The JW's probably think this is giving a "good witness" (!) Fools that they are. Most jw's I've met seem to think that the rest of the world secretly agrees with the JW's in their view on gays.
Again fools.
i also heard the video was being discussed on howard stern today.
The JW's probably think this is giving a "good witness" (!) Fools that they are. Most jw's I've met seem to think that the rest of the world secretly agrees with the JW's in their view on gays.
Again fools.
i've personally never met any of those who claim to be anointed but the other jw's who have are always unanimous in their praise of how lovely and what wonderful people they are.
and i don't mean the gb i mean common or garden anointed.
i was told that when they speak about being in heaven that they almost "seem to glow".. is this right?
I've personally never met any of those who claim to be anointed but the other jw's who have are always unanimous in their praise of how lovely and what wonderful people they are. And I don't mean the GB I mean common or garden anointed. I was told that when they speak about being in heaven that they almost "seem to glow".
Is this right? What was your experience of the anointed?
now that the soc has accepted the use of technology.
what is next?
could it be the disfellowshipping?
I said recently to my jw parents that the WT is going to have to abandon the number of anointed being literal and also 1914. They were appalled and said that will never happen since both doctrines are core doctrines of the JW's.
I wonder what their reaction will be if this does happen?
the new awake is up on jw.orgwith the legalization of gay marriage in many countries, they decided it was time to show: "what does thebible say about homosexuality?
"does the bible promote prejudice?still, some people would say that the bible promotes prejudice against homosexuals and that those who adhere to itsmoral code are intolerant.
‘the bible was written at a time when people were narrow-minded,’ they claim.
following on from a similar post, the use of tablets/ipads at the meetings is a life saver to many a bored or mentally out jw.
i'm sure the borg must know the potential for surfing the net or reading other books instead of reading the meeting material during the meeting?.
at what point are they going to start policing this?
I don't connect to the kh WiFi either, I'd feel exposed if I did. I too download books to read and read them instead of the meeting material
following on from a similar post, the use of tablets/ipads at the meetings is a life saver to many a bored or mentally out jw.
i'm sure the borg must know the potential for surfing the net or reading other books instead of reading the meeting material during the meeting?.
at what point are they going to start policing this?
following on from a similar post, the use of tablets/ipads at the meetings is a life saver to many a bored or mentally out jw.
i'm sure the borg must know the potential for surfing the net or reading other books instead of reading the meeting material during the meeting?.
at what point are they going to start policing this?
Following on from a similar post, the use of tablets/iPads at the meetings is a life saver to many a bored or mentally out JW. I'm sure the Borg must know the potential for surfing the net or reading other books instead of reading the meeting material during the meeting?
At what point are they going to start policing this? They control everything else. How could they police this and what can us out but in apostates do to protect ourselves from spying eyes?
start at 1 samuel 18; imagine if this story had been about jonathan and a woman.. 1 samuel 20:30..saul calls jonathan a son of a perverse rebellious woman!
the blame for his.
behavior goes first to the mother, who was too soft," or too harsh who perverted his son somehow.. 1 samuel 20:41-42.."they kissed each other and wept with each other".. so was it merely deep friendship or a romantic relationship?.
the famous wedding/ water into wine scene where he basically tells me mother to hop it and that he's nothing to do with her is what i am referring to.. now the wt tries to claim that this is not disrespectful and that jesus says this in a kindly manner which somehow makes it all ok. but then the wt have never been big on respecting women so this probably would make sense to them.. but the fact is that in the ten commandments the jews were commanded to respect their parents, in fact if a child was disrespectful to the parents the parents were to stone the child and... if the parents didn't the tribe were to stone them too.. so by being disrespectful towards his mother jesus was breaking gods law, by not stoning him mary and joseph were breaking gods law and by not stoning them the tribe were breaking gods law.. what do you think?
the wt's explanation of jesus's behaviour never did sit well with me.
do you agree?
Interestingly enough I was watching a BBC documentary about early Christian art and it was pointed out that in the first depictions of Jesus at the wedding feast he is shown using A WAND to turn the water in to wine! A WAND!
Yep the first Christians thought Jesus was some kind of magician!