New AWAKE! : Is Doomsday prepping proper for pioneers?
JoinedPosts by Balaamsass2
New meeting pictured in WT. Preperation for Persecution meeting. There's a picture!
by Wasanelder Once inare you prepared for the great tribulaion?
if you are smart you wont miss the newest meeting in a basement near you.. having trouble inserting the pic, working on it.
Gerrit Losch talks to poor South Americans about Materialism while wearing THREE (3) gold rings and 2 gold cuff links...
by Calebs Airplane inhe also talks trash about higher education .... (for those who know some spanish, view this youtube video...).
what an idiot.. .
Didn't you know gaudy gold jewelry is all the rage?!!!
"We Love You All Very Much"
by Apognophos ini'm not sure if this has been discussed before.
you guys might recall that when the 2013 yearbook came out, the letter from the governing body ended a bit unusually:.
we love you all very much.
Gerrit Losch talks to poor South Americans about Materialism while wearing THREE (3) gold rings and 2 gold cuff links...
by Calebs Airplane inhe also talks trash about higher education .... (for those who know some spanish, view this youtube video...).
what an idiot.. .
No dout he jetted away 1st or business class to one of the new Beth Sarims in Walkill, Florida or rest up from his tiring trip blessing the poor amharets.
Society money grab tonight
by Red Piller inwow.
you read about it here.
but, it still doesn't prepare you.. our hall passed a resolution to give about 15,000 to the wt.
Ahhh....but it will be used wisely for the new Beth Sarims in Walkill, Florida and Wales. How dare everyone deny the Governing Body richly deserved "fruits".
Watchtower and Hedge Funds
by TJ Curioso inour "beloved" watchtower, "a spokesman of god on earth," is everywhere: on the one hand say they yearnto live with christ in heaven and on the other hand - strange as it may seem - also have their interests in the land of mortals.
let's explain!.
each year, the watchtower (watchtower bible and tract society) meets with the most important world of high finance, in its meeting of "hedge fund", obviously without telling its members to support the worldwide and that they fill the coffers.. .
The Watchtower 11/15/2014
by wifibandit in
select "premium download".
(thanks breakfast of champions).
Did Rutherford Smoke?
by VM44 indoes anyone know if rutherford smoked cigars?
would that be documented in any writing?.
we know that he enjoyed liquor, but whether he smoked or not is not clear.. --vm44
Rutherford's wife, why the info blackout?
by VM44 inrutherford ruled the watchtower organization from 1916 to 1942, traveled extensively, had several residences, most notably, beth sarim.
but absent always was his wife, mary, not to mention his son, malcolm as well.. ok, rutherford was so well known, why did no one inquire about his son and wife?.
when rutherford resided at beth sarim in san diego, why was his wife not there with him?
Interesting Governing Body post. After searching the ENTIRE planet...Jesus picked JFR in Brooklyn..............
Could the Governing Body Courageous Fight Suicide Bombers Targeting Them like Coptic Christians are dealing with?
by BucketShopBill inwith all the hateful speech the watchtower has used against anyone who disagrees with them, what if they pissed off a group of jws that decided they needed to change the watchtower because they felt they were apostates?
what do you think would happen, would the governing body antagonize this break-away cult and stand their ground or make peace with a well armed jw militia ready to do battle?.
what if a cult emerged from the big cult and declared war on the governing body and called them apostates who deserve to die?
ummm.....Bill "apostates" have been screaming outside the 124 Building almost dailey for 50 years. The Governing Body would do what they are already doing. Use the underground passages, never piss off mad bomber Islamics with Awake! expose' s, and have a Bethel Driver pick them up for a ride out to the "country compound" up-state.