our youngest son and his wife (matt and star) welcomed a baby boy yesterday at 7:04 p.m. ivan tomas, 7 lbs.
11 oz., 20 1/4" long.
he is their second child.
a huffington post link to an article where serena williams 'secret weapon' is you know who..... interesting read .
a huffington post link to an article where Serena Williams 'secret weapon' is you know who....
interesting read
photo was posted on jw-archive. flags flying at the 2015 r.c.
in fribourg, switzerland..
so, if its true, someone needs to get hold of one, any sort of flag, and burn it in the trash heap, or toss it in the garbage, or use it to wrap muddy shoes, lol, while there are a few jw onlookers, and see the reaction.
if they get upset, its idol worship indeed.
breaking news from co!!
according to a reliable source, the co in my area says that jws may have been hearing the phrase, "final push" being used.
what sage advice did this shepherd, duke, and "star" of revelation have to say?
wow, If it wasn't for the fact that I would start laughing and have to leave, Id go listen to that talk just to hear it myself. i haven't heard a peep from my mom, so maybe it isnt something popular here on the east coast pa new york area?
to place people in this constant state of anxiety, is what places them on anti depressants,lol
good heavens, did not it say in scripture something like stop worrying about tomorrow there are enough anxieties for today? gee I wonder what sort of article they would print up on that ONE scripture.
hello, all.... i posted something here under 'friends' but i couldn't find a way to change it to 'experiences'.
sorry for the inconvenience.. brian.
i wish 13 years ago i knew places like this even existed to begin with! i was clueless until a year ago!
I just think how much things would have been different for me if i have even those 13 years back.
ok ladies, has there been any documented studies on the role religion or society plays in keeping women in an economical and social disadvantaged state ?
im wondering how many other women out there in the world, who either being raised or being long term followers of a strict religious faith,with traditional family structures, have upon either divorce or death of a spouse find it nearly impossible to find a mate or economic stability , and live out the remainder of their lives struggling and either bouncing from one guy to another, being disappointed or used, or simply alone.
i have personally felt, that i, being a xjw and now divorced woman , with no acceptable work skills,[ ie: fancy resume with degrees] living of low wage part time work and barely any alimony , will simply be viewed as someone trying to get another man to support her.
well to inform you on your curiosity, i have not looked to men based on income, that is not available info on the sites i have been on. i go by the profiles, its all i got. your right maybe it will take time. but i feel so cheap and sleazy being on those sites. i get like hundreds of views, and dozens of relies and its troubling to me. i don't like being looked at in that way.
i am not super picky with appearances either, but i do have to at least find them marginally attractive knowing that those photos are not at all what people look like. from those two experience they post older pics when they were younger and thinner, lol but no so me.
too many guys are overweight and have motorcycles smoke pot,have tatoos, and drink beer, i was never attracted to that. I have always been naturally attracted to nicely dressed conservative middle management business type men, maybe with normal short close shaved beards, not goatees neck hair, or those weird ones just around the mouth, ew.
even if I never was a jw, lol. that's just me. it has nothing to do with income. accept oddly, that people who are blue collar, even after work, generally dress like they dont know how to buy clothes that fit, and look to me, sloppy. my husband rarely dressed nice, he was in over sized work jeans and a t shirt every day, and he was a sheet metal worker, he got dirty. the only time he got cleaned up was after dinner, and put on sloppy sweatpants, or for the meetings he rarely got cleaned up for me.
yea i was hoping to find some sort of club to join or classes to take, but where i live there are none. its all online classes. oh well. i have nothing special to offer, thats the point, what do men think a women has to offer?
if not money then what?? i can do domestic things, its all i know how to do! cook clean, sew, garden, what else is there? what do i want from a man? he can provide for the family, and in return he gets a clean house well cared for offspring, and sex. lol. what else is there? what should i have to offer? i can work part time, thats not a problem, so what is it? ok guys, what do you want??
I should have had the chance to go to college, but we were a poor family, and i did badly in school, i had no help or encouragement from my mom, since Armageddon was around the corner. lol.
I have never led the men i dated to believe I was not confident in my job, i do ok, i work hard and get paid well. but im scraping by, and im ok with that, im not in need of anything. but at my age, why do i need to ruin my body , falling apart, by scrubbing shower stalls and floors, when a nice loving husband should have me in one piece, and able to help him? that was the arrangement when i was married, i did all the housework,errands, took care of the kids, got repair work done, ect ect, and he worked and then came home to a hot meal and did what i could not physically do like fix the car. it was 50 50. its the alcohol and regrets that ruined our marriage. it never was just the religion for us, it was the beer, he wasnt a jw when we got married. and he hasn't been in years. but beer, it ruined his body,and his mind, his mood, and his desire. and ended his marriage.
ok ladies, has there been any documented studies on the role religion or society plays in keeping women in an economical and social disadvantaged state ?
im wondering how many other women out there in the world, who either being raised or being long term followers of a strict religious faith,with traditional family structures, have upon either divorce or death of a spouse find it nearly impossible to find a mate or economic stability , and live out the remainder of their lives struggling and either bouncing from one guy to another, being disappointed or used, or simply alone.
i have personally felt, that i, being a xjw and now divorced woman , with no acceptable work skills,[ ie: fancy resume with degrees] living of low wage part time work and barely any alimony , will simply be viewed as someone trying to get another man to support her.
ok ladies,
has there been any documented studies on the role religion or society plays in keeping women in an economical and social disadvantaged state ?
Im wondering how many other women out there in the world, who either being raised or being long term followers of a strict religious faith,with traditional family structures, have upon either divorce or death of a spouse find it nearly impossible to find a mate or economic stability , and live out the remainder of their lives struggling and either bouncing from one guy to another, being disappointed or used, or simply alone.
I have personally felt, that I, being a xjw and now divorced woman , with no ‘acceptable’ work skills,[ ie: fancy resume with degrees] living of low wage part time work and barely any alimony , will simply be viewed as someone trying to get another man to support her.
wanting to have a marriage mate, is more for the reasons of love and companionship and family, belonging, not simply for the reason of having a home and support.
I see many profiles of men on dating sites, where they have the statement
“ she should be an independent career minded woman who knows what she wants”
to mean little more to me than ‘ have your own job and money‘ they are not looking to be married.
many are up front in saying they want just to date or have sex or short/long term relationships.
men who are over 45 typically are homeowners, and have good paying jobs, relative security in a company, and college degrees, they simply do not NEED a woman for any other reason than sex. And for many women who are quite independent , that also would be the case.
I have found with the two men i dated, that they have trouble finding things to talk about, they have basically lived their lives, raised kids, worked, did all the globetrotting, the vacation fun stuff, more or less, you see all the photos of their vacations ect, reaching retirement, and now they cannot express what exactly it is that they want, In fact having so little to say of any meaning. they often have been living alone for years, are addicted to tv, or work, [have an established weekly ‘schedule’, they wont deviate from even to date,] and so the typical housewife duties are not needed from a woman. i found
both of them saying the same line to me,
‘ Im looking for honesty, companionship, and commitment”
while not providing that themselves for the woman they date! .
going through how many, looking for what, I think they do not know.
the assumption, that women like myself, who left a loveless marriage, and has lost most of her material assets, pets, extended family members, now struggles to pay bills in a tiny apartment, are not viewed as ‘good loving mates‘ but taking on someones OLD BURDENS. so far Ive not been given the chance to show what sort of person I am. they see my situation a it is now and draw a conclusion in their minds as to my motive.
this mentality, is damaging to women in general. for I have always felt that way in my marriage for the past 35 years. that i was just another chore, that had to be dealt with.
which seems more likely, society, or religion, or both? that has forced these social troubles on us?
just curious, is it me, or everyone else, lol am I doing it all wrong?
he has inadvertently moved the timing of the beginning of the last days to the future.
this kind of scriptural error is the direct result of superficial bible reading.
according to luke 21, first comes the persecution then the wars, earthquakes, food shortages, fearful sights etc.
Id assume the majority of those listening to it wont catch it, [or much of anything] wont remember much of what was said, and never talk about it or repeat it. i can see my parents siting there clueless was to what is being said. the glitz and the glam distract them, they are just so tickled they have 'their' own channel they cant think strait. ooo how amazing, got to keep up with the times, lol, like they always have? oo how cute cartoons... [barf] and I say to my mom, its nothing less than tv evangelism. she cant see it.
the easy way to 'accept' the nonsense spewing forth from the tv is to not have enough thinking ability to see through it children are clueless the elderly are clueless, and the others in between are to bust and stressed to care.
it doesn't sink in anyway. you sit there listen and pretend you know whats being said, while having not a damn clue what any of it has to do with Jesus teachings
the bible has ample evidence of god communicating with humans during the first 4 centuries.. since jesus time ,god has not communicated with humans at all .,in the same way as he did in the first 4 centuries .. in fact jesus has not communicated with humans in the same way as jehovah did for the first 4000 years., during his 2000 years to this date , .
does not the bible say , god does not change , he is the same today as he was yesterday and will be tomorrow ?.
so why was god communicating with humans on a regular basis , one way or another for 4000 years and then , neither jehovah or his son jesus christ ever directly contacted humans ?.
my jw mom would explain it this way:
because we now have the bible so we don't need any personal contact with them,,,,,
on one hand, wtbts blame you if you choose to work instead of pioneering, and on the another hand, they ask crazily amount of money!.
isn't it paradoxal ?.
if every jw leave his job and pioneer, no more money!.
yes this is the thing i always took issue with, they want you to donate, but teach that to go to college and get a better education to make good money so that you CAN donate is wrong, is talk coming out of a fools mouth.
how on earth do they plan to maintain their little kingdom on earth when all the subjects are lowly poor peasants? lol