JoinedPosts by purrpurr
Awake #4/2016: Homosexuality
by Designer Stubble inthe new awake is up on jw.orgwith the legalization of gay marriage in many countries, they decided it was time to show: "what does thebible say about homosexuality?
"does the bible promote prejudice?still, some people would say that the bible promotes prejudice against homosexuals and that those who adhere to itsmoral code are intolerant.
‘the bible was written at a time when people were narrow-minded,’ they claim.
This article is still telling gay people that in order to be acceptable to God they need to change. I think alot of gays would find this idea to be very offensive. -
When will they start spying on tablets/iPads at meetings?
by purrpurr infollowing on from a similar post, the use of tablets/ipads at the meetings is a life saver to many a bored or mentally out jw.
i'm sure the borg must know the potential for surfing the net or reading other books instead of reading the meeting material during the meeting?.
at what point are they going to start policing this?
I don't connect to the kh WiFi either, I'd feel exposed if I did. I too download books to read and read them instead of the meeting material
When will they start spying on tablets/iPads at meetings?
by purrpurr infollowing on from a similar post, the use of tablets/ipads at the meetings is a life saver to many a bored or mentally out jw.
i'm sure the borg must know the potential for surfing the net or reading other books instead of reading the meeting material during the meeting?.
at what point are they going to start policing this?
I meant spying both human and technical. -
New ANTI-GAY video for Kids on jw.org
by ttdtt inhttps://www.jw.org/en/bible-teachings/family/children/become-jehovahs-friend/videos/one-man-one-woman-marriage/.
My mother can go on hour long rants about how disgusting gays are. She does this in front of non jw's too and I used to tell her how shocked they were by what she said (you could see it in their faces although she never noticed) but my mother thinks she's giving a great witness by her ranting homophobia! I guess in a way she is... An anti witness! -
When will they start spying on tablets/iPads at meetings?
by purrpurr infollowing on from a similar post, the use of tablets/ipads at the meetings is a life saver to many a bored or mentally out jw.
i'm sure the borg must know the potential for surfing the net or reading other books instead of reading the meeting material during the meeting?.
at what point are they going to start policing this?
Following on from a similar post, the use of tablets/iPads at the meetings is a life saver to many a bored or mentally out JW. I'm sure the Borg must know the potential for surfing the net or reading other books instead of reading the meeting material during the meeting?
At what point are they going to start policing this? They control everything else. How could they police this and what can us out but in apostates do to protect ourselves from spying eyes?
The story of Jonathan and David, is this male bonding or something else?
by James Mixon instart at 1 samuel 18;1-4..now imagine if this story had been about jonathan and a woman.. 1 samuel 20:30..saul calls jonathan a son of a perverse rebellious woman!
the blame for his.
behavior goes first to the mother, who was too soft," or too harsh who perverted his son somehow.. 1 samuel 20:41-42.."they kissed each other and wept with each other".. so was it merely deep friendship or a romantic relationship?.
Yeah even when I was in I always thought that was a homosexaul relationship. Of course the WT would never admit that -
Was Jesus disrespectful to his mother?
by purrpurr inthe famous wedding/ water into wine scene where he basically tells me mother to hop it and that he's nothing to do with her is what i am referring to.. now the wt tries to claim that this is not disrespectful and that jesus says this in a kindly manner which somehow makes it all ok. but then the wt have never been big on respecting women so this probably would make sense to them.. but the fact is that in the ten commandments the jews were commanded to respect their parents, in fact if a child was disrespectful to the parents the parents were to stone the child and... if the parents didn't the tribe were to stone them too.. so by being disrespectful towards his mother jesus was breaking gods law, by not stoning him mary and joseph were breaking gods law and by not stoning them the tribe were breaking gods law.. what do you think?
the wt's explanation of jesus's behaviour never did sit well with me.
do you agree?
Interestingly enough I was watching a BBC documentary about early Christian art and it was pointed out that in the first depictions of Jesus at the wedding feast he is shown using A WAND to turn the water in to wine! A WAND!
Yep the first Christians thought Jesus was some kind of magician!
Confronting the elders with doubts
by HowTheBibleWasCreated ini have already posted how i outed to an elder.... the only results were that another elder mentioned to me: "i heard you have doubts about the truth will you meet with us and clear it up... i also had doubts... i fixed them i can help.
" laughing inwardly i said sure.. oh i'm going to slaughter this moron.
when he asks my doubts i will show him the chromosome #2 video with ken miller.
I've tried questions like that to get my jw family to wake up. But they immediately kick in with "so your saying you don't believe in the truth?!"
It's how they are trained
New Anti Gay Cartoon Video not available in German
by Daniel1555 inthe lesson 22 video or better called anti gay video went viral.. there is another thread that main dutch media covered it in their articles.. i wanted to write to one of the biggest swiss newspapers about it.
that newspaper also covered the controversy about the "meeting" cartoon, where the message is made that if jw children don't listen at the meetings they might get killed finally.. then i realized that it is not available in german.. it is available in so many other languages, like guarani (never heard of that language), but german is missing.. are they afraid to offer it in german?
do they expect too much controversy in germany?.
My experience of Germans is that most would be able to understand a Dutch video. They are very multilingual -
JW anti-gay children movie viral in Netherlands national media + official reaction of JW spokesman Branch office
by Gorbatchov invarious dutch (netherlands) media mentioned the anti-gay children movie on jw.org,.
and gay, lesbian, transgender and bisexual organizations are shocked, and some gay people.
are reporting the movie to the local police.. the official spokesman of the dutch branch office in emmen declared that the movie is.
I'm so glad this has got out to the media. Anyone here with media links needs to let them know about this video. The more people that know about their true beliefs the better!