yoga pants in the news , say its not true!
JoinedPosts by sowhatnow
oh not again..
by sowhatnow inyoga pants in the news , say its not true!
a parable has a fullfillment? and, is there now no faithful slave?
by sowhatnow indoes a parable have a fulfillment?
lol, i thought only prophesy had fulfillment.
march 15 2015 wt.. after the previous articles and questions from the readers, where the writers try to explain that .
does a parable have a fulfillment? lol, I thought only prophesy had fulfillment. march 15 2015 wt.
after the previous articles and questions from the readers, where the writers try to explain that
'humans cannot know which bible accounts are shadows of things to come and which are not, [pg18 bottom] and we aught to be reluctant to assign an anti typical application to a certain person or account if there is no specific basis for doing so'
they then go on to say, in the next article
march 11'2015 wt study article page 22 par 19
'what about in this time of the end when the parable of the talents finds its fulfillment'
and in paragraph 11 where they are guessing, again....
'he was evidently referring to the time when he will come to execute judgment at the end of this system'
[and in 14 where it says 'This salve showed a bad spirit, for he deliberately worked against the masters interests'
I dont know where that assumption came from.]
and then the real interesting piece of info,
the photo on page 24
'former explanation:
in 1919 jesus rewarded his anointed slaves on earth by entrusting them with increased responsibility'
'adjusted [love that word lol] explanation:
when Christ comes in the future he will reward his faithful anointed slaves by raising them to heaven.
now, this means that the faithful slave has not been chosen? and Jesus still hasn't come?
and the 1919 teaching that was 'new light' is now not light but a lie?
paragraph 15 : in this context it is reasonable to conclude that in the illustration of the talents.....
oh full of these words again.... evidently reasonable to conclude, obviously,
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Joseph and Potiphar's wife
by StarTrekAngel inwhat are the real reasons joseph refused to sleep with potiphar's wife?.
the watchtower and others teach that joseph refused to commit adultery.
specifically to the jws, we teach that joseph, somehow, knew that adultery was wrong, despite not having any specific rule or writing to teach him so.
well, maybe he feared for his life because she did not really like him, was a b i t c h and would have lied and accused him or rape, and had him hung.
or he did bang her a few times got tired of her and she was p 'd off because he turned her down.
or he saw another man get his head cut off for doing it with her, and ran from her.
the letter to timothy, only a letter to timothy?
by sowhatnow inso im here fine tooth combing the latest [mar 15th] watchtower propaganda leaflet the last study article, finding not a scripture in its correct context, [thats for another post, lol] when i thought, hmm, how many times does it say to preach in the bible.. so i go to bible gateway, and type in 'preach'.
[ not preached] .
i got 2nd timothy.. i read the whole 2 books of timothy.. an it appears to me, that paul, wh has his own agenda, wrote those words to timothy, after all it says a letter to tim, .
yea , Paul says "I" an awful lot. I did this and that and say this and that. Paul is a woman hater too.
my jw mom often will try to quote a scripture saying that Jesus said it, and Ill correct her and say, no Paul said that, and she will argue that whatever Paul said , it may as well been Jesus, because Jesus, told Paul to be the man of God that we shall follow. ok then.
and she also insists it was Jesus who set up the christian church. sigh.
anyway, so if we carefully read each letter, or even any book of the bible, we simply cannot apply it to any other audience than who it was written to, they had no concept of a future world who would read these texts.
I have yet to find a scripture that tells we readers that tells us there is a three fold or even two fold prophesy .
you would think if that was soooo important there would be ample evidence.
what most people forget is this, at the time of Jesus and apostle Paul, no one had the book we have today, so when they were referring to the scriptures they were referring to what they only had which were the writings of a few Jewish scribes, and the mosaic law. and even at that so few people could read writing that they believed anything they were told was on a scroll.
since we obviously are not under that law, it matters not to us.
Semi Home Study Based Charter School vs. Regular School
by SonoftheTrinity ini blame my stepkids bad grades in school squarely on the watchtower.
they don't get enough sleep because of the demands of family bible study and thursday meetings but comprimise isn't in my wife's vocabulary.
my stepson has friends at school but there are also bullies, and the classes are overcrowded with sicknesses spreading through them in a way that is detrimental to the family's health.
I pulled my son out of school and put him in a cyer school. the school he attended was not very good, lots of drugs and kids who did not care about getting good grades.
however, he barely got passing grades, and getting a GED which he also had to struggle with, he was for a lack of self discipline and goofed off. he did better reading than in math. do they do math at the kingdom hall? of course not, but they read an awful lot.
two days a week in my opinion, is not enough active in school education , look at how behind so many kids are educationally and emotionally because of the lack of mind challenging subjects and brain stimulation.they need competition.
my mother pulled my sister out of school because she was timid and did not stand up for herself, being teased for her weight, my mom did her a disservice by making her dependent on my mother to come to her rescue.
my sisters education was very much lacking by home schooling her, and here to this day she has a low paying job and has not work skills, nor does she have any good social structures.
we cant always fight our kids battles we need to give them permission to fight back, this is the detriment to all JW kids, as they are tought to be doormats.
i know a lot of weak humble 'sissies' who will not get any character, personality, and self respect.
few jw children I knew , had good self esteem.
as a teased child in a racially challenged school system,
I felt worthless powerless, slave, who deserved nothing good. school was torture for me because i was told not to make any friends and had to view everyone as bad association. even the nice mormon girl who dressed nicer than me. lol
If i had been allowed to have school friends it would have been totally different for me.
and to this very day, i prepare my self always to be disappointed., very few positive things has happened in my life because i did not had little control over it.
it seems like kids have their power of self taken away, and basically told without using words, that they are incapable of defending themselves and they are incapable of learning, and they are not able to do this or that, and so mom or dad must come to the rescue.
we often do our kids a disservice by trying to live their lives for them.
I wish you luck and hope you can find a good balance. its to bad he cant go to a private school.
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the letter to timothy, only a letter to timothy?
by sowhatnow inso im here fine tooth combing the latest [mar 15th] watchtower propaganda leaflet the last study article, finding not a scripture in its correct context, [thats for another post, lol] when i thought, hmm, how many times does it say to preach in the bible.. so i go to bible gateway, and type in 'preach'.
[ not preached] .
i got 2nd timothy.. i read the whole 2 books of timothy.. an it appears to me, that paul, wh has his own agenda, wrote those words to timothy, after all it says a letter to tim, .
so im here fine tooth combing the latest [mar 15th] watchtower propaganda leaflet the last study article, finding not a scripture in its correct context, [thats for another post, lol] when i thought, hmm, how many times does it say to preach in the bible.
so i go to bible gateway, and type in 'preach'.[ not preached]
i got 2nd timothy.
i read the whole 2 books of timothy.
an it appears to me, that paul, wh has his own agenda, wrote those words TO TIMOTHY, after all it says a letter to Tim,
and no one else [vs 18 this mandate i commit to you]
did I read wrong? .
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Watchtower Magazine - Statement of Purpose
by Nicholaus Kopernicus in"the purpose of this magazine, the watchtower, is to honor jehovah god, the supreme ruler of the universe.
just as watchtowers in ancient times enabled a person to observe developments from afar, so this magazine shows us the significance of world events in the light of bible prophecies.
it comforts people with the good news that gods kingdom, which is a real government in heaven, will soon bring an end to all wickedness and transform the earth into a paradise.
here is how the 1989 wt reads
The purpose of The Watchtower is to exalt Jehovah God as the Sovereign of the universe.
It keeps watch on world events as they fulfill bible prophesy. It comforts all peoples with the good news that Gods kingdom will soon destroy those who oppress their fellowmen and that it will turn the earth into a paradise. It encourages faith in the now reigning King Jesus Christ, whose shed blood opens the way for mankind to gain eternal life. The Watchtower published by Jehovah's Witnesses continuously since 1879 is nonpolitical.It adheres to the bible as its authority.
now, not too different but curiously different.
and lol, Im still looking for the multiple scriptures used by the apostles, to back up the claim that 'Gods kingdom' will destroy anyone ,let alone ONLY those who oppress their fellowmen, or that Gods kingdom is going to turn the earth into a paradise. technically the earth is a paradise, man just sh@#s all over it.
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Please vaccinate your children
by Viviane inand remember your boosters as adults!.
currently there is a measles outbreak in the u.s. the outbreak is clustered into communities where parents choose not to get their children vaccinated.
vaccination works primarily on herd immunity.
is it true, [a pediatrician once told me this] that children in the euro countries do not start vaccines until they are 12 months old?
now this is when i started my children, by choice. I felt it was too soon to start immunizations so young.
and its the usual habit of the doctors here in the states to start to inject three month old infants with these deadly diseases, and every month there after, before they have a good immune system, and are physically able to handle them.
the age is what I take issue with.
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Watchtower Magazine - Statement of Purpose
by Nicholaus Kopernicus in"the purpose of this magazine, the watchtower, is to honor jehovah god, the supreme ruler of the universe.
just as watchtowers in ancient times enabled a person to observe developments from afar, so this magazine shows us the significance of world events in the light of bible prophecies.
it comforts people with the good news that gods kingdom, which is a real government in heaven, will soon bring an end to all wickedness and transform the earth into a paradise.
so what else have they omitted? uh, how about Jesus. lol
its amazing how no one notices certain things, its taken for granted.
and searcher, that article is classic
'Some have pursued an independent group study of Biblical Hebrew and Greek so as to analyze the accuracy of the New World Translation.'
that's rich, what the hell do they think they are NOT 'an independent study group to analyze a bible...' ?
'Do as we say not as we do'
'It is commendable for individuals to want to use their thinking ability'
wow, thanks so much for patronizing me, WT !
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