About 10 years ago, while still an active sister, I pierced my nose. At the time, in my small town, that was pretty radical. Well, Sister Presiding Overbearer did not like it and had her hubby and 2 other elders talk to me. Under much pressure, I ditched my tiny ruby stud. Man, did I cry, to think some awful woman with a horrible hairstyle, who wore knee socks under her dress to the meetings, should hold such power over me!
So 1 year later I came in with a 3 inch diameter radiant star, in shades of blue and violet, tattooed on my upper chest, just under the hollow of my throat. With all but the highest necklines, it's on full display, a symbol of power on the chest of a buxom feminist. When the presiding overseer told me to go wash it off, I licked my finger and rubbed the tattoo to demonstrate its permanence. There was not a thing they could do! I even showed them an article stating that, while undesireable in Christians, tats were a personal decision. I took to wearing v-neck dresses that accentuated it all the more. No wonder they don't seem to care that I don't go to meetings anymore!!!!