We always have room for another scooter or wheelchair or I am sure Gumby will let you ride on the back of
morty and i started here at nearly the same time... (of course i passed her up in posts long ago!!
but i cheated.. not her fault.. she had health problems and i .. well i kept posting!
We always have room for another scooter or wheelchair or I am sure Gumby will let you ride on the back of
how sorry i was to hear from dansk-he is going through a very difficult time.. i would like all prayers, thoughts, please keep this in mind ____ for me!!!!.
the sad news he has is lymphoma!!!
they are waiting on the results of the biopsy before determining treatment..... he didnt want me to say anything at first- as he feels you all have your own problems & he didnt want to upset anyone-because he says "they are dear friends".
(((((Dansk & Claire)))))
I have been reading this thread for a few days now, and I have laughed and cryed and laughed and cry...
You must be so overwhelmed on any given day to know that you have soo much support here...A good feeling I am sure....
You have always touched me here on the fourm as I dont know if you are aware of this but, you were the first to welcome me here......I have had a soft spot for you ever since......
Your a fighter, I feel this....You will be with us for a long time and I just wanted you to know, that I am sending you warm thoughts, comfort, and prayers your way.....
I am taking my family( hubby & kids) to England in 6 or 7 months ( to meet my family) and I am sure that you will be there for me to meet as well....Stay strong my friend so we can have a few pints together....
Love Morty
as i sit here eat my favorite cereal for breakfast, i remember a time when it used to offend me to eat lucky charms.
anyone else have an experience of things you used to "offend" you??
Not only did that cereal have the devilin it but, it was also out of my mom and dads budget...It was Puffed Wheat for us....Remeber that stuff you had to eat in 3.5 seconds or it went to paste in the bowl and it was bought in giant bags?? It also tasted like stiroffoam cups/plates....We had 5 kids in our family so things were stretched and we certainly never had brothers or sisters kicking down the door and offering a helping hand when times were tough..( even though my dad worked for very wealthy brothers in our congo but, that is a diffrent thread)...Oh, and btw, we also had powdered milk with that lovely bowl of Puffed Wheat (dad worked on a dairy farm where he milked 125 cows twice a day for some loving brothers...imagine having to drink powdered milk and having the cow right in your back yard!! (cheap a$$holes)....
Morty of the, I now buy 2% milk and lucky charms/tricks/count dracula for the kids class
...perhaps even a cliche come true.
or do you see me as bromidic and bright as a moon-happy night pouring light on the dew?
you see, i'm as corny as kansas in august, and i'm as normal as blueberry pie.
what is going on FBF?....I want details!!!!!
This explains why you are not on msn any more with me....Its all starting to make sense to me now....
Congrats six and FBF...wishing you all the happiness in the wolrd....
thanks for posting, i know it took a lot of courage and pain to do so....i truly hope you become "happy" soon.. take care,.
Welcome to the board unhappywife.....
Hopefully in time, you will be able to drop the "Un" in your name
with the double hit of tropical storms hitting florida today, just wondering how y'all are making out.. be well and stay safe!.
Stay safe Maverick....
You can never be too careful....
These storms have a way of sneaking up on ya....
here i thought people would be pming me galore with suggestions of what to include on the best of series.. 1 count em 1 suggestion.
come on people.
any person i should look at?.
I need to be clued in as well LadyLee.....
I think I missed something??
You donot need to explain anything to no one......What can they ask you if your not there? right?
My advice to you, just do the fade....Their twisted minds are going to judge you no matter if your there or not, so save yourself the humiliation and dont go my friend.....
You have your boyfriend that you love, and that does not make you a bad person because you live with him.....Do yourself a favor and save your dignity by not going.....
morty and i started here at nearly the same time... (of course i passed her up in posts long ago!!
but i cheated.. not her fault.. she had health problems and i .. well i kept posting!
It's a date my little Bastard!!!!....I have always been a black sheep...
Mine is Pink though!! scooter that is....
Missed ya...hope you were good while I was gone!!
morty and i started here at nearly the same time... (of course i passed her up in posts long ago!!
but i cheated.. not her fault.. she had health problems and i .. well i kept posting!
Thanks guys.....
I am truly touched by this thread, to know that I was missed.....
BTW Sassy, You by passed me in posts way before I went downhill with my just like that Energizer bunny that keeps on going and going and going.....But I do love little pink rabbits!!
Morty of the glad to be back class....