ok, heres what to do. on every other Sunday after the meeting, then every third Sunday a month, then once a month, then every 5 sundays, ect till you dont go out anymore.
'meet' for service, tell the lead out that your doing returns on the way home, and go home. report one hour a month.
you can do the same with meetings. phase out.
if anyone said to me 'oh you missed a good talk"
Id say , 'oh i listened in on the phone tie in'
who knows if i did or not? i did that a lot in winter, i do not drive in winter at night.
the more excuses you make the less people tend to bother with you, because your 'an excuse maker' and not worth their time.
for about a year or two, i left fairly quickly after the meeting, maybe saying hello to one or two people on my way out.
nothing. Im not missed