we've already survived a great tribulation haven't we ?
JoinedPosts by sowhatnow
by nowwhat? in40-50 years after saying "armegeddon is right around the corner" we are now making progress!!!.
gotta have a sense of humor to deal with this stuff..
"In the beginning, God created the Heavens and the Earth . ."
by nicolaou inso where did god exist before he created the heavens?
of course this is one ancient mans explanation of what might had happened. its certainly not the right answer. it is in fact one mans story. with lots of contradictions I might add. this is whats so puzzling, where did anything come from? evolution certainly can be a logical answer but still, where did matter come from to begin with?
I personally could never get past genesis , its too unbelievable. the whole bible is too unbelievable.lol
I've just been disfellowshipped!
by maksutov inapparently it was announced last night.
i was not informed (for 'legal reasons'), but they phoned my dad and told him.
i understand it is due to my apostate book.
its a parallel universe we are in when we are basically saying yay, for getting DF. lol.
but seriously,
how on earth does someone get DF without their knowledge? isnt that like wrong?
to me, that means you did not have any chance to defend yourself,
these men have placed themselves above the law of the land, put their by god,
they made their own laws, [like the Vatican]
and in a large way arent they guilty of slander?.
what legal reason? and whos laws are they claiming is in question? if they say legal reasons, then you have legal rights too. and so use them.lol
wow, Im pretty curious , how it is that you have not 'lost it whats your secret? lol
Dangerous "Pent up" feelings inside of most witnesses?
by stuckinarut2 ini have often wondered if there is more harm done to people who are stifled or smothered from expressing their natural conduct, feelings or actions because of it being condemned by religious ideals?.
so if a person keeps suppressing their real personality and tries to mould themselves to the "perfect" or "ideal" version as expected from those controlling them, could they eventually "bust" so to speak?.
for instance, witnesses condemn many forms of entertainment.
freemindfade you said exactly what i have been feeling but couldn't find the words, lol, its this mindset I wrestle with, as well,
its an emotional see saw , questioning myself and debating over every singe thing I do.
and Im sure im not the only one who doesn't know who I am. I dont know who I could have been, what I could have accomplished different, what my likes are. ect.
so now when i do something, if it was something that Id not ever do as a jw, that guilt is there tormenting me, and I have to constantly tell myself its ok.
this is why so many people in the world are so difficult to figure out. they have a torture from within that we cant see.
100 Years Ago, 1.5 Million Christian Armenians Were Systematically Killed. Today, It's Still Not A 'Genocide'
by fulltimestudent inwhatever the reasons, whatever the excuses, whatever the denials - its still a tragedy:.
100 years ago, 1.5 million christian armenians were systematically killed.
today, it's still not a 'genocide'.
its sickening the things people dont know about
Question for people who believe in Evolution
by ttte36 inthough school i did religious education and my teacher who was religious ruled out evolution because humans are the only creatures who do not want to die, can anyone who understands evolution explain this?.
im 99% on to the theory of evolution, this is just the last stumbling block..
Im with you on that .
but also, someone can explain to me why there is matter floating around in space to be a big bang to begin with, where did it come from? lol,
ive already come to the conclusion that genesis is just stupid,
but there is still something to be said about where all things started.
man may never know.that said we better eat drink and be merry.
oh, wait, sorry , in our 'spare time' after slaving for the almighty dollar...
Phone call from a brother last night
by label licker inthe brother and his wife thought the statement at the end of this month's broad cast show was a little off.
the org stated that jehovah's organisation can not be corrupted.
(needless to say only three had shown up for the broadcast meeting at the hall) he's never heard that before so we filled him in as to what the org has been up to and gave him jwnet, jw facts as well as jw survey to look at.
is anyone secretly recording these at the meetings? id love to have heard that
Phone call from a brother last night
by label licker inthe brother and his wife thought the statement at the end of this month's broad cast show was a little off.
the org stated that jehovah's organisation can not be corrupted.
(needless to say only three had shown up for the broadcast meeting at the hall) he's never heard that before so we filled him in as to what the org has been up to and gave him jwnet, jw facts as well as jw survey to look at.
a little off? lol
I wonder if there was any swirling memorizing colors on the screen as well?
[maybe a little quiet chanting in the background? lol ]
God is unsearchable and cant be found ?!? oh no! lol
that came out of someones mouth?
wow! a blatant lie right there!
gee I wonder if cedars is on to that, new material.lol
that is contrary to what the bible says, even their twisted paperweight.
well doesn't the bible say, people will have their ears tickled and they will be blinded?
who cant see this is obvious lies?
When doers Babylon the Great Fall? :)
by The Searcher intake your pick!!.
kj chap.
15 p. 286 par.
not to worry, it fell.
Jesus warned his apostles back then THEY would see all this happen. [he told them to flee to judea or else.]
the 'great' tribulation already happened. they went through it. so says the letters to the 7 congs.
read this its amazing. http://www.templemount.org/destruct2.html
Jesus is ruling, he told them they would see him in his kingdom.
the kingdom is in us if we wish it to be.
the battle AT Armageddon happened already too. thank the Lord. lol
paradise is in heaven, so says the bible many times.
paul said it was in Corinthians when was in the third heaven where paradise is . and Jesus is there in heaven. where he told the guy next to him he would be going that 'day' after they died. [ although, jesus did not go directly to heaven, he went to preach to the demons in the prisons first why, who knows ,lol]
no one has yet to show me where a scripture indicates there is anymore than one fulfillment of any said prophesy. prophesy is for the listener at the time. where also is any scripture that
says anyone lived through 'an' 'Armageddon'[which is a place not an event] people lived though tribulation.
Worst Bible Verse ... EVER
by Wild_Thing infrom the nwt, of course.
none of the other versions make it sound any better, either.
2 timothy, chapter 2 has been used and abused to suppress women everywhere.
I pointed that out to my mom once, and asked her if thats to be part of the God given rules why are we not today observing it? she gave a lame answer, and i told her its becasue men back then viewed women as second class citizens, then she went off about all the 'good women' one who has a bible book names after her.
I said so then we can have our own view on whats proper to observe now ? so then why do we need the bible to tell us whats good and bad?
she changed the subject.lol
it is held by bible scholars researchers and the like,
[in which were quoted from in several books i have read about bible writings by bart ehrman and others]
that those were added in later by someone copying or translating. its all ancient man made rules.
doesn't it seem odd that all of the sudden that off topic statement just inserts itself there? I always thought so.
its the best place the jerk could place it. paul did not write many of those anyway, nor did Matthew mark Luke or john write theirs.
I also found a scripture repeated on the following chapter, lol,
[cant recall which one right off hand] but i know which place it did belong, made no sense where it was the first time. lol.