Contained within their own borders, there are many Islamic States and atheist dictatorships, including Communist China ruled by an atheist unelected elite class of self appointed absolute authority, (like the Governing Body).
The occupation of one country by another, is the very definition of history. We oocupy Native Lands, China occupies Tibet and its Western Region whose inhabitants want to secede. Syria occupies Lebanon. Saudia Arabia is ruled by one family who cannot be voted out of office and relegates women to stone age status. (much like the WTBS)
Africa was colonized and its resources plundered for hundreds of years and its unity broken. America imported living human beings and used them as slaves for 300 years and that only ended in 1865 , a second ago , in history. No one has any right to point the finger at Israel as some illegitimate upstart with no right to exist on this planet.
Haters need someone to hate. These exjw forums seem to be full of haters of Israel and finding ammunition is easier that sorting out truth in a rational discussion. Describing the Democray of Israel as a founded by "terrorists" is not rational or truth based or factual, or anything but misinformation and hate motivated. If you want to hate terrorists look at what ISIS is doing right now as we speak.