so, the wt prints an article,
to make who aware , [the lay people or the ones who claim to be chosen?]
that which ones claiming to be anointed are crazy?
so then , anyone who partakes, will be looked at with a suspicious eye,
thus, causing distrust of the very person who claims to be chosen....
and then what?
I used to wonder why all the 'anointed' ones did not gather together at a local assembly hall and have a private celebration, after all wouldn't you want to know who else claims it? wouldnt you want to know who your 'heavenly brothers were?
Im not aware if those who partake, ever disclose that info to anyone else, that may partake, the only way, someone who partook, would know if someone else did , is if they were introduced to each other at some point, and the person brought it up. its not like they have some secret signal, lol