cedars over on jwsurvey explains the root of that issue.
but I think its an old mentality, and of all the changes they have made you would think that one of them would be the attitude towards beards, I always preferred my[ soon to b x] husband with one, as he looks like he has no chin. it frames his jaw line.
there are brothers with acne scars that would benefit from a beard. lots of guys in colder places have to wear beards .
believe me I searched for any biblical reason for it and found nothing.
why mustaches are ok and beards are not I have no clue. i personally dont like goatees to me they put you in a stereotype .
personally I like a classy trimmed beard that's close to the face with a neatly mustache trimmed too. none of this weird gross thick food and snot catching long crap that looks lazy and unkempt. or a long lazy biker dude stereotype . unfortunately the longer beards now are associated with terrorists, so there is always something huh?
my son used to go to meetings years ago, he tried to grow facial hair so he would look older, he very young looking, he had a few light hairs on his neck and chin when a brother walked up to us after the meeting and said 'I see someone hasn't had time to shave today'
I right away said in reply "no hes growing a beard, he looks better I think, I like beards my husband has one"
the guy did not know what to say to that. lol
hey, every guy who wants to leave the borg can grow a beard
you'll be able to spot all the 'trouble makers' in the kingdom halls lol .