When a communication is from God, it will be absolutely simple and will be impossible to be misunderstood by readers.
Eh? Where is any proof of this?
Would make us think: “If I am a person, my heavenly Father (my source) is also a person who must be like me in all respect"/
Again, how is this arrived at? The attributes of God, as narrated in the Bible, indicate he has (and can have) little in common with us.
It is necessary to remember that when Christianity went into the Gentile (Greek) world, it embraced the conceptual world of Hellenism and had to use its language and imagery.
John 1:1 is an example of using terminology that many groups at the time would recognise, e.g., Jews, Stoics, Gnostics, the students of Philo, etc., etc. They would be happy with all of John 1:1-13 and it would only be at 1:14 that they would have problems (In fact some writers believe that John 1:1-14 was a self-contained early Christian hymn or credal statement that the author of the Fourth Gospel tagged onto the beginning of his writing.