those animals are from leftover parts from other creations that just happen to fit together and work,lol
JoinedPosts by sowhatnow
How drunk was Jehovah when he made the Platypus!!!
by Witness 007 inrare mammal that lays eggs!
meat eater!
when taken home to england from australia scientist thought it was a hoax.
"Most women would prefer to be stay at home housewives. Women's lib did alot of damage to women!"
by purrpurr inthe above is a quote from a jw female relative.
this was in response to a discussion about the suffragette movement ( and the movie about it that's currently in cinemas).
she seemed to think that it would be so much better if women were just daughters/ wives/ mothers and didn't go out to work and have career's?
well, DJS, I agree with everything you say.
however,you have to admit, what is 'presented' at dating, will change anyway, life changes, you gotta roll with the change.
and for your last paragraph ,your, 'wish list' you'll be lucky to get half.
So basically, you just want to date? if you do, well join the other thousands of single and still searching men on dating sites. I see that all the time,its been over a year that Ive been quietly browsing some of those sites, and its the same people in their profiles.. 'dating nothing serious' really? wtf? go to a bar or stand on a street corner then. um, thats why they are STILL on the dating sites.
this from men in their 50 yet! lol , who do they think they are ,new college grads with buff bodies? lol they cant be that picky. 'average' means a few extra pounds these days.
oh and this one, 'want independent women with her own 'career' and friends'
wow, so that leaves out an awful lot of women. you know, the pool gets smaller the older we get.
I have a job, not a career.
oh wait, maybe Im a career housekeeper, been doing it all my life. it sucks. good pay makes it worth it. well,maybe.
if men don't want a woman waking up next to them, why even look for a relationship?
Id think, women want a commitment.
Ladies, do you want to just 'date' or do you want a commitment? I think we need a new thread..... lol
do you want to just live with someone, or be married.
I for one would like to have someone next to me in the rocking chair on the porch sipping tea when Im 80. but I dont have to have a piece of paper bonding me to someones 'wealth' .
love and trust goes beyond fear of someone walking out on them and leaving them for something petty.
Id tend to think women wouldn't want a man who thinks they are 'dispensable' . they can walk when you loose your job or have to stop working due to health issues. so there is. no commitment, no real love.
Id not want my man to feel that way, that he might be temporary, until I tire of him.
I don't know how old you are DJS or how much time you have , but the older we get the harder it is to find someone willing to be a permanent part of your life , getting older presents new challenges, like failing health, one that each person has to accept as a responsibility. you really have to love someone to be helping them out sometimes.
let me enlighten you to something, many many women who 'put weight on when they get into a relationship, is because they take birth control pills. [what else puts huge amounts of weight on people, almost immediately, in case all readers aren't already aware, is anti depressants and a host of other prescription drugs that mess your hormones and thyroid all up].
Ive seen it a thousand times. or, they have babies, and what happens is, they have huge hormonal changes, have their 'abs' permanently rearranged, and its not always about eating. you think women enjoy loosing a girlish figure? not a chance.
so what is the excuse for all the 40 plus something men, who dont give birth, who I see with bellies spilling out over their belts? beer? pizza, finally reaching the top tier of their employment opportunities and being in a desk job? oh wait, relaxed muscle. lol
and sometimes its just age related.
for now at least Im thin, but woe is me if I get terribly sick, Ill waste away pretty fast with no fat stores,lol
"Most women would prefer to be stay at home housewives. Women's lib did alot of damage to women!"
by purrpurr inthe above is a quote from a jw female relative.
this was in response to a discussion about the suffragette movement ( and the movie about it that's currently in cinemas).
she seemed to think that it would be so much better if women were just daughters/ wives/ mothers and didn't go out to work and have career's?
lol ucantnome,
I hear ya.
a mom and wife, who works outside of the home, now, they work double time. I could never do that. I just dont know how they have the energy.
our value is often overlooked.
The Watchtower are Right About Blood...
by cofty in... but, they fail to take note of one important detail.. i believe that if we are going to have any chance of reasoning with a jw about blood, this is the place we need to begin.. don't try to convince them that it was only a dietary law.
it wasn't, and they will never go along with it.. don't tell them that saving a life is more important than obeying a law, even a seemingly trivial one.
they take pride in obedience.
that's comforting cofty, so, my dad last week, had two units of blood, that I know of.
so ,he was only 'unclean' till that evening, while in intensive care.
mom wont agree though... but yay, dad is not 'dedicated' so even though he 'studies' hes not under 'law', apparently, lol,
75 yr old man just recently studying with a org. he criticized his whole life... hmm.
no one's gonna tell me its not just for the attention and for something to do.
"Most women would prefer to be stay at home housewives. Women's lib did alot of damage to women!"
by purrpurr inthe above is a quote from a jw female relative.
this was in response to a discussion about the suffragette movement ( and the movie about it that's currently in cinemas).
she seemed to think that it would be so much better if women were just daughters/ wives/ mothers and didn't go out to work and have career's?
TD, your correct to feel men arent emasculated by equality, lots of men have no issue with women wanting to do what they wish, and enjoy. However, what I dont agree with, IF I understand you correctly, this statement,you make..
'People, regardless of their gender are not going to divide their estate with someone who's bringing substantially less to the table. Not by and large at any rate'.
what happened to love and 50 50 relationships?
Um, so, say me for example, a stay at home mom and wife for 35 years, who did everything I physically could to make our marriage equal in responsibility, does not 'bring' the same to the table because it was not a paycheck?
lucy you got some 'splainin to do! lol
The fact that I never made a mortgage payment on the house I lived in but kept clean, or paid utilities that i used to cook meals and wash clothes, means I brought nothing to the table? gee, should I have charged a fee for sex? lol
so, I am not entitled to half my x husbands assets because why? I worked for them. Im not some crab ass greedy person, Im not going after him for anything but what I need to have to live. I worked just as hard as he did, and because now Im not going to benefit from the nice house and retirement life that I worked towards along with him, due to this unfortunate unwanted divorce, Im supposed to go off empty handed and struggle living in a basement of my kids house because I have no benefits that I worked for?
and your statement,
'At my age, a man can't usually get a second date unless he has at least one house paid for free and clear'
Elders now ORDERED by the Org to fleece the sheep
by The Searcher inthe org is now demanding money from the witnesses, via the latest letter sent to elders regarding the circuit's excess funds.
succeeded in getting elders everywhere to hand over their own congregation's "excess funds" - now their circuit's bank balances are going to be plundered.. the spineless and subservient elders will cooperate without a whimper, because they're afraid of losing their little bit of power which the org has bestowed upon them.
(john 11:48).
so let me get this strait, aside from simple logic , that a building needs maintenance at times, and funds need to be immediately available [for example a furnace breaks down or the roof needs a repair, or the lot needs plowed]
And OMG, if any member happens to need some sudden financial help,[not that I have ever heard of anyone getting money from the congregation funds for a necessity ] Elders , cannot use their positions, as 'allowed' and granted to them by the society, lol, as to what is best for their particular congregations?
gee what next no elders? if elders need to pass every thing they do on to the GB, for approval, then who needs elders? then elders are not more than police for the GB government. sort of takes away the desire to give a crap.
at what point does a person think, 'gee, our body of elders is every bit as smart as those guys so why do we need the GB to tell us whats best to do for our hall? they claim to not be perfect, they dont know our specific needs or situation, we can handle it ourselves'.
It doesn't click in the old brain that they are overlords controlling everything. and that by defending them it is idol worship.
I recall my mom saying to me once, 'well you need bothers to lead, and I said, "well how are brothers made elders, and half your age, smarter than you?' [knowing full well she had disagreed with something they did in the past] If I tell you something mom, you tell me Im a fool and misled, and Im more knowledgeable than they are about the bible to begin with".
well that conversation ended.
Hypothetical question. There is no more guns on our streets, would the crime rate go down?
by James Mixon init would eliminate drive by's (gangs).
bank robbery.
( handing the bank teller a note, this is stick up without a gun).
I do feel that not just anyone should be able to own a weapon that shoots many rounds per minuet, those should only be for foot soldiers in active war situations, and even then i don't agree with it. if every soldier had to shoot only one bullet at a time seems to me less people would get killed,lol. the man who invented the gun was evil.
i heard a politician express the problem with background checks and guns being sold by private owners, say selling your gun to a relative or friend.well, all those 'sales' should be done at the notary public, like selling a used car. and the purchaser should pay 15 dollars for a background check. there should be a 'title' to go with a gun. maybe?
So,now lest think this way, what if everyone on the planet had a gun hanging on their hip in plain sight? what would the mood be?
a weapon is an inanimate object, the intent of the person carrying it is the whole problem. It would be interesting to me to know how many of those persons who use guns to shoot people have been mentally troubled, on prescription anti anxiety or drugs for mental conditions, or were brainwashed into a certain line of thinking.
we have, depressed country kids who go off the deep end, unhappy marriages, miserable over worked people, or radical thinking people, radical, religious beliefs or gangs shooting for drugs or other material wants.
all people who are not really happy. so sad.
Elders now ORDERED by the Org to fleece the sheep
by The Searcher inthe org is now demanding money from the witnesses, via the latest letter sent to elders regarding the circuit's excess funds.
succeeded in getting elders everywhere to hand over their own congregation's "excess funds" - now their circuit's bank balances are going to be plundered.. the spineless and subservient elders will cooperate without a whimper, because they're afraid of losing their little bit of power which the org has bestowed upon them.
(john 11:48).
So, is this to be read publicly? , or is it that the elders all agree privately to send excess funds in?
is there to be any vote on it? [sorry, I cant read the letter, Im not downloading any program on my computer to read it which his what was asked of me when i clicked on the link]
At what point will the congregations become aware of this? will there be a round about way of slipping the info in the local announcements so that the audience doesn't really 'hear' what is being said? maybe just hanging the cryptic letter it on the info board?
If its to be disclosed to the public , will the elders can choose how to 'break the news' by way of a clever one sentence gloss over? how creative can they be?
'and so that leaves us with $ 23.80, in excess for our monthly expenses for the month of December.. 'we have $300.00. funds on hand in our repair savings,and that we will be sending those on to the society as they requested'...[leaving us with a zero balance]
now, lets all listen to Brother Walkedallover as he shares with us ,
'How to be content with the things we have' ....
what meeting I wonder will that news be made known?
wish I could be a fly on the podium so I can see all the expressions of irritation and confusion .
It seems the 'end' might come by way of humans stupidity, not a plan of a god
by sowhatnow in
pretty obvious, we've deforested the planet so much it cant clean the air, we've polluted the water so much its not fit to drink, we've poisoned the soil so much it cant grow food, we use so many chemicals, its killing off the insects who pollinate.
so while on post on this site claims the end of freedom for mankind, by way of evil governments, .
Scriptures that will never be the YEAR TEXT
by ttdtt inso what scriptures do you think will never make the cut?i will start off with one to warm you all up.. 1 corinthians 4:6 - do not go beyond the things that are written,.
1st Corinthians 3 vs 11 [new world 2014]
For no one can lay any other foundation than what is laid, which is Jesus Christ.