I pulled my son out of school and put him in a cyer school. the school he attended was not very good, lots of drugs and kids who did not care about getting good grades.
however, he barely got passing grades, and getting a GED which he also had to struggle with, he was for a lack of self discipline and goofed off. he did better reading than in math. do they do math at the kingdom hall? of course not, but they read an awful lot.
two days a week in my opinion, is not enough active in school education , look at how behind so many kids are educationally and emotionally because of the lack of mind challenging subjects and brain stimulation.they need competition.
my mother pulled my sister out of school because she was timid and did not stand up for herself, being teased for her weight, my mom did her a disservice by making her dependent on my mother to come to her rescue.
my sisters education was very much lacking by home schooling her, and here to this day she has a low paying job and has not work skills, nor does she have any good social structures.
we cant always fight our kids battles we need to give them permission to fight back, this is the detriment to all JW kids, as they are tought to be doormats.
i know a lot of weak humble 'sissies' who will not get any character, personality, and self respect.
few jw children I knew , had good self esteem.
as a teased child in a racially challenged school system,
I felt worthless powerless, slave, who deserved nothing good. school was torture for me because i was told not to make any friends and had to view everyone as bad association. even the nice mormon girl who dressed nicer than me. lol
If i had been allowed to have school friends it would have been totally different for me.
and to this very day, i prepare my self always to be disappointed., very few positive things has happened in my life because i did not had little control over it.
it seems like kids have their power of self taken away, and basically told without using words, that they are incapable of defending themselves and they are incapable of learning, and they are not able to do this or that, and so mom or dad must come to the rescue.
we often do our kids a disservice by trying to live their lives for them.
I wish you luck and hope you can find a good balance. its to bad he cant go to a private school.