JoinedPosts by AlwaysBusy
I speak Arabic. :) -
I feel sick when I hear these reports...and Blondie, I am sorry you had to suffer. My family was devastated by an elder/pedophile 17 years ago....I wish I could forget the nightmare that started with that discovery. I feel for Candace...she's courageous, and I'm sure JWs put her through the ringer, cold and cruel as many of them are. I really don't know what else to say, because it's more than sad and sick.
Wow..... just plain wow! Great report. I feel so sorry for Candice, she has suffered so much. I hope this report helps others to come forward and expose their abusers. I'm sick of the WT destroying the victims and letting the perpetrators go free. I hope there will be more reports. Sad and sick.
Female Perspective about WTS, marital relationship & control
by Muddy Waters indespite my user name, am female.
i was not born-in, began studying when i was around 20, am 50 damn years old now and have spent almost the last 30 years in that stupid religion.
but here are some observations, make of them what you will.
Muddy Waters...thank you for your post. You know, you're past behavior toward your husband and others, it seems, was very much like the Watchtower's creation. But the woman you have become, sounds more like the bible's version of a good wife (t hat's a compliment, by the way :) .
The assertion that WTS protects spiritually, and physical protection is up to the secular authorities is disgusting.
The secular authorities would provide physical protection, IF they were told. My husband thinks the WTS will never change their child abuse policies, and that they will just continue as always, protecting the pedo, and that pedos will continue to flock to the KHs because they have complete immunity.
It's weird how no one feels sympathy for the victims. There is no empathy, no caring...nothing for the victims. I think that, one day, just like the Catholic Church, there will be hell to pay for hurting so many innocents. I love John Walsh, he calls these guys exactly what they are, criminals who don't stop, who won't stop, baby-rapers who should be in jail for a long time.
New Apostate: Tempest in a Teacup
by Tempest in a Teacup infirst post on here.
i've been lurking for 3-4 years and i mean i've been a mega lurker, doing marathon reading sessions for months or weeks.. sometimes i proceed by researching specific topics, or posters; other times just reading current discussions.
i'm particularly fond of "old" post, i.e 10-12-15 years ago.. i have laughed, smiled, got mad, cried etc, just reading some threads here.. as you can see i suffer from some kind of "accute lurkitis".
Wow.... You English is amazing! I have studied languages, off and on, all of my life and still can't speak or write any. It's strange, how we each deal with being a JW, or how we deal with leaving the JWs. I too, love Jehovah, and the Bible, and consider myself a JW even if others do not. The people, however, and I mean ALL of the people, I wouldn't trust as far as I could throw any one of them.
It's funny, how Apostates are labeled as evil, demonic, mentally-diseased, and JWs are warned to stay away from them or else! But what I see are a group of people, hurt to the core, confused and trying to find healing, hope and life.
I hope you are happy! I was a lurker also, and I don't post much, but it has helped to see that there are others who have their struggles, and that I am not the only one.
Take care of your precious self!
Loyalty or nah?
by tamagotchi ini'm currently still in, just recently i've noticed a new face on the jw social scene, this person is still very much a study they are sociable and very likeable.
but this person is far from trustworthy and is rather manipulative already causing small divisions climbing the social ladder trying to gain favour with certain people.
i find it funny that the organisation prides itself on its loyalty towards one another given its many examples published in the watchtower but yet things like this happen.. it make me think how can a study who isn't baptised in the name of the governing body, cause so much trouble among 'brothers and sisters'.
"Makes you think if the great tribulation strikes how many will truly stick with one another and not perform a Judas and how easy will it be for someone with bad intentions to infiltrate and cause massive damage within the organisation."
There are many bad-intentioned people within the organization who have already caused massive damage. Be careful to whom you give your trust. Of course, there are many lovely, and loving people who are JWs, but people can and will turn on you in a heartbeat. Stay away from the 'study', you will only get yourself in trouble.
Take Care
Our JW Friend told by Elder "Satan is using a Pedophile to Break your Faith"
by flipper ini was given permission by a jw friend of my wife and me to post this experience.
she's anonymous and posts on the board.
she is married to a witness still but is fighting on behalf of children in her congregation to not be a next victim of a pedophile who attends her congregation.
Tell her not to make the mistakes I did when my sons were molested by an elder. I made a ton of mistakes. I was bullied, and so were my sons. I was such a 'good' Witness I believed the statement, 'you'll bring reproach upon Jehovah's name" if I said anything. NO one can bring reproach against God's Name....He's God. My husband was very good friends with the pervert and didn't believe my sons when they told him what happened, but that is part of the baby-rapers' game, to gain the trust of everyone so that no one believes the victim/s. NOT going to the police brings reproach against the congregation. Hiding criminals so they are free to use and abuse more children/young people, or older ones is dangerous and stupid. These freaks, pedophiles, are sick and evil and they will continue in their sick ways if not stopped. Don't let this weaken your belief in God, if you are happy in this belief. I have PTSD from the years of abuse I have taken from the elders because of their hiding one of their own. But I don't blame any of this on is the fault of men, sick men who have no feelings for the innocent and abused. IF I knew that a pedo was giving a talk, I'd walk out, but not before telling everyone what he was.
Please tell your friend that she may send me a message if she would like to talk.
Take Care
GB need to go back into hiding like they use to be.
by thedepressedsoul inthe broadcasting, annual meetings, wt articles, talks etc... that show these gb members upfront are killing them!
they are not only making a complete fool of themselves but they expect us to sit and watch them, listen to them and then believe they are the direct communication with jehovah!?!.
i can't tell you how many comments i've heard from "spiritual" people that i thought i'd never hear them say, not in a good way!
You know... I said this exact same thing to my hubby a few days ago. They should have stayed 'invisible'. -
21 Years as an Elder, 5 as an MS, I will never be that guy again.
by James Jack ini was deleted as the cobe after i let my adult child move back home and he admitted that he fornicated under my roof while my wife and i where away on a rbc project.
of course the elder mode in me kicked him out of the house.. the elders moved quickly to remove me because i was too involved in "theocractic activities", i had neglected my adult son.. i accepted this primarily because i didn't want to serve with a boe that did not want me.
i was devastated however because it was the only life i knew.
Hi James Jack!
I have found, in my 61 yrs. of experience with the KH and elders, that the more one relies on the Bible and Jehovah, and the less one pays attention to the cruelties of the elders and the pious pioneers, the better one's life will be. I have never known a person more cruel than some of the JWs.
My advice to you, if you stay or leave, is to enjoy your wife and family, love them, they are gifts. Don't let anyone hurt you and yours.
I love the Bible and still believe that there is some 'truth' within the religion. Anyway, one thing I know for an absolute fact will need to talk to people who don't judge you and who feel your pain. You will find that here.
Take Care
Ms. AB