JoinedPosts by sowhatnow
what is 'the arrangement' exactly?
by sowhatnow inwe often hear the phrase.
its used to accuse.... they did not follow j's arrangement, you have to live by j's arrangement.
or to brag.... its all due to j's arrangement , we work with his org, and according to the arrangement.
lol -
WHY MONOTHEISM WINS the historical competition among gods and beliefs
by TerryWalstrom inamong the hundreds (if not thousands) of competing religious beliefs, practices, rituals, and faiths in the developing years of early christianity--and arguably against all odds--christian monotheism won.
for awhile, the thoroughly pagan roman empire became officially christianized.. why?.
could it be a simple fact?.
per your scary thought....
id say there is proof in numbers, Islam has more followers to begin with simply because of population, and most likely larger families
so obviously its more known among the population followed by other large religious organizations.
since they do not go door to door, how they gain followers is quite interesting.
i actually have a hard time seeing the jws around for another 100 years, I see it morphing into yet another religion.
oh i love this, girls,
by sowhatnow in1st timothy 2 vs 14 .
14 and adam was not the one deceived; it was the woman who was deceived and became a sinner.
oh, ok, so adam wasn't deceived by the woman, lol so hes so innocent?
1st timothy 2 vs 14
14 And Adam was not the one deceived; it was the woman who was deceived and became a sinner
oh, ok, so Adam wasn't deceived by the woman, lol so hes so innocent? that makes him a bigger idiot than she.
you woman hating b@#$%*s
I like how they go from vs 8 talking about prayer right into controlling women, wow who added that crap!
then we have this dash
15 But women[c] will be saved through childbearing—if they continue in faith, love and holiness with propriety.
there is a lot of text missing here who knows what else was said. so who 'they' are we have no idea.
oh we were saved through childbearing, ok so were the men, without us they don't exist, lol
Have JW relatives disinherited you? (especially Canadian)
by berrygerry ininteresting court case whereby the entire will was declared void because the father was racist.. would that not also apply to jw's who disinherit their non-jw family?.
wow, I never considered that possibility. How twisted . I could never do that to my family, id at least leave it to a grandchild. you have got to wonder just how many people with no family donate all their assets to the wt.
The Fear mongering of this weeks WT study!
by stuckinarut2 inhave you all read this weeks study article?.
oh my word it is full of fear inducing tactics....doom and gloom outlooks.... anxiety inducing methods to develop absolute control over witnesses and cripple them in any attempt to think for themselves!.
(notice i am saying "themselves" rather than "ourselves"?!
lol, so if jws are God special people why are they hiding?
from what? its not Gods war yet, its the tribulation.
so hes got 'special people' and he cant save them, [and from what? ]
here we have in luke 21 28
when you see these things begin to take place straiten up, lift up your heads because your redemption is drawing near. it doesn't say run and hide fro the God who is supposed to save you. where is their faith.
when you see these things begin to take place it says to lift up your heads and you'll see the son of man coming on a cloud.
and anyway,
is it not the wicked that are to hide from Gods wrath? not the righteous?
so, what does any thinking jw think is going to happen while everyone is sitting in the basement?
you cant hide from tribulation. we all have tribulation in the flesh, according to the bible.
not to mention all those prophesies were fulfilled. past tense
if you look closely there's some weird face or symbol, cant remember, on that luggage bag on the floor in the background ,lol
GB says, "Our way of worship will soon be altered."
by Separation of Powers inmy mom called me yesterday to ask how i was doing.
i hadn't seen her in a while, so it was nice to hear her voice.
we went through the motions of jw small talk and then she started telling me about her co visit from last week.
I would have been tempted to say, 'really? great! because obviously this isnt working' -
why is this not an issue with the wt org?
by sowhatnow ini watched this and thought hmm, so when getting a birth certificate, your handing your child over to be owned by the govt.
anyone with the 'stock certificate of manifest' [how much your worth] is owned by their govt.. the wt is ok with everyone including themselves being owned by 'satans govt' lol.. in theory no jw should have a birth certificate.
especially since they let people in the past, die over that refusal to have a govt issued certificate.. they assign you a bond /stock number, its the tiny red letters on your certificate.. and you are now property of that government , so you have no rights to your children, they can take them if they feel you are in the wrong.. they and we are slaves to a govt.. [our last names are a 'brand' creepy.
i suppose that would make more sense, but whats the reason for all the crazy conspiracy theories? i could never wrap my head around it, what goal do these people hope to arrive to? you know. -
why is this not an issue with the wt org?
by sowhatnow ini watched this and thought hmm, so when getting a birth certificate, your handing your child over to be owned by the govt.
anyone with the 'stock certificate of manifest' [how much your worth] is owned by their govt.. the wt is ok with everyone including themselves being owned by 'satans govt' lol.. in theory no jw should have a birth certificate.
especially since they let people in the past, die over that refusal to have a govt issued certificate.. they assign you a bond /stock number, its the tiny red letters on your certificate.. and you are now property of that government , so you have no rights to your children, they can take them if they feel you are in the wrong.. they and we are slaves to a govt.. [our last names are a 'brand' creepy.
lol, so you think this is all speculation and baloney? God I hope so, you never know though, after all the wt isnt all its pretending to be either. -
Happy - Bethelites Song...
by thedepressedsoul inuh, i'm speechless... is this the same religion against tight pants, colored socks, df etc...?.
i think i'm in two religions... .
this video also looks very familiar, did they steal something from the apostates?
is this available to view on their roku streamed jw channel?
who the heck is going to actually watch that and find it worth their time other than toddlers.
just EWW
So, dead members of the 144,000 help direct the preaching work from beyond the grave?
by Zoos indid i understand that right?
was that a claim rutherford made?.
i don't suppose anyone has that quote..
hey, good point jerome