In the most recent circuit assembly there was a lot about porn and warning against porn. Even warning against looking at swim wear adverts! So I was wondering, is porn really such an issue in the wt?
JoinedPosts by purrpurr
Is porn really such a big problem in the wt?
by purrpurr inin the most recent circuit assembly there was a lot about porn and warning against porn.
even warning against looking at swim wear adverts!
so i was wondering, is porn really such an issue in the wt?.
Personal opinions spouted from the platform?
by purrpurr inhave you ever heard some brothers own ideas and opinions spouted from the platform?
perhaps off brand or crazy ones?
some that i've heard is:.
I'd forgotten all about the "side burn length" thing that happened in the 90s 00s. Also there was a fashion in the early 90s for men to wear doc marten style boots. I remember there was a whole local needs talk from the platform about why brothers should not wear these.
Also in the 80s there was a talk about women wearing culottes (probably haven't spelt it right, I mean those trousers that looked like a skirt)
Personal opinions spouted from the platform?
by purrpurr inhave you ever heard some brothers own ideas and opinions spouted from the platform?
perhaps off brand or crazy ones?
some that i've heard is:.
Yes I also heard the "don't use text messages " talk from the assembly platform and also that the band oasis were banned. Harry potter too. As well as a certain style of women's business dress popular in the 80s
North and South Korea making up will start JWs saying the cry of Peace and Security is here
by Isambard Crater ini can see it happening....
Thb I haven't heard any dubs mention the old peace and security thing since the 90's. Not sure why?
Personal opinions spouted from the platform?
by purrpurr inhave you ever heard some brothers own ideas and opinions spouted from the platform?
perhaps off brand or crazy ones?
some that i've heard is:.
Have you ever heard some brothers own ideas and opinions spouted from the platform? perhaps off brand or crazy ones?
Some that I've heard is:
"Armageddon has started!" Said the Sunday after 9/11
"We should never frequent pubs or bars!"
"Single parent families are unspiritual"
"Jehovah is like admiral Nelson " that's was a whole talk about how similar Jehovah is to Nelson for some insane reason.
"Womens minds are not suited to such tasks as designing houses, only decorating them ans making them look pretty"
Will #metoo have an affect on forcing changing attitudes at Watchtower?
by jwfacts indespite decades of the feminist movement, watchtower's attitude of woman being inferior has changed little, with pauline sexism justified as inspired, on the basis that women are lesser emotionally, intellectually and physically.
jehovah's witnesses seem to accept this with little resistance.
is there anything about the #metoo movement that may wake followers up?
Phoebe I know exactly what you mean. I've met some puke making sisters who just seemed to glory in how submissive they were to anything with a penis! Often they put on this cutie pie little girl voice too and would do this simpering eye batting routine. Needless to say they were held up as examples to the other sisters in the cong. And of course the brothers adored them!
Personally they made me cringe!
Higher Education
by Brian J injust spent 8 hours in a 1 day elders school last weekend.
clarification given: "moving forward any elder, ms, or pioneer who themselves or someone under their roof enrolls in higher education, may no longer qualify for privileges in the congregation.
their qualifications will have to be reviewed by their boe.".
Brian if you could record these talks for later use, it would blow their lies clear out the water
JW HLC....a mixed bunch...what has been your experience?
by Lee Elder ini have had greatly varied experiences with hlc members over the years.
i was never one myself, but i knew several of them personally.
most struck me as being generally decent human beings.
When I had to have surgery I had already woken up to TTAT and I had already been told by my surgeons that there would be no blood issue at all, no blood needed in this op. But as soon as the cong HLC elder heard I was having surgery he started pestering me to allow him to do his hlc thing and have his moment of glory, telling my surgeons about jws crazy beliefs and discussing my medical situation with them! I said no no no thanks all the way, yet he kept on at me, even stooping to bombarding my relations with his "loving concern". I stuck to my guns and kept hlc out of it. After that he never spoke to me again! Lol!
If Elders and Ministerial Servants did what Michael Fallon has done, few would remain
by Isambard Crater inover the years i have seen plenty of elders and ministerial servants touch other j.w's knees, thighs, give very long and intimate hugs, blah, blah, blah.
i know of other sisters who have felt really uncomfortable with such behaviour, but the brothers have just explained that they're being loving as caring christian friends, so they get away with it.
it angers me that no j.w's will speak out about historic or ongoing inappropriate touching for fear of being disfellowshipped or losing the hope of paradise..
When I was a teen I had an elder fondle my hip/thigh in full view of the whole cong, everyone just said he was being playful!
I also had as a teen a fellow teen "accidentally" touch my privates
When I mentioned both instances to my mum she said "I wouldn't make a fuss about it, I'm sure their as embarrassed about it as you are and we wouldn't want to make their lives difficult after all the brothers do have such a lot on their plates"
can you still record the talks at assemblies?
by greenhornet inyears ago my parents would record these talks and play them back all the time.
when they both died, we cleaned out the house and found 50 plus cassette tapes of recorded talks and they were labeled the year and the speaker at the time.
that was in the year 2000. we just gave them to there jw friends because i did not want to keep them for recording of music.
Attendants often harass those who have a recording machine, they will try to embarrass the people who are using it continually throughout the assembly day. Claiming that its taking up a seat/ in the way if on the floor.
I'm sure this is because they are directed to do so.