i say all of us on the site, go to the next memorial, and partake, lol
be a good way to find each other,lol
if this has been discussed i missed it.
i think the january study watchtower is a concerted attempt to reduce the numbers claiming to be anointed.
but i love the sneaky way they go about it this time.
i say all of us on the site, go to the next memorial, and partake, lol
be a good way to find each other,lol
if this has been discussed i missed it.
i think the january study watchtower is a concerted attempt to reduce the numbers claiming to be anointed.
but i love the sneaky way they go about it this time.
so, the wt prints an article,
to make who aware , [the lay people or the ones who claim to be chosen?]
that which ones claiming to be anointed are crazy?
so then , anyone who partakes, will be looked at with a suspicious eye,
thus, causing distrust of the very person who claims to be chosen....
and then what?
I used to wonder why all the 'anointed' ones did not gather together at a local assembly hall and have a private celebration, after all wouldn't you want to know who else claims it? wouldnt you want to know who your 'heavenly brothers were?
Im not aware if those who partake, ever disclose that info to anyone else, that may partake, the only way, someone who partook, would know if someone else did , is if they were introduced to each other at some point, and the person brought it up. its not like they have some secret signal, lol
i have been reading the watchtower study edition of march 2016. here some deceptive statements so as to justify their new lights:.
when were gods people held captive by babylon the great?.
that spiritual captivity lasted from the second century c.e.
I can just imagine the the writers of these articles, thinking, Oh god, what the heck are we going to write?
[because they are so brain dead]
lets copy and paste some old stuff, interject some new ideas, and hope no one notices.
I bet they cant explain any of it.
the faces of confusion were apparent to me, years ago when the article seven shepherds eight dukes [ahem] what they mean for us today... was studied.
I was totally giggly.
one 'brother' sitting next to me was looking at my wt and smiling, he saw all my scribbling up and down the margins, and he knew how I felt about the teachings, afterwards he said, 'what the heck did we just read, makes no sense...'
he said even an older elder said he spoke to did not understand that lesson,lol.
they make absolutely no sense, and cannot form a paragraph that has any useful information for people today.
if this has been discussed i missed it.
i think the january study watchtower is a concerted attempt to reduce the numbers claiming to be anointed.
but i love the sneaky way they go about it this time.
it seems that being 'anointed' and partaking of wine at the memorial is a unique Jw practice.
am I wrong?
Im wondering, what does being anointed, have to do with the memorial?
who in scripture was 'anointed' and did they partake? where does it tell us everyone or select ones, partake?
The WT totally misreads acts. there is no upper room with 120 getting tongues of fire, being 'anointed' lol
there is 12 in a house, going to attend a festival for the Israelites. being given holy spirit. [which makes us wonder how holy spirit, can be spoken of as a HE.]
at the last supper, only 12 partook, Jesus only spoke to them. Im not seeing what wine and bread have to do with anyone other than his direct apostles.
I have always been so curious of what it is that makes a person think they are better than anyone else that they are convincing themselves that god is talking to them and making them partake.
If its a simple case of , partake if you believe Jesus is your savior, then everyone should do it. and then, you'll have to be under the same law code he was,lol
i have been perplexed as to how to brung my wife out of jws and to exit the religion... but i had an idea last night.
i know that elders will legitimantly meet with brothers who have doubts and encourage them... not df them .. this is a sheperding call etc.. thus since my wife knows i have doubt s i could say: i want to have two brother over to discuss this ... she will agree.... of course i will hit these guys with biblical textual issues, an biology to where they are stunned and still ask... "so brothers... can you solve this conflict...?".
in this case they will not think of me as an apostate but may question their own beliefs... .
justme2 is right,
if shes really into it, and you have a barrage of questions, you will alienate her, this might damage your relationship.
If the elders have not visited you , put them off as long as possible. perhaps they will give up.
only once in my whole 30 years being in it, had the elders stopped by to see me, and it was random, they were 'out in service' , and I couldn't really talk, my son was upstairs.
it was a short visit, 'were sorry you are having marriage problems and sorry we lost your publisher card hope to see you at the meeting...' then it was 'well we have a funeral to go to'...
never heard from anyone again. but then, Im a woman, and meaningless ,lol
Not knowing your status in the cong, perhaps, you can somehow avoid any religious discussion with her or anyone, treat her with the utmost love, and understanding, just be ' busy'.
believe me, the way I saw people treat each other and how my own family, was treated, and the attitudes displayed, made me wonder decades ago. its the behavior that pulls a lot of people out. she will be a witness to how people treat you, and perhaps start the ball rolling in her mind.
I figure, If my faith and knowledge is 'strong' , and its the truth, nothing is going to sway me, and so that's why I decided to start to research.
hopefully she will be the one to ask a question now and then , make it brief until you know her intent. usually when wives or husbands are complaining about something, that's a good indication something is churning. But rather than let her know you have already looked into answers, have a joint effort to 'discover' answers together. this way she cannot blame you for anything.
best of luck.
i was perusing the internet not long ago and came upon this series of videos by a guy calling himself xendrius.
it declares that many of today's best magicians are in league with the devil.
his claims are based on his observation that the tricks would be impossible to do unless the magicians had made unholy pacts with the devil.. so what's the take of the wtbts?
Ive rarely seen magic shows, but I wonder, has a magic trick ever harmed anyone? if not, then it cant be from the devil right? as the devil seeks to do damage. I was unaware that the devil wants to entertain humans with tricks, to wow us. Now, casting a spell, lol, that's different I suppose. but thats from a mean person, who I guess is supposed to have the devils help. but if you believe in magic, and the devil, then you cant believe in evolution right?
I have seen the one Magic couple , where the woman is changing outfits in seconds behind the sheet or whatever, and wow they are good. I dont get it. lol.
inspiring, funny...you choose.... i'll start with inspiring: .
frodo: i wish the ring had never come to me.
i wish none of this had happened.gandalf: so do all who live to see such times, but that is not for them to decide.
'Gee, I'm real sorry your mom blew up, Ricky.'
[character] lane meyer from Better of dead...
i can see it now, we are the most beautiful and smartest people in the world.. steve harvey will never be the host of another beauty pageant.
i was thinking, don't you think it's time for our society to move on from beauty pageants?.
DJS, Im honored,lol
'I am anointing you the Queen of Reactionary and the Goddess of Hysteria. You are the vice mayor of the twin villages Certitude and Platitude. Even James isn't worthy of you'.
lol, at the very least, I have the title of queen of something, other than 'know-nothing-ville'
'cultural, social and economic differences'
always the stumbling block.
and now Im off to work, because, I am the Queen of Clean....
someone at bethel dinning room was hogging all the bread rolls!!!
would a brother on the writting dep.
dare vent his frustration thru the spiritual food our watchtower???
most of the overweight people I have known, and meet , are usually on prescription drugs of some nature. those mess up the thyroid and other hormones.
once they become addicted to those mind altering drugs, there is little hope for them to get off of them. they are patients for life. thats the goal of the pharmaceutical industry, to label people and medicate the masses.
anti depressants, make most people gain weight. Ive seen it over and over again.
birth control pills make many many women gain weight. again, 95 percent of the time it does.
it would be interesting to find out how many overweight people are on prescription drugs. id take a guess that 75 percent of the population of the US, are taking some sort of prescription drug. [ I fight hard not to join that statistic..Ive just got to stay away from my mothers house and her never ending baking marathon,lol]
Id say the people that go back for seconds and thirds, and pile their plates up with 1000's of calories, are either out of control, or have an addiction.
now, i have heard of someone getting disfellowshiped for not having a clean home, and being a hoarder.
how do you handle that?
i can see it now, we are the most beautiful and smartest people in the world.. steve harvey will never be the host of another beauty pageant.
i was thinking, don't you think it's time for our society to move on from beauty pageants?.
please DJS lol, have you watched those pageants?
explain to us the benefits of a show, with mostly white women, answering the most ridiculous random often pointless questions, with a pathetically short amount of time allotted, in a most a desperately hurried way , to win an award, for strutting around in sexy clothing..... oh wait, men like it. lol
you know its almost and insult to women. what goes on behind the scenes is almost comical.
and as for our education system? well it speaks for itself.
And omg, since when are shows like Toddlers in Tiaras anything less than a show for those sick pedefile bast@#$'s sitting at home watching baby girls with makeup on and sexy clothing? sick sick sick,
those parents have issues for sure.
If a mother sent her child to school dressed like that she would be arrested, and probably have her kid taken from her, yet somehow its allowed on cable tv... hmmm nothing more than gross entertainment for brain dead people.