JoinedPosts by purrpurr
Today's WT glancing at the opposite sex is flirting and therefore immortality
by purrpurr inin today's wt study it makes the point that just glancing at the opposite sex is flirting and can lead to sex!.
so are jw's now to wear blinkers?.
also jw's are told to go and confess to the elders if they have any immoral thoughts?!!.
You would think that since most of their increase comes from those born in that the GB would be egging the r&f on to get busy and produce!?? -
The Romans did not crucify robbers
by purrpurr ini've been reading a book called nonsense from the bible.
in it it makes the point that the romans did not crucify robbers.
having since researched this it seems this is true.
Data dog you make a very good point there, I have to say I've often thought that myself -
The Romans did not crucify robbers
by purrpurr ini've been reading a book called nonsense from the bible.
in it it makes the point that the romans did not crucify robbers.
having since researched this it seems this is true.
I've been reading a book called nonsense from the bible. In it it makes the point that the romans did not crucify robbers. Having since researched this it seems this is true. Crucifixion was reserved for serious crimes like creating rebellion etc.
What's more it was a very slow death. Often lasting for several days. In contrast to jesus's death which happened in a matter of hours.
I notice neither of these facts are ever in the WT!
Today's WT glancing at the opposite sex is flirting and therefore immortality
by purrpurr inin today's wt study it makes the point that just glancing at the opposite sex is flirting and can lead to sex!.
so are jw's now to wear blinkers?.
also jw's are told to go and confess to the elders if they have any immoral thoughts?!!.
In today's WT study it makes the point that just glancing at the opposite sex is flirting and can lead to sex!
So are jw's now to wear blinkers?
Also jw's are told to go and confess to the elders if they have any immoral thoughts?!!
Do any jw's really do this? I mean if they really did this then surely we would all be confessing every day?
Do they really take this stuff seriously? Don't look at the opposite sex really?!!
Jw streaming conventions kept tightly under wraps why??
by purrpurr ini have recently been given the ultra uber super duper secret convention login details to watch it on the streaming page.. with those details came a huge dose of "don't tell anyone else!
" "apostates might get hold of it and twist it against us!".
when you consider that the event itself is open to the public?.
I have recently been given the ultra uber super duper secret convention login details to watch it on the streaming page.
With those details came a huge dose of "don't tell anyone else!" "Apostates might get hold of it and twist it against us!"
I mean seriously? Is this likely? When you consider that the event itself is open to the public?
Why is it such a big secret! Also are the login details likely to be person specific so that they can tell whose watching? Or just general details?
How to spot: a single JW sister
by purrpurr ini remember this time of year when jw's desend en mass on one area.
a fun game to play is "spot the..." whatever jw walking stereotype you choose.. so i thought i would play it with you guys, starting with how to spot a single jw sister.. i say, she will be dressed up to the nines, probably over dressed in fact, have hair immaculately coffied, make up plastered on, towering heels and be smiling at every brother in site.
all they need is a sign saying "pioneer, virgin, available for marriage!".
I remember this time of year when jw's desend en mass on one area. A fun game to play is "spot the..." Whatever jw walking stereotype you choose.
So I thought I would play it with you guys, starting with how to spot a single JW sister.
I say, she will be dressed up to the nines, probably over dressed in fact, have hair immaculately coffied, make up plastered on, towering heels and be smiling at every brother in site. All they need is a sign saying "pioneer, virgin, available for marriage!"
Your turn... 😉
Jw kids setting off fire alarms in hotels
by purrpurr ina friend of mine is staying at a hotel next to one of the big convention sites this weekend.
yesterday she tells me one of the hotels had to be evacuated and the fire brigade called when the fire alarm went off.. it turned out to be a bunch of jw kids having a prank.
she had been speaking to the hotel manager who told her that this happens every year and only when the jw's come to stay!.
A friend of mine is staying at a hotel next to one of the big convention sites this weekend. Yesterday she tells me one of the hotels had to be evacuated and the fire brigade called when the fire alarm went off.
It turned out to be a bunch of jw kids having a prank. She had been speaking to the hotel manager who told her that this happens every year and only when the JW's come to stay!
She knows of another hotel where this happens every year too.
... A sign of desperately bored kids I wonder?
"Brother Lett is like a big cuddly teddy bear!"
by purrpurr ini had this said to me the other day by a jw who is fully brain washed.
it gave me shivers to think is that really how the r&f perceive the gb?
I had this said to me the other day by a jw who is fully brain washed. It gave me shivers to think is that really how the r&f perceive the GB? -
I now hate being called 'sister'
by purrpurr insince waking up i find i am bridling at being called 'sister'.
but it feels like an identity that is being forced on me.. i feel like shouting "i have a name you know!".
it is just me or does anyone else recognise this?.
Since waking up I find I am bridling at being called 'sister'. I don't know why. But it feels like an identity that is being forced on me.
I feel like shouting "I have a name you know!"
It is just me or does anyone else recognise this?
Samuel Herd 3 min video - the most misogynistic words I ever heard from a "godly man"
by paradisebeauty inhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?t=72&v=9vvqxf9uwu0.
If anyone has links with the press this needs to be sent to them! The press needs to see this, it would make one very juicy story!