In heart beat I would.....And I bet dollars to doughnuts, they would not say anthing about it if I won and I handed them over a few thousand $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
In heart beat I would.....And I bet dollars to doughnuts, they would not say anthing about it if I won and I handed them over a few thousand $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
here is mine and my hubby's.
i might take it down latter so my crazy ex dont find it.
feel free to post pics of you, your kids, your pets plants anything will be grrreat!
Hope this works.....
the first one is my 2 sons in the back and my neice and nephew in the front ( thye are all my world)
the next one is, the 2 older ones are my brothers while the 2 younger ones are my sons
next, is me, outnfree and pettygrudger
me again...
next,my son and our family cats (toffy & Stitch)
next, my youngest son..( he is a big snowboader )
and last, but not least is my oldest son, who as grown up on me....
go on have a laugh!.<.
That is just to funny....We had it cranked and the kids and I were howling at it!!!!!
Always thought Wierd Al was funny.....I also wondered what had happened to him latley....
I am also a big fan of E-bay
back in the 90s (i think it was '96?
) was the first time i punched in "jehovah's witnesses" on google.
the "generation" change had finally flipped me, and i knew in my heart that i would never again be the "happy little jw" that i'd once been.. well, lemme just say that the "vigor" .
Well here is my story in a nut shell......
I saw Vickie Bores story on The Fifth Estate.My jaw dropped to the ground as I relised it was her .. I was trying to find contact of her for many years earlyer on.( Vickie and I were raised together in the same borg, but we lost contact over the years when her father would not let her see me anymore when my family moved away) I got in touch with Silent Lambs, They connected me with Bill....Bill hitched me up with Vickie, ( after he found out if I was a stalker or not-they do their homework very well there) and Vickie got me connected with this board. This is my only board I have ever been on, and I enjoy it here. I have wondered over to other boards to see what the big palava was, but it sure the hell did not tickle my fancy......So here I be, happy and free
What happened to Armagadon coming????
* tip toeing in and out*
ok, i will be the first to make a fool of myself........ i am naive in many matters , i will admit that, i am also gullable.
since i started working at the bar,,,,,,,,,i hear all kinds of things.....most of the time i am sure someone is just pulling my leg and think they surely dont believe what they just said.
a guy tonite asked me for some nabs.........what in the world is that........???
No wig here Valis....Its all pure mane!!!!!.lol...
Oh BTW, I am a Leo as well, pure lion.....
ok, i will be the first to make a fool of myself........ i am naive in many matters , i will admit that, i am also gullable.
since i started working at the bar,,,,,,,,,i hear all kinds of things.....most of the time i am sure someone is just pulling my leg and think they surely dont believe what they just said.
a guy tonite asked me for some nabs.........what in the world is that........???
Lyin Eyes,
In Canada we call our serving licence (ABC) our Smart Serve.....
It is basically the do's and dont's of when and how to serve alcohol to the public....I dont know what your tests are about, but here, after you take the course,( about 4 hours) You have a test to take and it is multipl choice...They do give you all the answers to the questions during the class, so just keep notes as you go along in the class and you will so just fine....
Question....What came first, the chicken or the egg????
hi i am new here.
:^) this is such a large messaging forum, does anyone have any suggestions on where to start?
Enjoy your journey here!
Welcome to the forum...
some of you will remember that i occasionally brag on my dear friend, jann, who has been such a wonderful, caring friend to me since i moved to michigan from ontario over 10 years ago and whose love and support i could not have done without recently when my mother fell ill and then died.
(rayzor is a cheerleader of hers, too!
) well, ten days ago, she finally joined the forum as "kidneybean," a reference to her new lease on life since last august thanks to an organ donor.
Of course we would love to welcome Kidneybean......
Welcome KB!!!!!!!
i received this e-mail from my sister (known here as 'nikita') on february 12th:
hi guys, just to fyi we had a fire that started in our dryer on tuesday night-fortunately, i was home (with ann's baby) and caught it at the early stages and was able to call the fire dept (another fortunate thing was our firemen just happened to be having a meeting and responded before the whistle sounded from the 911 center.
) but, even so, by the time they got here it was only minutes away from blowing as at the top of our basement stairs the temp.
(((((((((((((Nikita & Family))))))))))))
I am glad to hear that you are all safe.....Your house and such can be replaced.....I know what it is like to have a fire....We had one about 8 years ago and it was very children were young and we lost everything...( we had no insurance though)...Hopefully you have your pictures, they were one thing I really was upset about losing....( and my childrens "first" things they had when they were babies )..You are a big hero to have saved everyones life and your animals....I hope your cats are doing well ( those animals are like our babies)....Take care Nikita, and before you know it, you will be back in your home....
Edited to had .....always make sure your batteries are in your smoke detectors.....They do save lives...