ahhhh Sassy,
I missed you too.....
Thanks for the encouragement to come back..
...find yourselves living on this forum??
i love it here.
i have sometimes been on here all day, during work, flipping back and forth between work and the website.
ahhhh Sassy,
I missed you too.....
Thanks for the encouragement to come back..
how sorry i was to hear from dansk-he is going through a very difficult time.. i would like all prayers, thoughts, please keep this in mind ____ for me!!!!.
the sad news he has cancer.it is lymphoma!!!
they are waiting on the results of the biopsy before determining treatment..... he didnt want me to say anything at first- as he feels you all have your own problems & he didnt want to upset anyone-because he says "they are dear friends".
(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Dansk & Family))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Thinking about you
...find yourselves living on this forum??
i love it here.
i have sometimes been on here all day, during work, flipping back and forth between work and the website.
I was on alot in the beginning..... I am just starting to come out of the winter blues...I have really missed being here though....In fact, I recieved many pms in the last few days...It is really nice to be loved and missed here....There is alot of support here when you need it...
so, with our new budget, what do you think of all our upcoming cuts?.
what do you think of paying a preimium now?.
i am very disturbed about it myself...to me, it is like the middle guy that is getting burned again.
You know, maybe I would change my tune about paying premiums if it ment we had better service...
Glad to hear everything worked out well for you Elsewhere...I could only dream of picking up and phone and having an appointment for the doctors in the same day....If it was an emergancy, and we needed a Doctor right away, we would go to our local hospital and "hurry up and wait" for the Doctor to see us...In there, it is the most critical first.....I am also happy that you have a better understanding now for my fusturations....
Does co-pays mean the same as premiums??
here's a short excerpt from a thoughtful local columnist about why your vote could make a difference in this particular federal election.. that?s why i think all canadians, young and old, should take a keen interest in the current campaign.
for the first time in a quarter of a century, voters have a chance to elect a minority government, one that would be forced to respond to what most people want?improved social programs, a stronger safety net and better environmental policies.. .
a minority government is possible because the martin liberals have spent the last decade doing little about the environment while slashing health care, welfare, post-secondary education and employment insurance.
This hole politic thing as left such a bad taste in my mouth now....
I am really doing my homework now to see who really is going to do what they say they will....
Like I have said in the past, the rich get richer and the poor get poorer....
Your are right, when you say we have a right to see a doctor or have a operation if need be....Lets hope they hold up to those promises...
so, with our new budget, what do you think of all our upcoming cuts?.
what do you think of paying a preimium now?.
i am very disturbed about it myself...to me, it is like the middle guy that is getting burned again.
Elsewhere....Here is an example of a over 2-3 year waiting list for a operation....
First you make an appointment with your GP...That can take anywhere from 2 days to 2 months...Depending on the emergancy and if you even have a doctor....For me, it took the Doctor over a year to figure out that maybe I need a MRI...(They try x-rays and CT scans first before the MRI because they are so much money but, they are more reliable....)
Then you are sent for a MRI ( in my case) which took 9 months to get....
You wait another month or 2 after that for the Doctor to recieve, read and reconize what is wrong with you....
You are then given a referral appointment to a specialist, which for me took 1 year and 5 months to get in...
They then sent you for another MRI to see if anything has changed, and from there, they do the worse ones first.....
From there, you are put on the Hurry up and wait list....
Hope you have a better understanding now.....
Scully..thanks for that information...
so, with our new budget, what do you think of all our upcoming cuts?.
what do you think of paying a preimium now?.
i am very disturbed about it myself...to me, it is like the middle guy that is getting burned again.
ahhh Scully, you are always wise with your opinon and I was hoping that you saw my post to give your 2 cents. I honestly enjoy reading your feedback....
I guess with being raised as a jw, I have never really understood the polical lingo...Its all starting to be clear to me now...Lies, lies and more lies...Dalton Mcguinty did make alot of promises that he broke.He should be held accountable for them.
Yes, I also have to agree with you on the part of people taking advantage of the system. Running to the ER for a cold and a second and third opinion is a bit far fetched.They are wasting the doctors and nurses time. That does make sense that it would hold up others vauleable time of sitting on the Hurry up and wait list.This does make me very angry about the whole thing.Then there is the ones taking advantage of the system. They use it abuse it, and then when one really does need it, it is not available.( another rant)
Do you have a web site of an address that we can write to/about Dalton Mcguinty lieing to us like that? I would love to be able to give my 2 cents.
Thank-you for all your feed back...I am looking for a more of a better understanding of our health care system...
so, with our new budget, what do you think of all our upcoming cuts?.
what do you think of paying a preimium now?.
i am very disturbed about it myself...to me, it is like the middle guy that is getting burned again.
I guess I should have titled my post with "Our Ontario cut backs"...not Canadian...
sorry about that......
Anyways, thanks for your honest feed back on this situation....
I really do feel though that our Health care is really starting to lean towards the U.S.A. way....Now that we are going to start paying for premiums, I sure hope that they start to change their ways...It is so ridiculious that we have to wait months and months or even years for a MRI to be done...Our doctors are over worked and the nurses are as well.... I find them really short and stressed when you call for a appointment..
Is it just me or is our health care gone down the tubes?
What ever happened to free health care and the right to be taken care of with no worries of having enough $$$$$$ to be saved, if need be????
Morty of the bittter pants class
Was so glad to drop in and read this news!!!
why is it so hard for a good woman to find a good man who is going in the same direction it seems as though good relationships are long gone or thats what satan wants to lead me to believe
Welcome to the board!!
And I have to agree with Walter on this one....
He is one of the nicest guys on the board!!!