Are you still "in"? Have you altogether stopped attending meetings? For how long have you been "out"?
SURVEY: How Long Have You Been Out Of The "Truth"?
by minimus 45 Replies latest jw friends
1.5 years
carefully faded
3 years, 2 months and 29 days . . . not that i'm counting!
- CF
Just about three years now. There are good days and bad days when the guilt and fear returns, but I can honestly say I have been happy these past three years.
I had a friend who went to the convention this past weekend and she saw some of my old friends. None of them asked about me and that saddened me deeply. But. . . life goes on.
Well, depends on the definition.
Mentally, I was kind of starting on my way out by 1992.
Realistically, I was completely out by 1995/1996.
Officially, my verbal dissociation was orally delivered Monday January 12, 1998.
So, using the last date and, I've been out for exactly:
2,346 days
or 56,304 hours.
or 3,378,240 minutes
or 202,694,400 seconds. -
If I do not count attending my father's memorial services almost 2 years ago - Memorial 2000 was the last time I attended a meeting.
After 45 years - that was enough.
Twelve years.
Baptised in 1990.
Came to my senses late 1991.
Stopped attending meetings regularly a year later.
I was still a mere babe in the troof, still on the tit when the milk soured.
14 years
As has been mentioned, it depends:
It will be 30 years some time this year since my last meeting.
I have been to only a wedding or funeral since then; I have now taken to skipping the JW funerals and going to some form of private service.
I was starting the "slow fade" 3 or 4 years before that, with the typical sporadic meeting attendance and NO Field Service.
I'll go with the 30 years.
Lucky for me, I was never "in". I was only exposed to it while visiting my JW mom while growing up (my dad had custody of my brother and I and was a non-believer).