'Gee, I'm real sorry your mom blew up, Ricky.'
[character] lane meyer from Better of dead...
inspiring, funny...you choose.... i'll start with inspiring: .
frodo: i wish the ring had never come to me.
i wish none of this had happened.gandalf: so do all who live to see such times, but that is not for them to decide.
'Gee, I'm real sorry your mom blew up, Ricky.'
[character] lane meyer from Better of dead...
i can see it now, we are the most beautiful and smartest people in the world.. steve harvey will never be the host of another beauty pageant.
i was thinking, don't you think it's time for our society to move on from beauty pageants?.
DJS, Im honored,lol
'I am anointing you the Queen of Reactionary and the Goddess of Hysteria. You are the vice mayor of the twin villages Certitude and Platitude. Even James isn't worthy of you'.
lol, at the very least, I have the title of queen of something, other than 'know-nothing-ville'
'cultural, social and economic differences'
always the stumbling block.
and now Im off to work, because, I am the Queen of Clean....
someone at bethel dinning room was hogging all the bread rolls!!!
would a brother on the writting dep.
dare vent his frustration thru the spiritual food our watchtower???
most of the overweight people I have known, and meet , are usually on prescription drugs of some nature. those mess up the thyroid and other hormones.
once they become addicted to those mind altering drugs, there is little hope for them to get off of them. they are patients for life. thats the goal of the pharmaceutical industry, to label people and medicate the masses.
anti depressants, make most people gain weight. Ive seen it over and over again.
birth control pills make many many women gain weight. again, 95 percent of the time it does.
it would be interesting to find out how many overweight people are on prescription drugs. id take a guess that 75 percent of the population of the US, are taking some sort of prescription drug. [ I fight hard not to join that statistic..Ive just got to stay away from my mothers house and her never ending baking marathon,lol]
Id say the people that go back for seconds and thirds, and pile their plates up with 1000's of calories, are either out of control, or have an addiction.
now, i have heard of someone getting disfellowshiped for not having a clean home, and being a hoarder.
how do you handle that?
i can see it now, we are the most beautiful and smartest people in the world.. steve harvey will never be the host of another beauty pageant.
i was thinking, don't you think it's time for our society to move on from beauty pageants?.
please DJS lol, have you watched those pageants?
explain to us the benefits of a show, with mostly white women, answering the most ridiculous random often pointless questions, with a pathetically short amount of time allotted, in a most a desperately hurried way , to win an award, for strutting around in sexy clothing..... oh wait, men like it. lol
you know its almost and insult to women. what goes on behind the scenes is almost comical.
and as for our education system? well it speaks for itself.
And omg, since when are shows like Toddlers in Tiaras anything less than a show for those sick pedefile bast@#$'s sitting at home watching baby girls with makeup on and sexy clothing? sick sick sick,
those parents have issues for sure.
If a mother sent her child to school dressed like that she would be arrested, and probably have her kid taken from her, yet somehow its allowed on cable tv... hmmm nothing more than gross entertainment for brain dead people.
pretty obvious, we've deforested the planet so much it cant clean the air, we've polluted the water so much its not fit to drink, we've poisoned the soil so much it cant grow food, we use so many chemicals, its killing off the insects who pollinate.
so while on post on this site claims the end of freedom for mankind, by way of evil governments, .
lol, well, somehow my avitar temporarily made me a 'him' in the eyes of a couple of you ,
so i guess now Im a hysterical woman?. I did not write to book, lol.
there is apparently a theme to how the earth 'cleanses ' itself of harmful viruses. were a harmful virus, we turn against each other like a faulty immune system.
so the bible says this about god at rom 1:20 for his invisible qualities are clearly seen from the worlds creation onward, because they are perceived by the things made, even his eternal power and godship, so that they are inexcusable.. however, jws don't really believe this scripture to be true.
whenever something comes out about nature that they don't like they will instead say that it is due to imperfection.
animals are predatory and will kill to survive, well, that must be imperfection.
I just read the entire 1st chapter of romans. and what I see, is despite the claim that Jesus died so that sins would be forgiven. this is a chapter warning people in verse,5, to come under law or else..
5. is Through him we received grace and apostleship to call all the Gentiles to the obedience that comes from[c] faith for his name’s sake. 6 And you also are among those Gentiles who are called to belong to Jesus Christ.
this is the proof that the 'gentiles' are still viewed as sinful, and need to 'come [be obedient] to the true god and JOIN the faith of those under the law of Israel. paul was under that old law, and taught as such.
verse 18 paul starts a long winded reminder of how evil these people are....and that gods wrath is on them.
where is the forgiveness for being born in sin ?[ I dont see anywhere here from this letter that would harmonize with the idea that jesus died for sins ]
verse 20 to me, paul is saying that if they can see all the creation, and benefit from it, then they have no excuse for being led to be 'sinful' and need to come under law to be made 'perfect'. [naturally a mans reasoning here]
in fact verse 18 says
18 The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of people, who suppress the truth by their wickedness
so all those things GOD does on purpose, to sinful humans? so funny to 'suppress truth' by the 'wickedness' to me means they deny that belief system and so they are the evil ones. same old argument.
then in chapter 2 it says this in vs 9
9 There will be trouble and distress for every human being who does evil: first for the Jew, then for the Gentile; 10 but glory, honor and peace for everyone who does good: first for the Jew, then for the Gentile. 11 For God does not show favoritism.
Always first to the jew then the gentile, but god shows no favoritism? how so? if he just said in the last chapter that God gave them UP?
Ill honestly say, I have never heard anyone in my lifetime, express the idea that nature was ever imperfect. its only humans that are imperfect.
my mom still holds to the thought that Satan has creative powers, because there is no need for any creatures on earth to be sucking blood, and spreading disease, since blood is sacred to god, [so they are Satan's creations] and any creation that is ugly and dangerous and will kill a human with one bite is a creation of satan.
here is how an explanation would go from my family and those others I was exposed to...
Lets say there was a conversation about how animals kill for food, well, thats because this was gods way of keeping the population in check,and for food, its a perfect creation. no imperfection in the animal world as far as these ones are concerned. God has a sense of humor to create so many interesting and funny animals all for our enjoyment.
Now i do agree with the logic, the reason for bacteria killing off people? plague, for example, yes imperfection on the human end of things, my mom would say...
'well those people were not careful and clean, and they had weak immune systems, imperfection due to their being born in a sinful state, soon that will all be fixed..' bla bla bla.
natural disasters these days of course , are blamed on imperfect men and their mismanagement of the earth.. ..he will bring to ruin, those who ruin the earth
and homosexuality to my mom, and most of the ones I have known, say it is sin and imperfection, and not a result of genetics. its evil selfish satanic influence, lol. she would never entertain the idea that a child could ever have homosexual leanings, they all think that only an adult makes the choice to become gay because they have warped sexual desires. [oddly, they have no logical explanation as to why that would be the case that a person would choose to have sex with a man rather than a woman, if the end result is the same..... orgasm, lol.]
so now that the borg has taken all of the congregations money, there was just a resolution to get all new tv's, etc for the stage for the new meeting format.. i wasn't there, but it was a large sum.
somebody mentioned over 3000$.. all the congregations in the city are likely doing the same thing, and are getting all the equipment from bethel.. i was wondering if this was happening all most everywhere?.
can't see it in third world countries( might not even have internet).
wow, and it seems like not so long ago, they would stand up on the platform and recommend everyone leave their cell phones in the car...
wonder how some of the older ones feel about their elders and parts of the meeting being replaced with video...
takes all the personal effort away from the younger ones to become ministerial servants, Why bother?
soon, the Sunday talk will be on the monitor,.. ax the visiting speakers. there goes having to 'host' the speaker and his family, to 'get to know them' and make new friends.
How can anyone think this is all 'good'? I can hear my mom defending the changes now..."oh this saves so much time, brothers no longer have to drive around , with gas so expensive... and people being so busy... and how exciting that we can hear talks from the G.B.!"
and yet deny its a form of Idol worship...
anybody take up coloring?
i got lost ocean by johanna basford and i got another coloring book mandalas and more.
i just use crayola colored pencils and some gel pens and thin tipped markers.
yup, another one of my ideas. cant say I was the only one that thought of it, but he who has the money for a patent and knows people always gets ahead.
fifteen years ago, i wished that I could make adult type coloring books, and different coloring books than what was in the store.
same thing with diapers made of cloth that have Velcro and go on like a disposable with a plastic liner.. i had that idea 32 years ago.
and now someone else rakes in the profits, sigh...
my 35 yr old sister is so into those books, she always liked to color. sadly, they are needlessly over priced. and why all of the sudden, coloring pencils cost twice as much?
does anyone remember around the tear 2000, maybe just before or after, there was a leaflet released at the summer convention aimed at teenagers called something like, "planning for a worthwhile future"?
basically it argued that you shouldn't go to college or university and put your trust in "the world".
instead you should trust in jehovah, pioneer and reach out for bethel or missionary service.
so, what would the WT society do if every youth actually followed that pathetic advice, and applied for bethel?lol
suddenly we would have a generation of unemployed live at homes, [since I recall them making an announcement that applications for bethel were being temporarily discontinued...]
what a lovely burden on good old mum and dad...
after the sunday meeting an over zealous young elder encourages the cong.
with a 2 hour clips from jw.org!
one video showed a young sister battling loneliness not able to find a mate in her hall or area.