as a wife who was cheated on by a x jw, and then forgave, [fool i was , so i left him again]
Id find it to be no ones business. and if it were me , id in no way go tell anyone my affairs.
I strongly feel if a jw woman cheats on a non jw husband, and he forgives her, its no ones business but the husbands, he is her head [according to jw rules] and regardless of his religious standing, he has the right to tell her not to go to the elders,and he also has authority over the elders for his own family.
its a family matter, not an offense against someone in the congregation,
[ i m sure there were not two witnesses, lol]
and it does not need at all to be made public.
the prying into peoples personal affairs, is not biblical. only when a person foolishly allows themselves to come under the regulations of the elders is when there will be additional problems.
no matter what anyone says, if someone gets DF , they never ever have the stain of the 'sin' erased from the minds of everyone else. twenty years later someone will remember that one thing they did wrong, and not the multiple things they did right.
think about it,
If you don't tell, who will know?