YAY!!!!!!!!! Lawsuits against the pervs! I am sure there are many more victims that will come forward. Maybe this is the start of the Great Tribulation for the WTS.
Anyway, Take Care,
sexual exploitation and abuse of six young children leads to lawsuit in dallas county.
dallas, oct. 23, 2014 /news.gnom.es/ six young adults, from north texas, all sexually abused as children, filed suit today in dallas, texas state court against three north texas jehovahs witnesses congregations (dallas, plano, and greenville), the watchtower bible and tract society of new york, and an elder.. sexually abused when they were ages 4 through 14, the plaintiffs were children of members of the dallas, plano, and greenville jehovahs witnesses congregations.
the suit states that they were repeatedly sexually abused and molested by an elder and an unknown regional circuit overseer, and that they and their families were threatened with discipline and harm if they disclosed the abuse to anyone.
YAY!!!!!!!!! Lawsuits against the pervs! I am sure there are many more victims that will come forward. Maybe this is the start of the Great Tribulation for the WTS.
Anyway, Take Care,
talking about an article that makes you want to throw-up in your mouth- wt-study jan 15, 2015 the offered themselves willingly.. amazing the psych job of selling your business, moving your entire family, quiting your job to be a "temporary" worker at the new world headquarters!.
throw your livelyhood away only to get the "feeling" that jehovahs is blessing you!
i wish there was away to track the psych job during patterson and other major projects of what happened to all the "friends" that sold and got rid of their livelyhood then and where are they now.. did you ever sacrifce it all for a building project only to be left with nothing after your "spiritual high"?.
Life is too Short: You are being waaaaaaaay too hard on yourself. You believed and you did everything you could so that you would be able to volunteer...because you had a good heart and a willing spirit. Don't keep dissing yourself. I used to dream of going to Bethel and helping, or being a missionary, but I was/am a nobody in the JW world so that never happened. Don't feel badly because you were loving, kind and willing to give up all you had. You aren't the one who should feel badly.....the people who hurt you and used you are the folks who should feel guilty and beg your forgiveness.
AND you weren't/aren't stupid. Quit saying that. You thought everyone had the goodness that you do....you had to find out the hard way that this isn't true.
Anyway, Take care.
talking about an article that makes you want to throw-up in your mouth- wt-study jan 15, 2015 the offered themselves willingly.. amazing the psych job of selling your business, moving your entire family, quiting your job to be a "temporary" worker at the new world headquarters!.
throw your livelyhood away only to get the "feeling" that jehovahs is blessing you!
i wish there was away to track the psych job during patterson and other major projects of what happened to all the "friends" that sold and got rid of their livelyhood then and where are they now.. did you ever sacrifce it all for a building project only to be left with nothing after your "spiritual high"?.
Wow....... sad, and sick. I'm so sorry for the 'slap in the face' to those who tried so hard to help. I appreciate all that you have done.
Anyway, Take Care.
@All for show ~ I agree with your relatives' statement about the corruption. I hate to say it, but I don't trust anyone at the KH. (maybe this says more about me). Also, I think the GB did themselves a great dis-service by bringing themselves to the forefront. When they were 'invisible' the JW atmosphere was of serious Bible study. Now it's a circus and the GB will be/are the butt of many jokes.
Anyway, Take Care
after a one year sucessful fade and no longer associated with any congreation, i was visiting my sister this week (who goes to the meeting to please her husband for now; i am slowly planting seeds though) and they decided to year this weeks midweek meeting via the telephone.
since i was a guest in her house, i sat with them in the living room to hear the meeting.
to my surprise (especially growing up as a gay jw with still alot of anger in my heart over how i was treated), the talks 2 and 3 where on, of course, homosexualiy.
Rebecca 619 ~ Thank you so much for being there for your son.
an odd letter was read at last nights' meeting.
it was in regards to a special campaign for next year arranged by the governing body to go and preach in israel.
the call is going out to anybody that speaks hebrew and english.
@ Tech49
Amen, Brother!
i suppose that this question falls under the topic of "personal experiences.
" so, i have a question for the members of the site: has anyone had any experience with a malady called "chlostridium dificille infection"?
either yourself personally, or a relative or a friend?
Correction: I apologize! I just talked to my son. He said he had C Diff for 2 1/2 months....he has tested negative for the disease, but has to go back to the doc twice more....If he continues to test negative the next two visits, then the Doc feels he will be ok. The anitbiotic he was on, for 14 days each time is, IC MetroNidazole. He is also on a high dose of Probiotics, but doesn't know if they are helping as he still has problems with diarrhea, and hasn't felt well since it it all started. I hope you feel better soon.
Anyway, Take Care,
i suppose that this question falls under the topic of "personal experiences.
" so, i have a question for the members of the site: has anyone had any experience with a malady called "chlostridium dificille infection"?
either yourself personally, or a relative or a friend?
Wow @ Finkelstein ~ I'm so sorry.
My 33 yr old son just recovered from it. My son had a fatty tumor (grapefruit-sized) removed from his lower back. After his surgery, he was put on a strong dose of antibiotics. He then contracted C Diff. He was put on one round of antibiotics, then on a second round as the first didn't help. He was told that he would have to recieve a stool transplant if the second round of anti-bio didn't work. He went back to the doc last week and was told that he is doing well, no need for additional treatment.
I don't know the names of the anti-bios, but will ask him and post it later.
Anyway, Take Care,
i don't know if anybody is interested, but they put the entire 2014 annual meeting online at tv.jw.org if you can stomach it.
it will be nice to finally verify or disprove some of the rumors that have been flying around.
TowerAgent: Thank you so much for the link. :)
does this end with them actually attempting to take over the world as they profess to want to do?
granted, they are "extremists", but can they really garner enough extremist converts to make a run at it?
keep in mind, i have no fear of them.
Even the average, kind Muslim believes that all humans were born into Islam but converted to another belief. So, when a person converts to Islam, they are, according to Muslims, REverting to their original religion. Muslims believe that Islam will be the religion of all of the world eventually. Actually, Muslims are very willing to talk to Christians, and are surprised when they find a Christian who doesn't believe in the Trinity. It is so surprising to them, that they are very happy to discuss religion in a most amicable manner.
Anyway, Take Care!