JoinedPosts by helpmeout
21 Years as an Elder, 5 as an MS, I will never be that guy again.
by James Jack ini was deleted as the cobe after i let my adult child move back home and he admitted that he fornicated under my roof while my wife and i where away on a rbc project.
of course the elder mode in me kicked him out of the house.. the elders moved quickly to remove me because i was too involved in "theocractic activities", i had neglected my adult son.. i accepted this primarily because i didn't want to serve with a boe that did not want me.
i was devastated however because it was the only life i knew.
Thanks for posting your story and welcome. I served as a ms and elder for many years. Also regular pioneered and did all the other JW things including living a life full of guilt and fear. I am still in but am mentally out. My wife is not a hard liner but refuses to come out of her comfort zone and confront any issues with the org. My 15 year old daughter is not baptized and has no intention of accepting things that do not make sense to her. Our congregation is heavily influenced by a few sanctimonious pioneer elders who have created an atmosphere of judgement. My long time JW mother has even commented on this. The internet has made it very difficult for the org to conceal half truths and lies. It is no longer possible to isolate people and have them feel that they are the problem when so many sincere people have observed and commented on the same organizational problems. I am thankful for your comments and the comments of many on this site. -
No Natural Affection
by Sail Away indo you remember how the wt society likes to quote the scriptures that say "the love of the greater number will cool off" in "the last days" and men will have "no natural affection"?
they applied this to "worldly people".
even before my exit i, used to think that scripture applied to members of the "christian congregation" too.. i haven't written to my jw mil in about a year and a half.
I truly feel that JWs are living proof of "no natural affection." They teach conditional love. They condition followers to cut off others. A truly indoctrinated JW will not form bonds of love with any friend or family member. They must be ready to cut off any relationship. This is a very destructive cult. -
What is the main reason the Watchtower Society baptize their children so young?
by RULES & REGULATIONS injesus was thirty was he was baptized.
today, you hear of young children getting baptized as young as 10 years old.
the parents, family and congregation think it's a wonderful idea that someone dedicates their life to jehovah at such a young age.
freemindfade: I agree 100% This did not quite hit home to me until this past summer when my 15 daughter who has been an unbaptized publisher for several years was seen holding hands with a "worldly" boy. An elder attempted to undermine my parental authority. It suddenly struck me how much power he would hold if my daughter was baptized. They would take the matter completely out of my hands and make it a congregational affair. I can only imagine the irreparable damage done to so many individuals and families using this unscriptural authority. -
What is the main reason the Watchtower Society baptize their children so young?
by RULES & REGULATIONS injesus was thirty was he was baptized.
today, you hear of young children getting baptized as young as 10 years old.
the parents, family and congregation think it's a wonderful idea that someone dedicates their life to jehovah at such a young age.
It is a total control thing. Simple as that. My 15 year old daughter is not baptized. It annoys the crap out of the elders in the congregation that they have no control. They want to be able to usurp the authority of parents. This is a very destructive cult. -
JW TV is the reason for the hysteria in the KH
by campaign of hate inif you, like me, have noticed the sudden increase in hysteria in the khs right now, i put it down to that jw tv site.
its's far more extensive than i thought it was, i thought it was just 1, 1 hour program a month.
there's a s*** load of videos on that site.. and the real problem, from just watching a clip from each video, is that these guys are clearly "mentally unstable".
Remember when the Sunday public talk speaker didn't show up and we just had the Watchtower study and got out early? Well, that is a thing of the past now that they can just whip on a JW TV video. Sad really. -
Phases of Mental Extraction
by freemindfade inin only the short time i have been no longer lurking but also posting, i have discovered some people with situations and reactions very similar to mine.
i guess there are different ways people get out, some do something and are outright shunned, then they may find ttatt and stay out.
but there may be more and more like me, who are 100% mentally out, but for the reason of not losing spouse and family fade.
Flipper: Your comments hit home to me. I remember even as a kid, when I would get a new toy, I would have this terrible feeling of anxiety that I might not get to enjoy playing with it before Armageddon arrived. It seems silly as an adult but I truly believe that this religion is very destructive on young minds. -
Phases of Mental Extraction
by freemindfade inin only the short time i have been no longer lurking but also posting, i have discovered some people with situations and reactions very similar to mine.
i guess there are different ways people get out, some do something and are outright shunned, then they may find ttatt and stay out.
but there may be more and more like me, who are 100% mentally out, but for the reason of not losing spouse and family fade.
I totally agree with the stages of exiting described by FREEMINDFADE and I also very much appreciated comments made by TTATTElder in this post and others. I am 51. I was born in and baptized at 16. I did all the JW things, regular pioneered, ms by the age of 19, elder by 26. I was an elder until the age of 44. I am mentally out but still active for my wife and mother. My daughter is 15 but she has not been indoctrinated. My biggest challenge is walking the line when it comes to my daughter. I cannot outwardly tell her TTATT but we often share knowing glances. My wife knows I do not believe and she does not give me a hard time. I have to be very careful because any comment or question that is not 100% pro JW is looked upon as negative or cynical. I appreciate and agree with the advice about not rushing things. We do not have to throw it all away. Family and relationships are important. We do not have to play the game by their rules. Thank you for your comments and advice. -
Wt today and funding special pioneers
by Daisychaindream indoes anyone else feel like it was just a way to beg for donations!!!.
the society gives them a minimal wage to preach 130 hours so we should be the ones sending them money and good and clothes.
it's not like they help the community they go to, i've known missionaries when i was younger who were in deepest darkest soith america in villages with no water, instead of passing in skills and worthwhile tools they just study then go home.
I decided to take a pass on that WT study today and catch up on some work. I could use a few donations myself.
Today's watchtower. Why no emphasis on doctrine?
by kneehighmiah ini believe the jws are morphing into a mainstream social religious group.
we've long been taught we had the truth due to our suoerior doctrine.
it appears that the gb knows that their teachings are ludicrous and indefensible.
I agree. This WT study was an exercise in back slapping. We know we have the Truth because we know we have the Truth. Good grief!!
Governing Body Member Gerrit Loesch Must Eventually Take The Witness Stand In Child Molestation Lawsuits
by frankiespeakin inwith many more cases in the offing the zalkin lawfirm will press the issue again and again and force gerrit loesch to testify.
what say you?.
I have been following the news from California. I live in Atlantic Canada. It is something that people I know in the congregation here are concerned about. I had lunch with a Brother from my congregation following the meeting today. During the conversation, he mentioned reports from the UK about child abuse by an elder. I took the opportunity to tell him about this ruling in California. I encouraged him to google the subject. We both agreed that the GB could not ignore court settlements and payouts much longer. By all appearances, he is a very loyal R&F JW. However, he said to me that he thinks alot of people are getting concerned with recent developments in the organization.