it? Do I know them? Friend or foe......
2. If 2-3 Elders at my door....I make like a bean bag chair......just like when as JWs we had Halloween trick or treaters at the door....
Not on JW.ORG : Jehovah's Witnesses and Watchtower continue fight with British government over Child Abuse and charity status.
by Balaamsass2 injehovah's witness congregration lodges appeal with charity tribunal over statutory inquiry.
25 july 2014 by sam burne james, 3 comments.
the manchester new moston congregation of jehovah's witnesses challenges the decision of the charity commission to open the inquiry over safeguarding issues and trustees' compliance with charity law.
Jehovah's Witness congregration lodges appeal with charity tribunal over statutory inquiry
25 July 2014 by Sam Burne James, 3 comments
The Manchester New Moston Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses challenges the decision of the Charity Commission to open the inquiry over safeguarding issues and trustees' compliance with charity law
Manchester New Moston Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses
A Manchester-based Jehovah’s Witness congregation has lodged an appeal with the charity tribunal against the Charity Commission’s decision to open a statutory inquiry into safeguarding issues at the charity.
In June, the commission announced inquiries into the Manchester New Moston Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses and the religion’s governing body in the UK, the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Britain, amid concerns about safeguarding and whether trustees have complied with charity law.
The regulator first looked into the Manchester congregation after revelations came to light in May that a former trustee of the charity, who served nine months in prison for the indecent of assault of two girls, was allowed to question his victims in front of a congregation of elders after his release.
A spokesman for the Watch Tower said at the time the inquiries were announced that there would be appeals against both. An appeal was lodged last week in the name of the six trustees of the Manchester-based congregation, according to an update to the tribunal register of cases, published online yesterday.
The same spokesman said today that the Watch Tower would also appeal against the inquiry opened into it, either in the tribunal or elsewhere. "At the moment we’re looking at what our legal position is, and we’re considering whether to bring a judicial review in the High Court," he said.
Appeals against the opening of statutory inquiries are becoming more frequent – this is the fifth review application received by the tribunal so far this year, compared with two in 2013, none in 2012 and one in 2011, according to the register of cases."
If any of our British members would explain "Charity" law and investigations it would be much appreciated!
?? Question for those that have successfully faded/are out:
by Darth Fader The Sequel inquestion: can any of you that have successfully faded out of the jw world without being df'd or da'd relate to me/us how you were able to maintain at least one or a few of your "still in" friends or family?
(and even if you were df'd or da'd and still maintained some relationships, how did that go?).
obviously, the truly demented, sick and twisted (and highly effective) policies and structure of the wtbt$ to set up a system by which anyone that chooses to no longer believe or participate must be treated as "mentally diseased" and a pariah by their own friends and family is the hands down, numero uno reason why many hundreds of thousands and possibly millions of jw's do not leave.
I have known a few who have accomplished it without fallout. ALL of them use MOVING as the main technique. Pretend moving ( new phone# & For Sale by owner sign), just moving halls, or REAL moves.
Pick a hall that is out of your Circuit or District who does not exchange speakers with your current hall. Have "Work" require you be out of town or look for a new home.
Don't act standoffish or hostile. Get caller ID & answering machine. Don't answer the door or work in the front yard SAT. am. If people prod you with questions smile and ask about them their famlies (Dfed kids etc) or their work. It is very easy to redirect conversations. When the Elders finally contact you, be busy and when they ask "if there is anything they can do".... GIVE them an expensive project. - "Elderly Sister/mom/aunt needs xyz proiect done and some $$" ...they will not call you anymore.
Always be nice.
Not on JW.ORG: ANOTHER VICTIM of Jehovah's Witness ELDER, testifies about sexual assault.
by Balaamsass2 insecond victim of jailed church elder speaks out7:47am thursday 24th july 2014 in news.
speaking out: tina guy (8481415)a second victim of jailed jehovah's witness elder mark sewell has stepped forward to tell of her ordeal at the hands of the convicted rapist.. tina guy, a former employee of sewell, has told of her horror at recalling an incident where she was driven onto wasteland against her will and locked in a car by him - only to narrowly escape from the man who had already committed rape.. when sewell drove mrs guy onto barren land at barry docks in the mid 90s, she had no idea that the boss who had targeted her with a campaign of suggestive behaviour and an eventual indecent assault had already committed a rape just a few years prior.. sewell, 53, of porthkerry road, barry, was jailed for 14 years at merthyr crown court earlier this month after being found guilty of raping a fellow churchgoer, indecently assaulting two young girls - including his niece karen morgan - and also indecently assaulting mrs guy in their workplace.. mrs guy, a married mother-of-one from george street, barry, began working at sewell's janitorial supply business in the mid 90s when she was 25 years old.. soon after, sewell began making inappropriate comments to her before advancing to trying to get her alone and make her sit on his lap saying: "give uncle mark a kiss" - disturbingly similar behaviour to that used in grooming his 12-year-old niece karen several years before.. mrs guy said that at the time she had only been in one relationship and was "naive".
she didn't know how seriously to take the boss who seemed funny and playful, at first.. also, she said, knowing that he was a member of the jehovah's witness church she assumed he must be a "good person".. knowing now what sewell - described in court as a "predator" who used his power to exploit and abuse women and girls - was capable of, one incident sends shivers up her spine.. she described how one day sewell had approached her red-faced and furious while she was talking with another male employee and demanded she join him on a trip to a bank in barry town centre.. he drove her to town and left her in the car while he went to the bank, something that immediately put mrs guy on edge.. on what should have been the return trip, sewell took an unusual route before driving onto barren wasteland near barry docks.
Second victim of jailed church elder speaks out
7:47am Thursday 24th July 2014 in News
SPEAKING OUT: Tina Guy (8481415)
A SECOND victim of jailed Jehovah's Witness elder Mark Sewell has stepped forward to tell of her ordeal at the hands of the convicted rapist.
Tina Guy, a former employee of Sewell, has told of her horror at recalling an incident where she was driven onto wasteland against her will and locked in a car by him - only to narrowly escape from the man who had already committed rape.
When Sewell drove Mrs Guy onto barren land at Barry docks in the mid 90s, she had no idea that the boss who had targeted her with a campaign of suggestive behaviour and an eventual indecent assault had already committed a rape just a few years prior.
Sewell, 53, of Porthkerry Road, Barry, was jailed for 14 years at Merthyr Crown Court earlier this month after being found guilty of raping a fellow churchgoer, indecently assaulting two young girls - including his niece Karen Morgan - and also indecently assaulting Mrs Guy in their workplace.
Mrs Guy, a married mother-of-one from George Street, Barry, began working at Sewell's janitorial supply business in the mid 90s when she was 25 years old.
Soon after, Sewell began making inappropriate comments to her before advancing to trying to get her alone and make her sit on his lap saying: "give uncle Mark a kiss" - disturbingly similar behaviour to that used in grooming his 12-year-old niece Karen several years before.
Mrs Guy said that at the time she had only been in one relationship and was "naive". She didn't know how seriously to take the boss who seemed funny and playful, at first.
Also, she said, knowing that he was a member of the Jehovah's Witness church she assumed he must be a "good person".
Knowing now what Sewell - described in court as a "predator" who used his power to exploit and abuse women and girls - was capable of, one incident sends shivers up her spine.
She described how one day Sewell had approached her red-faced and furious while she was talking with another male employee and demanded she join him on a trip to a bank in Barry town centre.
He drove her to town and left her in the car while he went to the bank, something that immediately put Mrs Guy on edge.
On what should have been the return trip, Sewell took an unusual route before driving onto barren wasteland near Barry docks. He locked the doors, removed his seatbelt, leaned into her and began asking her for sex.
When she declined he asked her if he could "have a grope". He told her he would "look after her".
"I was scared, I didn't know what was going on," she said. " I was just looking out of the window hoping that someone would come along."
Demanding he drive her back to work, Sewell eventually gave up - only to end up sexually assaulting Mrs Guy a short time later, when he indecently rubbed himself against her in the office kitchen. Again a behaviour he had used in previous instances of abuse.
Mrs Guy only realised what a lucky escape she may have had that day when she heard the testimony of a woman raped by Sewell at his home just a few years before the incident, an incident that had left her unable to be alone in a car with an unfamiliar man for years to come.
"It was so eerie to think back to it," she said. "I don't know what might have happened.
"It took over my life for a while, it caused quite a lot of problems for a few years after."
Mrs Guy left Sewell's employment soon after to work at Barry Woolworths and some time later won a tribunal for sexual harassment against Sewell.
Facing Sewell in court along with his other victims and helping secure his imprisonment has given Mrs Guy a sense of closure.
"When I heard he had been found guilty, I felt physically sick," she said. "Because I knew that people actually believed us.
"We needed that guilty plea for peace of mind.
Is The WTS Building Beth Sarim 2 ?
by metatron ini continue to puzzle over the future direction the watchtower is taking.
it seems very strange.. let's review: they are selling everything off in brooklyn, raking in huge sums from that real estate and building heavily in a fairly isolated part of upstate ny.. why?.
it may be classified as a country club (legally).
I think they are simply maximizing the return on their investment portfolio.
They have CPAs who can give them the exact Internal Rates of Return on every investment. Since we are not privy to that info we are guessing in the dark.
"Brothers, shall we put that extra Billion into our hedge fund or into a real estate flip???????? Humm....." "Brother CPA what gave us the best I.R.R. these last 10 years?"
Added to that is the traditional Doomsday prepper mentality of WTBTS GB. Tunnels, huge back-up generators and MANY months of food storage.
(Columbia Hgts HQ exposure to a pissed off car bomber was mentioned as far back as the 70s at the home).