So they dont have enough of the average JW'S time, now they want your relaxation time too. get into the houses and get on their tv, make them see the roku remote so they must be compelled to put on the 'channel' its the channel for God! lol
This would so be my mom,
"if you want to watch tv kids,, you must watch the latest video from the governing body,"
" oh but look, they got a new cartoon ooo" barf barf. I thought 'the wiggles' was bad,lol
so now what are the wt people doing with all these videos? no more new light, its simply rehash the old old and put it on tv for all the new generation to see 'and lets make it fun', [pathetic] i wont even watch those even to poke fun.
is this all they do now in the 'secret' room?