Pillow gate? Not heard of it but it sounds insane? There's alot of peopl who need to side on their side with the support of a pillow. So are bethel saying that's not allowed?
More info please
in the most recent circuit assembly there was a lot about porn and warning against porn.
even warning against looking at swim wear adverts!
so i was wondering, is porn really such an issue in the wt?.
Pillow gate? Not heard of it but it sounds insane? There's alot of peopl who need to side on their side with the support of a pillow. So are bethel saying that's not allowed?
More info please
in the most recent assembly there were several heavy hints about not drinking alcohol at all.
saying that it doesn't give a good witness or would stumble others.. is this a new "unwritten directive?.
There was many a comment in the latest assembly about not drinking at all "many brothers have decided not to part take of alcohol at all to avoid temptation and so as to not stumble others" we know this is WT speak for "don't drink"
There was also an example of a jw couple who went to a restaurant, they discussed beforehand that they would drink alcohol (who does that?) But when they got there they looked around and no one else was drinking (seriously? ?!) So they decided not to drink after all so as to avoid stumbling the other diners... later they started a study with the chef and he said he had watched them that night and been so impressed at their not drinking that he decided to study... Guess what he got baptized blah blah blah.
There's some serious holes in this obviously made up story, but the message is clear... don't drink oh and also when going to a restaurant only order what everyone else is having (!)
in the most recent assembly there were several heavy hints about not drinking alcohol at all.
saying that it doesn't give a good witness or would stumble others.. is this a new "unwritten directive?.
In the most recent assembly there were several heavy hints about not drinking alcohol at all. Saying that it doesn't give a good witness or would stumble others.
Is this a new "unwritten directive?
in the most recent circuit assembly there was a lot about porn and warning against porn.
even warning against looking at swim wear adverts!
so i was wondering, is porn really such an issue in the wt?.
In the most recent circuit assembly there was a lot about porn and warning against porn. Even warning against looking at swim wear adverts! So I was wondering, is porn really such an issue in the wt?
have you ever heard some brothers own ideas and opinions spouted from the platform?
perhaps off brand or crazy ones?
some that i've heard is:.
I'd forgotten all about the "side burn length" thing that happened in the 90s 00s. Also there was a fashion in the early 90s for men to wear doc marten style boots. I remember there was a whole local needs talk from the platform about why brothers should not wear these.
Also in the 80s there was a talk about women wearing culottes (probably haven't spelt it right, I mean those trousers that looked like a skirt)
have you ever heard some brothers own ideas and opinions spouted from the platform?
perhaps off brand or crazy ones?
some that i've heard is:.
Yes I also heard the "don't use text messages " talk from the assembly platform and also that the band oasis were banned. Harry potter too. As well as a certain style of women's business dress popular in the 80s
i can see it happening.... https://www.theguardian.com/world/2018/feb/10/kim-yo-jong-meets-south-korean-president-in-seoul-as-thaw-continues.
Thb I haven't heard any dubs mention the old peace and security thing since the 90's. Not sure why?
have you ever heard some brothers own ideas and opinions spouted from the platform?
perhaps off brand or crazy ones?
some that i've heard is:.
Have you ever heard some brothers own ideas and opinions spouted from the platform? perhaps off brand or crazy ones?
Some that I've heard is:
"Armageddon has started!" Said the Sunday after 9/11
"We should never frequent pubs or bars!"
"Single parent families are unspiritual"
"Jehovah is like admiral Nelson " that's was a whole talk about how similar Jehovah is to Nelson for some insane reason.
"Womens minds are not suited to such tasks as designing houses, only decorating them ans making them look pretty"
despite decades of the feminist movement, watchtower's attitude of woman being inferior has changed little, with pauline sexism justified as inspired, on the basis that women are lesser emotionally, intellectually and physically.
jehovah's witnesses seem to accept this with little resistance.
is there anything about the #metoo movement that may wake followers up?
Phoebe I know exactly what you mean. I've met some puke making sisters who just seemed to glory in how submissive they were to anything with a penis! Often they put on this cutie pie little girl voice too and would do this simpering eye batting routine. Needless to say they were held up as examples to the other sisters in the cong. And of course the brothers adored them!
Personally they made me cringe!
just spent 8 hours in a 1 day elders school last weekend.
clarification given: "moving forward any elder, ms, or pioneer who themselves or someone under their roof enrolls in higher education, may no longer qualify for privileges in the congregation.
their qualifications will have to be reviewed by their boe.".
Brian if you could record these talks for later use, it would blow their lies clear out the water