The shepherding the flock one? I'd love to read it and get the inside track of how the elders are meant to work.
Anyone got a PDF?
the shepherding the flock one?
i'd love to read it and get the inside track of how the elders are meant to work.
anyone got a pdf?
The shepherding the flock one? I'd love to read it and get the inside track of how the elders are meant to work.
Anyone got a PDF?
there was a talk i heard recently given by a top bethel bro, he was complaining that the type of young jws that have been joining bethel in recent years has been totally unfit for work or even life.
he called them "cotton wool jws" as he says that the parents of these young ones have kept them so sheltered from life that by the time they are of age to strike out on their own they are completely unable to cope socially, emotionally, mentally and that they have no practical life's skills or instincts of common sense or responsibility.
he said that the brothers at bethel have to work at peeling off the layers of cotton wool these ones have come wrapped in and that often when exposed to the reality of life away from mummy they quite literally go running back home.. for once i actually agree with a brother on the platform, i've met many a young teen or young adult whose life has been one long warm bath as it were.
Yes I've met brothers in their 40s who are of this type, although I think they were the first generation like it. Simpering empty headed mummies boys who were incapable of forming an independent thought or opinion. In their family and congregation they were praised for being "respectful and sheep like" but in the real world utterly unable to function. Most of them ended up working for the family business or some such jw owned business. When they did have an experience were a worldly person wanted them to behave like a normal adult they always freaked out and went running back to mummy who of course soothed them and told them that it was all the fault of the bad worldly person!
I agree, several lifetimes of repression, isolation and warped ideals have created this issue. The WT have brought it on themselves, they are reaping their reward in full!
there was a talk i heard recently given by a top bethel bro, he was complaining that the type of young jws that have been joining bethel in recent years has been totally unfit for work or even life.
he called them "cotton wool jws" as he says that the parents of these young ones have kept them so sheltered from life that by the time they are of age to strike out on their own they are completely unable to cope socially, emotionally, mentally and that they have no practical life's skills or instincts of common sense or responsibility.
he said that the brothers at bethel have to work at peeling off the layers of cotton wool these ones have come wrapped in and that often when exposed to the reality of life away from mummy they quite literally go running back home.. for once i actually agree with a brother on the platform, i've met many a young teen or young adult whose life has been one long warm bath as it were.
There was a talk I heard recently given by a top bethel bro, he was complaining that the type of young jws that have been joining bethel in recent years has been totally unfit for work or even life. He called them "cotton wool jws" as he says that the parents of these young ones have kept them so sheltered from life that by the time they are of age to strike out on their own they are completely unable to cope socially, emotionally, mentally and that they have No practical life's skills or instincts of common sense or responsibility. He said that the brothers at bethel have to work at peeling off the layers of cotton wool these ones have come wrapped in and that often when exposed to the reality of life away from mummy they quite literally go running back home.
For once I actually agree with a brother on the platform, I've met many a young teen or young adult whose life has been one long warm bath as it were. They have no knowledge of life outside the congregation and their own home.they can't cope with instructions, criticism or responsibilities. I'm sure their parents think they've done a wonderful job at protecting their child from the world. But in reality the poor child gets plucked out of that warm bath and thrown into a freezing sea and somehow expected to thrive!
Have you encountered this? It seems to be a theme of the last decade that is getting worse.
what i mean is, i've discussed recently how odd the behaviour of jws is on the drama films that they show at the conventions.
i'm wondering is the reason why it's so odd because that how's the jws at bethel talk and act in real life?
is the behaviour at bethel so warped from the outside world that they actually think that their behaviour is normal?.
What I mean is, I've discussed recently how odd the behaviour of jws is on the drama films that they show at the conventions. I'm wondering is the reason why it's so odd because that how's the jws at bethel talk and act in real life? Is the behaviour at bethel so warped from the outside world that they actually think that their behaviour is normal?
another "gem" from the convention.
there's a talk about remaining neutral.
one of the topics they say jw's should avoid is the topic of "peoples lives matter" which is barely veiled code for black lives matter.
Another "Gem" from the convention. there's a talk about remaining neutral. One of the topics they say JW's should avoid is the topic of "peoples lives matter" which is barely veiled code for Black lives matter. The talk went on to say that only satan's people defend this issue,the ones who get involved even mentally with this issue will have the mark of the wild beast, that the gov puts people under compulsion to take a side in these matters, that JW's need courage to stay separate, if not they will get mark of wild beast, they should not get mentally involved in debates, (thought crime),that JW's should suffer for taking a stand. JW's should avoid those who are for a change in society. the message was clear... do not mentally agree or disagree with these issues, do not get involved even mentally. it will displease Jehovah and he will judge you and mark you.
They also said "do not criticise political leaders, do not believe biased media or watch it." hmmm, i wonder if the GB approve of Trump?
in this summer's convention theres a video showing the tale of a rather geeky plain looking brother whose relating the tale of how the prettiest girl in the whole school fancied him (!
) and sent him a love letter, the letter is read and it says .
"i think we would get along,i'm attracted to you, i like your personality, and that's not all, i think we could have fun together.
In this summer's convention theres a video showing the tale of a rather geeky plain looking brother whose relating the tale of how the prettiest girl in the whole school fancied him (!) and sent him a love letter, the letter is read and it says
"i think we would get along,i'm attracted to you, i like your personality, and that's not all, i think we could have fun together. i hope you make the right decision. with love yours truly,"
this love letter sends him into a meltdown which he only recovers from by: talking to his parents, studying with his parents, talking to an elder, going on the ministry with the elder and praying. Finally he finds the courage to tell the girl no. He says he was rewarded for staying chaste by being used in the congregation and he's shown with his ( much more attractive than him) wife.
But this love letter just doesn't ring true. that's not how teenage girls talk or write. And why would she write a letter even? The letter sounds more like something a middle aged man whose grown up in a cult would write.
What do you think?
i was thinking about how the borg screws up and sexually neuters their flock by telling them when single to "deaden their body" and then boom as soon as there's a ring on the finger to not be denying eachother.. do any of you know of jws who have been screwed up by these teachings?
i know 2, 1 elder came back from honeymoon having a nervous breakdown unable to cope with the cd that sex produced in his head.
and the other called up her parents while on honeymoon, crying and begging for themto come and get her, since she was so shocked that sex hurt.
I was thinking about how the Borg screws up and sexually neuters their flock by telling them when single to "deaden their body" and then boom as soon as there's a ring on the finger to not be denying eachother.
Do any of you know of jws who have been screwed up by these teachings? I know 2, 1 elder came back from honeymoon having a nervous breakdown unable to cope with the CD that sex produced in his head. And the other called up her parents while on honeymoon, crying and begging for themto come and get her, since she was so shocked that sex hurt. She endedup moving back in with her parents for quite a while...
It's awful
this is a really long article about the film apostasy and interview with the director about his story and how he came to make the film.
apostasy director: ‘it was liberating to leave the jehovah’s witnesses’.
Wow I'd really like to see this
specifically if an unwed woman decided she wanted a kid without the hassle of dating/relationship /trying to get pregnant etc and just got a sperm doner with ivf?
surely it's not fornication?
the whole process is far removed from sex.
Specifically if an unwed woman decided she wanted a kid without the hassle of dating/relationship /trying to get pregnant etc and just got a sperm doner with ivf? Surely it's not fornication? How could it be? The whole process is far removed from sex. And the person would have documents to prove where the baby came from too in case of a jc.
it just suddenly occured to me today.... you know the jws always say about adams sin being passed on to his descendants that its like you have a bread pan with a dent in it and that every loaf of bread will then have a dent?
well that's fine for bread, cos your using the same pan.
but that's not how genetics work?.
It just suddenly occured to me today...
You know the jws always say about Adams sin being passed on to his descendants that its like you have a bread pan with a dent in it and that every loaf of bread will then have a dent? Well that's fine for bread, cos your using the same pan. But that's not how genetics work?
The illustration would work if Adam kept on fathering kids but he didn't. If a family has a disease that is passed along, with more and more genes and DNA eventually the disease will be bred out.
The illustration might also work if you said that you made a mould of each loaf of bread, then made that mould into a new bread tin, and then kept on doing that. .. although wouldn't that eventually result in the dent disappearing?
Anyway didn't Jesus also say not to punish children for the sins of their parents? Pretty insane since that's exactly what his dad did!