hey Dan-o,
what colour was your hummer???
celebrating my first father's day and guess what!
and i'm not making this up.. my wife just handed me .
removable duck tape (yes duck not duct).
hey Dan-o,
what colour was your hummer???
i want to start a discussion about pit bull dogs.
i live next door to a new neighbor who owns an american pit bull dog (also a female of the same breed that's just given birth to three pups).
when i'm in the owner's presence the dog allows me to pet him, but when the owner isn't present the dog acts extremely fierce to the point that i'm scared of him.
All I have to say is.......It is all about the OWNER of the animal.....
I myself have a Rottwieler as our pet and my parents own a pitbull. They have both been raised around my children and have never, ever, even thought about showing any snarling towards them or us for that matter. They are very protective of our home, children and of me. In fact my children can go to their food bowl and take away their food and nothing would be said.It really burns my butt the bad rap these dogs have been given, all becasue of a few instances and bad owners.I truly believe that it is in the way these dogs are raised the way they act not in their blood line.
Really if you think about it, any dog that is loyal to his/her master will protect the hand that feeds them, reguradless of their breed!
And by the way, my Rottie and my parents Pit bull, they play togther.....
Just my 2 cents.....
my mom had her valve replacement and triple by-pass surgery today.
the operation lasted five hours, and they had just gotten her to her room at 8:00pm when she went into cardiac arrest.
the doctor tried everything, even opening up her chest and massaging her heart.
My deepest sympathy to you and your family...
i saw that jt, the ex bethel heavy posted again.
i miss his thoughts.
also leander has some very interesting threads.......who would you enjoy seeing posting more often??
Rayzorblade,Littlewitch,Countrywomen,Pettygrudger,Mac and of course always love to read Sassy..
your always an interesting read as well min....
it's 5:43 p.m. (est) and we here in toronto are under a tornado warning.
apparently, one of several storms churning overhead, has rotation.. brampton/chincuagousy area has been hit; folks say it sounded like a frieght train, cars/trucks thrown about with trees down, homes damaged.
the sky out where i am is green and churning with weird cloud formations (east end).. folks in southern ontario: keep your eyes/ear peeled.. who says a tornado cannot hit a large city: well, i hope not, but there you have it.
lmao.........."Tornadoes dont have to clear customs/immigration"
The list could go on forever about tornadoes hitting Southwestern Ont
Sarnia, Ont- 1953... 7 dead, 40 injured
Woodstock, Ont--1979...2 dead, 100's injured..( hubby in that one)
London,Ont- 1984....30 injured
This kind of weather as always had the best of me. Not sure what it is, but I always dream about being in Tornadoes with me children....Not quit sure what they all mean,( the dreams) but when we have these warnings or watches and our volenteer fire department drive around in the fire trucks telling us that there has been these warnings, I get very parrinoid...Also this leads me to my next bit of info on the weather....Do you know what the difference is between a watch and a warning?? Here is a link to some good information...hhtp://www.tornadoproject.com/safely.htm#top..( hope it works)
There is some good info as well on that web site on how to be safe if ever one is close by...
Morty, of the scared to death of Tornadoes class
it's 5:43 p.m. (est) and we here in toronto are under a tornado warning.
apparently, one of several storms churning overhead, has rotation.. brampton/chincuagousy area has been hit; folks say it sounded like a frieght train, cars/trucks thrown about with trees down, homes damaged.
the sky out where i am is green and churning with weird cloud formations (east end).. folks in southern ontario: keep your eyes/ear peeled.. who says a tornado cannot hit a large city: well, i hope not, but there you have it.
hey Ray,
Who would have every thought that a twister would threaten the big T.O.??
We had our first Tornadoe evacuation for the kids at school on Tuesday here and yesterday.It has been scary here the last month or two,with Tornadoes touching down everywhere around us.We have had 4 funnel clouds around here in the last 3 weeks.In fact on Tuesday we had no hydro for 8 hours because the twister just touched down for 2 seconds and ripped down our whole road of hydro poles. There was also alot of big trees ripped right out of the ground.Some of these trees were 60 years old and huge. I never quit understood this globel warming thing in the past, but it is all coming together now....
today it is humid again,and it seems to me, that every time it has gotten humid around here, we have been warned with tornadoe warnings...
btw, do you have some where safe to go in the big city if one hits there?
Stay safe Ray......miss ya!!!
are you still "in"?
have you altogether stopped attending meetings?
for how long have you been "out"?
It will be 18 years next month and I still have issues about the cult sometimes....
ohiocowboy.....I love Marmite as well......It is the bomb on homemade fresh bread with butter!!!
My kids take it to school on their bagels and bread for lunch, and the other kids think they are strange....
i found this on another db............. working people frequently ask retired people what they do to make their days interesting.
thought you'd might like to see what happened to me last week.
i went to the store the other day.
lmao....very cute Gadget
first of all, see how rich you are here:.
chances are, you will be in the top 1% or 2% on the planet.. now, consider this:.
I am with you on this one Walter....If I am so rich, where the hell is all my $$$$ going??
It has to be, to the kids......I dont even own a house for god sakes, and have the bank dipping into my account every week.....