Just saw this on the public area of JWTalk (I am not a member)
Here is the link.
Such a shame - I do feel for these ones - I just don't know what to say...
just saw this on the public area of jwtalk (i am not a member).
here is the link.. http://jwtalk.net/forums/topic/23523-privvy-news/.
such a shame - i do feel for these ones - i just don't know what to say.... wgo.
Just saw this on the public area of JWTalk (I am not a member)
Here is the link.
Such a shame - I do feel for these ones - I just don't know what to say...
one of the things that gave me confidence in life was that i believed i had the almighty creator/god watching over me, directing me, guiding my every step, protecting me from harm, and answering my prayers.
i now know that is not the case anymore.
i finally stopped praying.
Hi John
I too feel the same way the feeling that we are alone. I still pray maybe out of habit or maybe because I am still clinging on to the fact that maybe there is a god up there.
I look at creation and it is so complex, our feelings and emotions are something that could not have evolved (in my opinion) and the earth is so beautiful it seems crazy to think it all just happened.
But as you mentioned millions suffer including 'faithful' witnesses and it does not make sense.
If you pray to Jehovah and something good happens its a blessing.
If you pray and your prayers are not answered then it seems that Jehovah is selecting which prayers he 'responds' to ?
I have never understood this.
For example a worldy person prays to god for help - nothing.
Then we get an 'experience " where someone prays to god and then jw's knock on their door......
We were always told when someone in the world prays and gets blessed its because satan is blessing them.
Then the experience comes up at the assembly of someone praying to god and he answers them by a ring on the doorbell.
So to me that means that Jehovah hears every prayer but selects which ones he answers.
So I am at a loss really as I too feel like we are alone here.
I was raised from birth as a witness now fading after 39 years.
All of my family is still in and they don't know about my feelings, the only good thing is that my wife who herself was raised as a witness is also fading with me.
Sometimes she says that she misses attending the meetings and I have to go over the reasons why we have left - then when you watch the news the old ingrained thoughts come back - what if etc.
I think it will take a long time to get over this. May be it won't ever go away.
I gave up a lot for this religion - after I left school I pioneered and then was a window cleaner,lol.
Oh boy, so as you can imagine approaching I am 40 next month have managed to get a few regular jobs but all of the well paying ones require a college education which I was denied and truly believed was a waste of time.
Don't save any money we were told - Jehovah will look after you.
If you seek first the kingdom he will look after you.
Don't get a pension, don't buy a house its not worth it.....Its totally disgusting that this religion controls you and your life decisions - especially when eventually I moved to another country and saw the elders with their nice homes and cars and well paying jobs, some of them went to university and when you are working in a regular job they look down on you as if you are crap when they were the ones telling you not to pursue anything like this.
Thank goodness we have managed to get ourselves a home now and are starting to build a life for ourselves.
Fortunately we moved to a totally different country from our families so the fade was much easier.
Take care John.
conn. firefighter who is jehovah's witness files federal discrimination lawsuit.
In the U.K we were always told we could not join the fire or police service because we are not appreciating the sanctity of life - in other words we are taking our life in our hands / putting our lives in a dangerous situation and Jehovah does not like this as he views life as sacred... what a crock.
I see on the bethel happy video that the bethel has its own fire truck.....
Double standards at work again I see.
i don't know if anybody has seen this (or if anybody cares).
but it seems that some of the "new" new songs have been leaked by somebody at bethel.. just a bit of a warning, do not click on that vocal rendition of song 142... it is awful.
Holy Crap
Check this one out......
i don't know if anybody has seen this (or if anybody cares).
but it seems that some of the "new" new songs have been leaked by somebody at bethel.. just a bit of a warning, do not click on that vocal rendition of song 142... it is awful.
Oh my word - i just looked and theres loads more music videos - I don't go on to their website much and
so didn't see them.....I am lost for words.
i don't know if anybody has seen this (or if anybody cares).
but it seems that some of the "new" new songs have been leaked by somebody at bethel.. just a bit of a warning, do not click on that vocal rendition of song 142... it is awful.
Hey guys just noticed another music video on jw.org called 'taste and see that Jehovah is Good'
Maybe you have already seen it - if not then - the link is
If my mum and dad were both alive to see this crap they would go absolutely mental.
I cannot believe what is happening.
jwvictims has done an excellent but disturbing article on how jw's feel about the child abuse problem.. http://jwvictims.org/2013/11/23/jehovahs-witnesses-caught-laughing-at-child-rape-accusers/.
It sounds genuine to me - I found it strange that he uses the term Body of Faith 3 times.
I have never heard that expression used by an elder before - maybe its because I am from the U.K and we don't
really use that phrase ?
the time has come to leave this forum.
this is my last post.
mission completed.
so i was lurking on jwtalk after trying to read the thread on there about the broadcast about the conti case...and holy moly there are some bat ish crazy talk on that site!
they also blocked the thread about the broadcast, lol!
they are scuuuuured (scared).
Hey guys if anyone is a member on JW Talk could they post some of these discussions because most of us can't get on the members only section.
I'm sure lots of our community would like to know what is being said.
Thanks WGO
i don't know if any of you have seen the video posted by mike and kim regarding jw.org advertising on a thailand computer game review television show.
its interesting - check it out.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=57nigmnim18.
the show is called game show social - i looked at a few of the videos and jw.org is on a lot of them.. at first i thought that it was a review of a jw.org app but when you look at other videos jw.org is on a lot of them as a sponsor as well as dell lg and others.. wgo..