One of the ones I can't stand is that they aren't inspired, they're "spirit-directed" so therefore they're fallible.
OK, let's take that word to it's logical end. Spirit-directed = directed by holy spirit. Therefore, their actions are directed by holy spirit. Therefore, if the actions are wrong (failed predictions), does this mean the holy spirit was wrong since they directed this? Why should we trust the holy spirit since it is fallible? This shouldn't even be possible since the holy spirit is from Jehovah and Jehovah is perfect and infallible, therefore his holy spirit should be the same.
And, if the words of the organisation are fallible, why do I have to unquestioningly obey them? After all, their predictions have a 100% FAILURE RATE. If a fallible person made predictions that had a 100% failure rate, then I wouldn't trust them. Why should "God's organisation" be any different?