JoinedPosts by sowhatnow
fried hard salami with french toast -
lets make something up, so say the writters of the wt magazines
by sowhatnow in'ok people, we have 3 awake magazines with 8 pages each to pump out before the end of the month, no politics, no sex, no mention of education, no recreation, no religious topics, no medical advice, limit music only to instruments ' .
say the gb.
'oh a deadline, gee, 3 'whole' magazines, and so few topics, what ever will we print in them???
splash and simon, you got me lmao
omg really there was an article called tips for cassette tapes wow.
hey taxi 'get me outa here!' lol
Wife is FOR SURE waking up
by cappytan inwell, this is a new development.
she broached the subject of ttatt tonight.
said i was right about the flood.
well if you feel certain that she will still lean towards Christianity,
she might enjoy the bible gateway website for scripture comparisons.
and in the future, a few watchtower examination videos they have been helpful to me.
but be selective in which ones you choose, and if you get her to watch any scroll them down or watch in full screen to hide the titles so she wont see them and tell her to have her bible ready.
hes pretty good at making one reason.
ive been logged in for over a week cant log out.
its like the hotel California !!!!
Splane's Anti Catholic Rant
by Listener ina talk was given by gb member david splane in the february 2015 jw broadcasting video.
he talks about unity and sings the praises of jws.
he points his finger at the catholics and says this about them (39.32)-.
these old men remind me of an older relative of mine who hates what he calls 'jap scrap', lol [what a moron] and actually wont talk to you much id you buy any car not a ford chevy or dodge , who is still harping over his view of how 'the Japanese car companies ruining our country', lol idiot.
they are soooo stuck in the past.
Hot topic in congregations: having a beard/goatee
by nevaagain ini am starting this topic because i was wondering, i see many who leave "the truth" are glad because they can finally have a beard.
is having a beard really a no go in congregations?
how is / was it in your congregation?.
cedars over on jwsurvey explains the root of that issue.
but I think its an old mentality, and of all the changes they have made you would think that one of them would be the attitude towards beards, I always preferred my[ soon to b x] husband with one, as he looks like he has no chin. it frames his jaw line.
there are brothers with acne scars that would benefit from a beard. lots of guys in colder places have to wear beards .
believe me I searched for any biblical reason for it and found nothing.
why mustaches are ok and beards are not I have no clue. i personally dont like goatees to me they put you in a stereotype .
personally I like a classy trimmed beard that's close to the face with a neatly mustache trimmed too. none of this weird gross thick food and snot catching long crap that looks lazy and unkempt. or a long lazy biker dude stereotype . unfortunately the longer beards now are associated with terrorists, so there is always something huh?
my son used to go to meetings years ago, he tried to grow facial hair so he would look older, he very young looking, he had a few light hairs on his neck and chin when a brother walked up to us after the meeting and said 'I see someone hasn't had time to shave today'
I right away said in reply "no hes growing a beard, he looks better I think, I like beards my husband has one"
the guy did not know what to say to that. lol
hey, every guy who wants to leave the borg can grow a beard
you'll be able to spot all the 'trouble makers' in the kingdom halls lol .
your face will thank you when its cold out, lol -
If this isn't the truth, then what is our hope?
by Gigi2121 ini'm new here but not new to researching and questioning the jw beliefs.
i have quite a story.... one that's been haunting me for awhile... but first, i'd like to hear what people have to say about this topic question, please.. -gigi.
I had to look at it this way.
If there is a God he will come through.
If there is not , when I die, im not going to know anyway if i was right or wrong.
I have to not think about it and try to find a way to live the best way I can, that's all any of us can do.
lets make something up, so say the writters of the wt magazines
by sowhatnow in'ok people, we have 3 awake magazines with 8 pages each to pump out before the end of the month, no politics, no sex, no mention of education, no recreation, no religious topics, no medical advice, limit music only to instruments ' .
say the gb.
'oh a deadline, gee, 3 'whole' magazines, and so few topics, what ever will we print in them???
'Ok people, we have 3 awake magazines with 8 pages each to pump out before the end of the month, no politics, no sex, no mention of education, no recreation, no religious topics, no medical advice, limit music only to instruments '
say the GB.
'oh a deadline, gee, 3 'whole' magazines, and so few topics, what ever will we print in them???'
'how about the life cycle of an ant? ' says 'cubicle # 2'.
'you go girl and don't forget use the watchtower library for your research'.
[copy paste copy paste]
How creative are you or I, that we couldn't arrange an awake magazine with lots of colorful pictures, within like half an hour? I know there are those creative minds on here!
[and who the heck imagines those study articles! they brain is in backwards].
[what would YOU have liked to see in those magazines]
Not Seating at the Same Place in All Meetings.
by Tempest in a Teacup ini haven't heard this one in a while but it has been on my mind lately.
maybe it's because i'm noticing that these days people at the kh are going the extra mile to vary their seating places in all meetings.. having skipped meetings for a few weeks, i'm wondering if there has been a talk/article about that recently.
that's one of the most laughable rules they made and i never felt bound by it.
I couldn't figure put what difference it made. you get up and walk to the same people you always talk to anyway., while saying a short hello how are you on the way out the isle.
[gee there I just talked to someone 'new']
im of the opposite mindset,
IF you tend to sit in the same area all the time, wouldn't it make it easier to know if someone is missing?
wouldn't the wt conductor find it easier to know where his favorite commenters are?
wouldn't it make it easier for the mic carrier to find you?
wouldn't your kids find it easier to sit if they were familiar with the kids and adults around them? especially infants, they don't like 'strangers'.
yea, cant do nothin right, cant even sit right! lol.
But what ALWAYS made me ponder, is WHY the elderly sat in the back row, when they never or rarely got up, and don't like noisy kids, cant see as well or hear as well!
I mean shouldn't those who want quiet and to hear good sit in the front? duh,
and the noisy kids in the back?
some halls tried to rope off the back rows for late comers and those with children.
it never worked, lol.