well , the way i see it, according to 2 corinthians 12 vs 2 and 4 paradise is in the third heaven.
and jesus said you will be with me in paradise, which is apparently in heaven.[interestingly he said that to a criminal, but hey, he believed jesus was lord, so he got saved right then and there]
and in Matthew ch 24 vs 35 says heaven and earth will pass away [because men will ruin he earth, and so they must be ruined too] but his words will not,
so when he comes, no one will know anyway, [like in Noah's day, no one knew it came, until the flood came and they all died , see no one told them, they were not warned they were already judged as bad.]
two women grinding at the mill, he takes one and leaves the other, he read the heart apparently and knows who to take,
and then the earth i guess will be burned up and there will be a new heavens and earth in which righteousness is to dwell.
so do we need to fight? can we hide in a cave [pointing a gun at whoever] ? no. but oddly, the bible also says lift up your heads and see ,
something , bla bla bla, so whatever .
but i asked someone once, where does it say in the bible that people will survive or live through Armageddon? they survive a tribulation, but Armageddon is a place. not an event.if its Gods war, its not ours right?