Hello All, As you know, when JW TV was announced, our board went wild. Many comments, much speculation and alot of negative feedback on the quality, etc. Well, what has me concerned is that I have not heard a peep from any of my connections left in Kingdom-land. Not a word! I'm getting the feeling that they are embarrassed. My son went with his father this weekend out in service and to the meeting. Not a word was mentioned to him either. It is so very strange. What is your experience?
Tv.jw.org - Average Jdub reaction? I'm getting NOTHING but Silence!
by 4thgen 65 Replies latest jw friends
They are probably in shock that they are now in a TV evangelist cult and no longer in a magazine printing cult.
yeah, so far I haven't heard a single word about it, other than the letter being read from the stage. Such a bummer too, because I've got that '144000 club' joke locked and loaded
Like a lot of the changes, these things seem to take a while to fully sink in. I mean jw.org has been around for a while now, but the frenzy with the pins and such has only just started in the last 6-8 months.
Are there any memes picturing Stephen Lett on the JW tv set with the "700 Club" logo in the background? Cuz there totally should be.
Lett speaks to his audience as though they are all 5 years old. Embarrassing to say the least.
My wife merely stated how amazing it was that things like this normally take up to two years to launch and with the guidance of the FDS they were able to launch in two months.....
I like that- The 144,000 Club. I will go out on a limb and say that the Governing Body has counted the costs and is planning further printing reductions and becoming an internet broadcast corporation slowly.
They see the millions made by televangelists and how small their entire company of middle and lower managers can be.
The nay-saying JW's will be belittled. They will lose some people over such a dramatic change of direction, but they are losing people anyway.
Yes. 'Apostates(tm)' were more excited about the TV show than JWs were. A JW I know didn't even mention it. I asked if they'd heard of the TV.JW and they said something along the lines of it being good news.......that's about it really.
144000 club.... awesome!
My mom went wild with glee at what she called "the modern day WBBR" from everyone else.. Silence. Granted I dont hang out with JWs and at the KH its come in after the song and leave right after talking to 1 person so I might not be the best barometer.
If the JWs think the new "TV" is embarassing, most will not criticize it, just stay silent. Just following the advice we all got as kids "if you dont have anything nice to say, dont say anything at all"