The jws used to be able to boast "we don't baptize children like the churches do" well they can't say that anymore!
JoinedPosts by purrpurr
Regional Convention Stat. from the UK
by freddo inanother fantastic increase i mean stagnation for the jborg chariot .... cardiff, wales, uk convention july 27-29th 2018. attendances 3500/3600 (friday) - 4150 (sunday) approx.. baptisms - wait for it ... drumroll ... 10..
Don't even try it!
by JTrottigy inthere are many here who think they can infiltrate my web-site.
be warned that we administrators of jwtalk call the listed congregation on your application for membership in our site to verify if they know you!.
some of you have slipped through the cracks and got into our site, but rest assured, we will find you out and ban you!.
Sounds to me like someone is feeling threatened. ...? Teehee! And I agree there's no way that the OP calls up the individuals congregation, for if he did then the elders would a) not give out any info cos they would hear the words "internet forum " and immediately assume that it was an apostate one and b) they would come down like a ton of bricks on the individual jw themselves either putting them off the OP's website OR the elders would behave in such a way that the scales would fall from the jws eyes and they would see the Borg for what they really are, in which case that jw would probably end up here instead!
Either way, calling up congregations is a sure fire way to stop new members from signing up to the OP's website!
Questions for elders to think about in child abuse cases
by purrpurr inagain from the shepard the flock book, this is about dealing with child abuse, it gives the elders points to think about and discuss when deciding on child abuse cases.... "(5) what is the.
body believe that he can be trusted with children?
the following questions should be answered with re-.
Yes, the whole of these questions seem primed for enabling the elders to side with the abuser and blame the victim, "oh you were abused little one? Well if your father hadn't let his ministry hours fall maybe you wouldn't have been!"
Regional Convention Stat. from the UK
by freddo inanother fantastic increase i mean stagnation for the jborg chariot .... cardiff, wales, uk convention july 27-29th 2018. attendances 3500/3600 (friday) - 4150 (sunday) approx.. baptisms - wait for it ... drumroll ... 10..
Wow! 26 for the whole of Scotland? That's incredibly low! Time was when that would have been a regional convention type number not a national convention.
Is there any point in them running the baptism pools any longer? Soon it will get so little use as to not be cost effective
Is the Earth really that great?
by DATA-DOG ini enjoy watching nature documentaries; david attenborough being my favorite host and narrator.
that being said, i’ve come to the conclusion that contrary to xianity’s teaching, the earth is not “perfectly placed/designed for life.” .
when you actually observe the world at large, without blinders, it’s a wonder that life even exists.
That's an excellent view, I've not thought of it before but yes the earth is a battlefield and a difficult hard place to survive
Go Bags, Safe houses and cartoon of two kids.
by scruffmcbuff ini have been out a good 10+ years and until recently didnt pay much attention to what the jehovahs are up to.. why have they taken this turn with the bunker videos and making all the brainwashed people like my parents pack a go bag.
now let me just clarify.
im a military man i believe everyone should have an element of preparedness canned goods,bottled water and a bug out bag is a great addition ( ill stop waffling on about that now).. but what concerns me is the fact they are advising elderly people to bug out.
I think the whole go bag thing is so stupid, most of these bags I've seen couldn't be carried by an elderly disabled jw!
And the question I ask is "where would you go?" Basements maybe common in America but they're not in Europe. I'm often told "the gb would ask us to go to the kingdom hall" would they? Really? If the authority's were looking for jws the first place they would look would be the kingdom hall !! And the second place they would look? The houses of the congregation leaders! So stupid and ill thought out!
How many child molesters do you personally know of in the J.W's?
by karter inwere are they now and what position are they in.. lets do a running count.. c.o.b.e was interfering with his daughter,d.f,reinstated died in good standing.. branch oveersear multiple young children d.f,reinstated in good standing.. publisher interfeared with small child in the k.h d.f not sure were he is.. publisher sexually abused 3 relatives no action taken in good standing.. current elder raped his sister years ago little action taken was not an elder at the time.. publisher sexualy abused young girl d.f,reinstater now in good standing.. m.s multiple young girls d.f,died trying to get reinstated.. so thats 7.. karter..
I know of two, one a pioneer who abused a girl for years, when she exposed him as a teenager the elders df'd him AND HER! Not reported to the police the abuser got reinstated and moved area, joined another congregation where he abused another girl, the girls father beat him up when he discovered it and the elders df'd THE FATHER! The abuser was last heard of having married a woman with a teenager (shudder)
Another was a father who abused sexually his two daughters and beat up his wife. When his wife ran with her daughters and was taken in by a kindly jw family the elders counseled that family and told the wife to go back to her husband! She dutifully did and the abuse continued, the wife went to the police and they arrested the husband and charged him. He went to prison but the elders did their own JC on the husband and decided that the testimony of the two daughters counted as one witness only, and therefore decided that the husband was innocent they even went to The police with their decision! Not that the police took any notice! The wife and daughters were then shunned in the congregation for making false accusations against the husband and having him sent to prison (!) They were even pressured to make a statement in court saying that they forgave him, they refused but it was the elders hope that it would reduce the sentence of the husband if they had!...... years later when the husband was released the elders welcomed him back... into the same congregation as his family! And soon he was back as an elder!
Questions for elders to think about in child abuse cases
by purrpurr inagain from the shepard the flock book, this is about dealing with child abuse, it gives the elders points to think about and discuss when deciding on child abuse cases.... "(5) what is the.
body believe that he can be trusted with children?
the following questions should be answered with re-.
Again from the Shepard the flock book, this is about dealing with child abuse, it gives the elders points to think about and discuss when deciding on child abuse cases...
"(5) What is the
level of his spirituality? (6) Do all the elders on the
body believe that he can be trusted with children? The following questions should be answered with re-
gard to the accuser: (1) What is the level of maturity
of the child or youth? (2) Is he (or she) describing
conduct that one his age would not normally know
about? (3) Is the child or his parents known to be se-
rious, mature? (4) Is his memory consistent, or is it
intermittent, or does it involve repressed memories?
(w95 11/1 pp. 25-26) (5) What is the reputation of
the parents? (6) Are they spiritually and emotionally
What does the "spirituality" of a child have to do with whether they can be believed? What does their "maturity" or "seriousness " have to do with anything? What does the reputation or spiritually of the parents have any bearing on what happened to the child??
This basically means that a young child from a family not in favour with the elders would not be be lived. And an abuser who is in favour with the elders would be believed!
The JC won't tell the wife about her husband's adultery
by purrpurr instill reading the shepard the flock book and came across this gem (!)....
"13. if the husband committed adultery, he.
judicial committee should promptly inquire of the.
Still reading the Shepard the flock book and came across this gem (!)...
"13. If the husband committed adultery, he
has an obligation to inform his wife of the facts. The
judicial committee should promptly inquire of the
Christian wife as to what her husband has told her. If
he refuses to inform her of his adultery, the elders
should inform her that because of her husband’s
conduct, it is up to her to decide whether to pursue a
Scriptural divorce or not. Furthermore, they should
inform the innocent mate that her resuming sexu-
al relations with the guilty mate would negate any
claim to Scriptural freedom. But they should not give
her further details. On the other hand, the elders
may find that while the husband did confess adultery
to his wife, he did not tell her the full extent of his
wrong conduct and left out important information
that the wife should know. The elders should not pro-
vide this confidential information to the wife, but
they can suggest that she speak with her husband
again. Even if he does not tell her anything more, this
will alert her to the fact that he is withholding infor-
mation from her, and this may help her to determine
whether to forgive or not.
... so the wife doesn't have to be told! But the elders can hint if they want big deal!
Direction to elders on handling rape
by purrpurr infrom the shepard the flock book.
"discernment is needed in considering claims.
of rape, taking into consideration such factors as the.
From the Shepard the flock book.
"Discernment is needed in considering claims
of rape, taking into consideration such factors as the
mental disposition of the person, the circumstanc-
es that led up to the incident, and any delay in reporting"
Chapter 5 page 59
What exactly are they implying here? are they implying that someone who has mental health problems might make up rape? That someone could incite rape by their dress etc? And what's this about delay in reporting? what on earth does that have to do with anything??!