I know of two, one a pioneer who abused a girl for years, when she exposed him as a teenager the elders df'd him AND HER! Not reported to the police the abuser got reinstated and moved area, joined another congregation where he abused another girl, the girls father beat him up when he discovered it and the elders df'd THE FATHER! The abuser was last heard of having married a woman with a teenager (shudder)
Another was a father who abused sexually his two daughters and beat up his wife. When his wife ran with her daughters and was taken in by a kindly jw family the elders counseled that family and told the wife to go back to her husband! She dutifully did and the abuse continued, the wife went to the police and they arrested the husband and charged him. He went to prison but the elders did their own JC on the husband and decided that the testimony of the two daughters counted as one witness only, and therefore decided that the husband was innocent they even went to The police with their decision! Not that the police took any notice! The wife and daughters were then shunned in the congregation for making false accusations against the husband and having him sent to prison (!) They were even pressured to make a statement in court saying that they forgave him, they refused but it was the elders hope that it would reduce the sentence of the husband if they had!...... years later when the husband was released the elders welcomed him back... into the same congregation as his family! And soon he was back as an elder!